6: Back to Normal

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"Louis!" I called his name. "Louis! Louis where are you?" 

"Forget it Nat," Peter told me. "He is not going to come out unless he wants too." 

"We have to find him! There's no telling what trouble he has gotten into." 

"I think he has gotten a few dates," Winston said pointing at a table surrounded by women. We thought the best way to find Louis was to split up into two teams. I got stuck with Peter and Winston well Egon and Ray went the other way. I tried to see the middle of it, and being the tall person I was saw that Louis was in the middle. 

"Louis?" I asked walking over. Some of the women there looked at my uniform in disgust, but I didn't care. I was here to get Louis, not be judge cause I work unlike some of these people. 

"Yes Natalie?" Louis asked looking at me. The women who weren't looking at me looked at me then. They must thought Louis was the best right now, but they didnt' know the real him. 

"You need to go back so Egon and Ray can change you," Winston said taking one of his arms. Peter was a little busy staring at the women. Louis took Winston's hand off of him. 

"No can do," Louis told him. "I like this new look and everything. It beats being the little Louis I was before." 

"But you aren't like this!" 

"I don't care." 

"Louis," I said and I touched him. "There is a ghost inside you. You are in danger. Please let us help you." 

"A ghost?" he asked looking upset about that. "Jee Nat, maybe I should go." 

"You should," I said thinking quickly. It seemed that whenever I touched him and talked calmly the old Louis come out. I knew I had to keep talking instead of letting him think. "Come one Louis, let me lead you back to the firehouse." 

"Lead me?" he asked his face full of hope. I smiled at him. 

"Yes. Now let's go. I mean, we don't want you to be like this forever. I miss the old Louis." 

"You missed me?" 

"Of course I did. Who wouldn't miss a sweet guy like you? People who don't get to know you, that is who. Here we are Louis," I said when we come to the firehouse, and I lead him up the stairs. I held him down and looked at the other two. "Get Egon and Ray right now!" 

"What the?" Louis asked when I wouldn't let him get up. "You tricked me!" 

"It will be okay Louis," I told him with a smile as Egon and Ray walked into the room. Egon looked at him and then saw what I was doing. 

"Louis, please hold still," Ray said but Louis wasn't going too. I sighed. 

"Louis, will you please hold still?" I asked looking into his eyes. "Please." 

"Okay Nat," he said and Egon smiled at me. 

"I think I have a way for the ghost to get out of Louis," he spoke up, and I was praying it not be what I think it was going to be. 

"What is it Egon?" Winston asked. 

"Yeah, I'm tired of this Louis always being an uptight jerk," Peter said looking at Louis. 

"Natalie has to kiss him," Egon said looking at me. I glared at him walking over to them. Ray was holding him. 

"Now hold on," I said looking at the smiling Egon. "I am not kissing him!" 

"Unless you want Louis to stay like this," Egon told me and I looked into his eyes. He was having fun with this, I knew it. 

"I never like it when you have fun," I said and he smiled even more at me. I groaned and walked over to Louis thinking about this. I was not going to like it. It's for Louis, I told myself. I placed my lips on Louis' and I felt his shock. I didn't look at him, but I felt the ghost slowly get out of his body. I pulled away seeing Louis sitting there surprised. I grabbed a trap that was on the table and trapped the ghost. Peter walked over to me with a smile. 

"Ugh!" I said not sure I liked the taste in my mouth now. I don't know what Louis had eaten, but it sure was not a taste I wanted in my mouth. The kiss wasn't bad, but this taste! 

"What just happened?" Louis asked rubbing his eyes. He looked down at his clothing, and yelled out in shock. "What happened to my clothes?" 

"What is the last thing you remember?" Ray asked him. Louis though about it. 

"I was on a date with Natalie," he answered. "How did we get here?" 

"Good to have you back Louis," Peter told him with a smile. 

"Louis Tully you owe me big time!" I told him trying to get the taste out of my mouth. 

"I do?" he asked. 

"You had a ghost in you," Winston told him. "Nat had to kiss you to get it out." 

"She did?" he asked. 

"Yep," Egon answered. 

"What was the last thing you ate?" I asked him. He shrugged. 

"Was I that bad at kissing?" he asked me. 

"No it wasn't bad, but you ate something that is leaving a bad taste in my mouth! Ugh, I have to go clean my mouth out with soap now!" I answered walking out of the room to hear all the guys laughing at me.  "Oh and Louis," I said looking back in. He looked up at me unsure what I was going to say. I smiled at him. "Good to have you back." He smiled at me and then I went to go clean my mouth out. 

So Louis is better. Yay! But poor Natalie, got that taste in her mouth. Um, I have nothing to say besides that tomorrow is a special day for me. For those who do not know it, January 27th is my birthday! Yay! So tomorrow you will get... nothing! No, I'm kidding, I'll make some kind of awesome chapter for you guys. I might make it Natalie's and Egon's birthday, but that would mean it is in November since it says Egon's birthday is close to Thanksgiving. Oh well. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter! A music video with the Ghostbusters is on the side. Winston sure can sing! Peace out my Stars! 

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