8: The Trip

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"Isn't this place wonderful?" Peter asked opening the door to an old cabin. I looked in and sighed. I don't know why I ever let the guys talk me into coming on this stupid trip. I was not looking forward to a trip in a cold little cabin with nothing but these four to keep me company. Great, I though and I sat down on one of the beds. 

"This place could use a lot of work," Ray answered wiping his hand over a table then wiped the dust off his hand. Peter laughed at him. Egon sat down a bag that sent dust flying into the air making everyone cough. I stood up and looked in the doors to see if there was anything to clean up this place, and I found a broom. I shoved it into Peter's hands and sat back down. 

"There," I told him crossing my arms. "You wanted to come, you clean the place." 

"What?" Peter asked and Winston smiled at me. 

"I like the way you think," he told me and I smiled at bit. Peter grumbled under his breath while he swept the floors and the rest of us watched. In about ten minutes he was done, but the place was still a mess. 

"What was the purpose of coming here again?" Egon asked Peter and he smiled. He walked over and sat down with us. 

"To have some time off," he answered getting very comfortable in that chair. 

"You call a dirty little cabin a good place to take a vacation?" I asked him and he looked up. 

"I would have thought you liked camping," he told me and I sighed. 

"I do, but I have never really liked cabins. I also don't like to camp when it is close to ten degrees." 

"Eh, you'll get used to it." 


"Hey Nat," Ray piped up playing with a stone fireplace near the doorway, "why don't you go get us some wood?" 

"Alright," I said standing up. "Anything to get out of this cabin." 

I walked out of the place looking for wood. I knew I saw some around, but where I couldn't remember. I looked for a while, and I finally found it. I went to pick it up, but something I didn't see came and I think it bit me. I don't know, but I felt some pain in my hand when it ran by. I looked at my hand to see if it had bit me or I was just imaging that whole thing. There was nothing on my hand, but it did look like it was swelling. Great, I thought. This is what I really wanted. I grabbed the wood with my free hand and walked to the cabin, my head pounding. My sight left me quite often, and it was a battle to stay awake. I was almost to the cabin, just a few more steps when my legs gave why under me. I was only able to brush the door before I passed out. 

*Winston's pov* 

"Where is she?" Egon asked looking at the clock. Natalie had been gone a long time, and we were starting to get worried. It started to snow outside, but Nat still didn't come back. 

"What if something happened to her?" Ray asked looking out the window. I looked out also and could have sworn I saw something watching us from the bushes, but there couldn't be anything out there. Could there? 

Just then there was a brushing sound on the door. We looked at each other not knowing what it was. It could be a wild animal or a bird; something harmless or some that would leave a mark. I looked at Egon. 

"Egon, do you know what that was?" I asked him and he looked at his meter and then frowned. 

"It is not a ghost or demon," he answered looking up. "That means I don't have an idea." 

"I think someone should go cheek," Peter said trying to see it out the window but failing in the think snowfall. 

"Great idea Peter," Ray told him. "Go look." 

"Why me?" 

"It was your idea." 

"Last one I ever tell," Peter grumbled walking to the door. He opened it slowly and then peeked outside. He gasped and then looked up at us. "You all might want to come see this," he told us. We all walked over to see an out cold Natalie lying in the snow. Her glasses were half off her face and wood she dropped all around her. Peter and Ray both picked her up, her head shaging downwards. Egon looked at her, and since we did need it to heat water, I picked up the wood. I started the fire and then walked over. I saw something on her hand, a light pink mark that looked strange. Maybe a little rush? I didn't know. 

"What is wrong with her?" I asked Egon who was looking over her. He closed his eyes thinking. 

"I don't know," he answered taking Natalie's hand in his own. 

"Ray?" Peter asked but Ray shock his head. Natalie's skin was a pale color and seemed to be almost blue. Her hair was a whiter color than normal, but that was probably just the light in the cabin. I sighed and rubbed her cheek with my hand, but her skin was as cold as ice. 

Then something weird happened. A clawed hand grabbed my wrist and threw me to the other wall. When I looked up I saw a blue skin creature with sharp fangs and claws standing on the bed. Its blue eyes looked all around the room, and it had white hair. Or maybe it was fur, hard to tell. It was almost to its lower back and it had something around its eyes. The thing had clothing on, but it was so ripped I couldn't tell if it was anything before. The others backed away from it quickly. Egon took out his meter and I went over to him. The thing watched us with every move. 

"Alright Egon, what is this thing?" I asked him and he looked up at it then back at the meter. 

"And how do we stop it?" Peter asked looking at the door. Our packs were out there in Ecto 1, but we would have to go get them. 

"We can't use the packs," Egon told him following his gaze to the door. 

"Why not?" Ray asked. "What is it?" 

"It's Natalie." 

Sorry for not updating sooner! I was super busy yesterday so I only had time to finish a chapter of RR and start this one! I really wanted to write, but hey, things happen, right? So anyway I found a new cartoon to watch since I pretty much got Ghostbusters done. The cartoon I mean, not this book. It's not close to done! Anyway if you all wish to know, it's Beetlejuice, and yes it is a cartoon. Oh wait, I said his name once! Crap, can't say Beetlejuice 3 times! Dammit! Alright no more saying that name!

Sparkles: What name? 

Beetlejuice. Sparkles! Why would you- AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! HE'S HERE! IN MY ROOM!!! Kidding, haha. The theme of Beetlejuice is on the side! Peace out my Stars! 

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