51: That's Not True

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I felt a hand on my back. I groaned and looked up and saw Egon looking down at me. I saw bruises on his knuckles, and blackness around his eyes. I sat up quickly and touched his eye. 

"Egon," I sighed and looked at him with concern, "what happened?" 

"I don't want to talk about it," he mumbled and took my hand off his eye. He had a strong grip on it and I let him place my hand back on my lap. He sat down on my bed. "What I do want to talk about is if you are okay." 

"I'm fine, I guess," I said hugging my knees. It reminded me of when I learned I had an ice demon in me. 

"What's wrong?" 

"I'm not meant to be a Spengler," I answered sadly. Egon took my hand. 

"That's not true Natalie. No matter what George says, it's not true." 

"Yes it is! I'm not smart like the rest of you. I'm not even close to it! I don't even know why I'm in the family." 

"You belong here. Trust me, George learned his lesson of messing with you." 

"Egon, you didn't." I said looking at his knuckles again. His black eyes, and I bet that it I moved his sleeve then I would find a few more bruises. He was in a fight. How couldn't I see that? 

"I did," he replied looking at the floor. 

"Who started it?" 

"He did, but I caused him to hit me in the eye." 

"What happened to him?" 

"He's down there gloating about giving me a black eye. He's enjoying it greatly." 

"No he's not," I said standing up. I walked down the stairs and saw George sitting at the table with some of his friends. Most of the family left. Mom and Dad left to go to one of their friends home's and Ellis was glare at him. His family has left. I taped George on the shoulder, Egon behind me, and he looked up with a smirk. 

"Someone else to brag to?" he asked to his friends, and then his smirk fell. "Natalie! You didn't happen to see that little fight, did you?" he asked, nervous. 

"No," I answered, "but I saw my brother. Listen here, you can make fun of me all you want, but you lay one hand on Egon, and I will be mad." 

"Like this?" he asked and slapped Egon's arm, making him hold it in pain, more then likely a place he was hit. That was the last straw. 

"Yes," I growled and pushed him out of the chair with my foot. I kicked him in the gut, and he held his stomach. I gave him a black eye to match, enjoying the look in his eye. I was down hurting him when I felt a small pain in my head. I blacked out for a second. I didn't know when I woke up, but I felt three pairs of hands pull me off of something. My vision slowly came back, and I saw a bloody nose, a black eye, and a few bruises on someones face. It was George. I saw that the hands were police officers and a few of them were holding back Egon and Ellis. I felt the cold handcuffs on my wist and I was pushed out of the door. I didn't even remember doing that to George. I wanted to hit him once, not break his nose and destroy his face. What did I do? 


I sat on the bench of the prison cell I was in. I was charged with abuse, but I still didn't know what I did! I was looking at three to five years at this moment, and I didn't have money for a lawyer. I was screwed. I blew the hair out of my face and sighed. 

"What's our prison bird up to?" I heard someone ask and looked up to see Peter looking at me with a smile. What was he doing here? He should be in New York, not Ohio. I stood up and put my hands on the bars. I saw the others standing out the cell. All the guys, Louis and Janine included, were looking at me. I smiled at them. 

"What are you all doing here?" I asked them. 

"Well for one thing you are looking at prison time and that wouldn't be good for business," Ray told me. "Nat, what did you do?" 

"I don't remember Ray," I answered. "One moment I was just getting back at my cousin for hitting Egon, the next I'm have the police pull me off of him, blood all over my hands. I blacked out." 

"I don't think that is going to hold in court," Winston told me and I sat back down. 

"I know. I'm dead meat." 

"Hey, we'll figure it out," Egon told me. "I saw it." 

"You did!" I cried and I ran over, taking his hand in my own, only the bars separating us. "Egon, what did I look like? What did I do?" 

"Trust me," Egon said, his tone flat, "you do not want to know. It was not very pleasant." 

"Ugh, I'm going to have to get used to this place, I'm not coming out for a long time," I mumbled, and I heard keys. I looked up and saw the guard unlock the door to my cell and George standing behind him. He had a cast on his right leg, a lot of wrap on his left arm, a broken nose, and so many other things. I covered my mouth and backed into the wall. He smiled. 

"Natalie Spengler, you are free to go," the guard told me. "Your cousin dropped all charges." 

"You did?" I asked walking slowly to him. He sighed. 

"Yeah," he said kicking up some dust with his good foot. "I will if you tell me something." 

"What?" I asked, scared he was going to give me a hard math problem I couldn't solve. He smiled, then it was gone. 

"What do you remember about this?" he asked. I sighed. 

"I remember punching you in the face to give you a black eye, that was all I planned on doing. I felt this pain in my head and I blacked out. I come back and the police are holding back my brothers and I have been pulled off of you. Why?" 

"Cause when you were doing this, your eyes were white. Your eyes are never white, only blue." 

"You mean..." I asked not wanting to think about it. He nodded. 

"For a ghost hunter you all do a bad job of keeping your own team safe," he said leaving. I sighed and looked down at my hands. They were hands some ghost used to hurt someone, and they did it. They were hands I couldn't even stand to look at. I was someone I couldn't stand to look at, and just thinking that made me sad. For that to happen, I had to reach rock bottom, and I think I have passed it. 

So I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I'm sorry I was gone, and I promise more details tomorrow. I just got home, and I'm tired. So I'll tell you guys tomorrow. Also, I promise if won't be deleted like last time, go look up jessy_lizzie's Ghostbuster fanfic. I'm letting her mention Natalie, just cause I'm nice. Also helped her out a bit and made her cover. So go look it up, called the New Member. Peace out my Stars! 

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