54: A Wish Came True

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"We are?" I asked him, sounding surprised. He nodded. 

"There's also ectoplasma to try and block it," he answered. "If I wasn't a ghost expert, I would have missed the matching DNA." 

"So what happened?" I asked. "I thought I was someone else and we barely knew each other. I still am fuzzy on what you like and what you don't." 

"The same. It's like something is blocking the memories that I want." 

"Egon, I don't want to forget you," I told him hugging him. He hugged me back. 

"I don't want to forget you," he echoed. "We have to figure out what is going on and what we can do to fix it. I'm not going to loss my sister again." 

"Alright. So you said ectoplasma?" I asked looking at the blood samples. I saw what he was talking about. I sighed. 


"So that makes it so a ghost did this?" 


"So the only way we are going to fix this is if we find this ghost?" 


"Is that all you are going to say?" 

"Yes... I mean no." 

"You!" something yelled. I looked up to see a ghost glaring at Egon and I. It had pink skin and was dressed like a car salesman, a blue suit, blue pants. It had long black hair that was in tangles. It had two feet unlike some of the other ghost I have seen and remember. How many ghost have I fought? Worry about that later Natalie. The eyes were a solid yellow. 

"You did this, didn't you?" I asked it and it laughed. 

"Of course. Ligen sends his remorse of having to strip both of you apart." 

"Ligen," Egon growled. I remembered that ghost clearly. 

"Yes. He says maybe send one to another country. That might work. It seems the moment you both see each other you will remember everything. I guess this time you will have to forget everything!" It took out its dust, facing Egon, and I knew what it was going to do. It was going to erase Egon's memory, making him a shell waiting for the mold it needed to be full again.

"No," I cried, tackling Egon. I couldn't let Egon forget, and I felt the heavy powder on my skin. I looked at Egon sadly, trying to memorize his face. It was hard to do, to remember him. What was his name? What was my name? Where was I? What was going on? I couldn't remember anything. I fell on something, what was it? I didn't know, I didn't know, I didn't know. 

*Egon's pov* 

"Natalie!" I yelled watching my sister fall on the ground. I barely remembered her, but I still cared about her. That dust was supposed to be my fate. She took it for her own. I glared at the ghost and slipped on a pack. I blasted the ghost and it yelled out in pain. 

"You are going to fix this!" I told it. "You are going to send both of us back to where we were, you are going to give both of us our memory back, and you are going to do it now!" 

"Why should I?" it asked me. 

"I might be an easy going person, but I get mad when anyone hurts my sister!" 

"Alright!" it cried in fear. "I'll fix this, I'll set everything right!" 

"One more thing," I said a smile on my face. "I want that night before you caused this to be gone. It never happened. She never hurt anyone, understand?" 


It took out a bag of blue powder, unlike the stuff he hit Natalie with that had no color to it. It waved it all around, and I closed my eyes so it wouldn't get in my eyes. 

I opened them and looked around the hallway of my parents house. I looked at the time and saw it was almost eight in the morning, a good reason for Nat to be asleep in her room. Yet when I opened the door to her room I saw that she wasn't in there. I walked to the kitchen and saw her eating and laughing with the guys and our parents. I walked over and just like when she woke up after thinking she lost me, I wrapped her in a hug. Payback felt good at times. 

"Egon?" she asked coughing. "I can't breath!" 

"You're okay!" I said ignoring her. She stood up and looked at me like I was crazy. 

"What are you talking about?" 

"I...um..." I didn't want to tell her, since she clearly didn't know. The others didn't seem to know either. I was the only one who did. 

"Have a bad dream?" 

"Yes. I dreamed we forgot each other and then you nearly forgot everything." 

"I'm fine Egon. See, fine and dandy. I still wish that I got George back better then giving him a black eye," she sighed placing a hand on the skin below my eye. I looked in her glasses and saw that I had a black eye. I smiled and knew that if I saw our cousin he would have a matching one. 

"It's fine Nat. Now I'm a little fuzzy, what are you guys doing here?" I asked looking at the others. Janine and Louis were smiling at me, has were the others. 

"You forgot?" Natalie laughed. 

"Forget what?" I asked. 

"How could you forget?" Mom asked. I just looked at them funny. 

"I guess we are going to have to tell him," Peter laughed. "He's going to be freaked out when he learns it though." 

"Learn what?" I asked. Natalie smiled at me and yelled up her hand. I saw a ring on her finger, a wedding ring. I looked at it strange, then saw one on Louis' hand also. That ghost didn't, did he? 

"Louis and I are getting married," Natalie told me. Has soon has the words hit her mouth, I was out like a light. 

No comment on this one. Wow, I can't believe that I'm going to make this happen. So let me know how happy you are or how upset you are with me. I just think that it's cute. Peace out my Stars! 

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