33: The Nightmare

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*Egon's pov* 

I was asleep in my bed. Cold sweet was on my forehead, the dream that I kept having over and over again coming back. 

I was alone in my room has a child, and the closet door opened slowly. The Boogieman that I knew all to well walked in, but this time didn't try to scare me. He just gave me his smile that I knew all too well, and walked toward the closet. 

"Enjoy your freedom," he told me, and I thought he meant about him. I climbed out of bed and to Natalie's room. I opened the door and saw her laying with her back to the door. I walked over to her bed and shock her shoulder. 

"Natalie!" I whispered loudly, trying to get her to wake up. She wouldn't. Even at five I knew something was wrong. I didn't know. I pushed harder, and ever tried to tickle her, but she wouldn't move. "Mommy! Daddy!" I cried out to them, and they ran in, Dad turning on the lights. I saw her pale skin and the claw marks on Natalie's neck. Mom cried out in pain, and Dad walked over trying to move me. I stared wide eyed at my sister, knowing that she would never wake up again. 

The scene changed, and it was like that one never happened. I was in the front yard working on something. I was tying a bowling ball to the top of the ramp, and Natalie was watching, asking me questions. After I was done, I told her to watch. The twist and turns of the things I was making speed into place. The ball, though, came off halfway, and hit Natalie. In the real version it hit her arm, and she would be on the ground crying in pain, much like a normal six year old. This time it hit her head, and she crumbled to the ground, blood all over the grass. Dad, who was watching, ran over, worry in his eyes. Once again, my sister was never going to open her eyes. 

Next I was in a ball park, reading a book. I heard the kids laughing and playing, but I was only watching Nat who I knew. She was catching the balls, a smile on her face. A short girl came up and was holding the bat like she was unsure of the swing she was going to use. The pitcher threw the ball, and has the girl swing, the bat hit Natalie in the face with so much force, she fell. I looked up in horror and ran over, yelling for Mom and Dad to come here. She was still breathing, but like all the rest, once in the hospital, Natalie was dead. 

I had so many other visions of Natalie dying, but the last two were the worst. I saw Natalie's smiling face picking up chemical after chemical, talking about it. I knew she might not have enough, but I didn't think too much about it. She was finished mixing it together and was telling everyone about what was going to happen when a fire started. Her sleeve caught on fire, and she put it out quickly. Another spark started on her pants, and soon Natalie was in the middle of a raging fire. I start to run over to help her, but I was pulled back and pushed out the door. It took two firefighters to hold me back, watching has men and women were pulled out of the building. Where was Natalie? I looked around until someone taped my shoulder. 

"Natalie?" I asked, but it was a firefighter. He looked upset about something. 

"Dr. Egon Spengler?" he asked and I nodded. "Your sister didn't make it out in time. I'm sorry." 

He walked away, leaving me misty eyed and looking at the building. It's all my fault. Not only did I make Natalie mess up, but I caused her to die. I was the reason she was dead, and everyone in my family had to know. People whispered under their breaths, but I was in totally silent. 

The last I was in my Ghostbuster uniform. The others were around me, looking at Lick walking up with Natalie dead in his lips. He laid her down, and I did everything I did the first time. Yet this time she didn't breath, she didn't regain her pulse, she stayed the way she was. Hot tears ran down my face has Winston told me she was gone. I didn't want to believe him. There had to be something I could do, something to save her. Peter and Ray held my arm has I looked at her cut face, her glasses not looking right. It wasn't fair that Natalie had to give her life to save the planet. Compared to the life on Earth to one life, most people would understand. Yet that one life was my sister's, my twin sister. It wasn't fair in my mind for her to die. It wasn't fair for her to die at all. 

I jerked my head up and panted heavily. I looked around and see the guys sleeping in their beds, the lights off. I look around and saw Natalie facing away from me, and for a moment I thought her chest wasn't moving. I got up to look at her, but saw her chest move up and down, and her eyes closed. I sighed and, just like in my dream, shock her arm. Her blue eyes glanced up at me, and she rubbed the sleep out of them. 

"Egon?" she asked and I sat down. 

"Are you okay?" I asked her, making her blink in surprise. 

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" 

"I had a nightmare of all the ways you could have died. I just wanted to see that you were safe." 

"Come on," she said standing up. She grabbed a blanket off her bed and mine and walked me to the kitchen and living room. She sat me down on the couch wrapped me in one of the blankets. She left for a moment and came back with two steaming cups and gave me one. I saw it was hot chocolate and I took a sip. It felt good in my cold body and tasted even better. Natalie snuggled into my arms. She turned on the television and we watched it. I watched for the rest of the night, but Nat fell asleep in my arms. 

I looked down at her and sighed. I wasn't going to let her leave me, I thought. I was never going to loss my sister like the ways I saw in my dreams. She wasn't going to be the first to die if I could help it. 

This was a little dark, wasn't it? Oh well, I guess some things have to be dark, ja? So I hoped you all liked it, and this is about the last thing in it. Of course I am going to make points about it, since I am having, oh crap I don't want to say! Non, I'm going to say it, Egon and Nat's mother is coming to visit! I was inspired by Nikki who gave me a whole list of things that happened to Egon, and his mother was on that list. So she is going to come to check up on her kids since all that has happened has reached her ears. Picture of her on the side! Peace out my Stars! 

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