23: Interview

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What? No Ghostbuster chapter today? The answer is, kind of? I know what you must be thinking, but I was doing research for the book and I found this really good thing and I wanted to share, so I said I'll put in my little author's note at the end of the chapter. Well it was going to help with the chapter, so I was all ready to write, thinking about it. Then my mom told me to do dishes so I left real quickly to do them, and when I came back everything was gone off my screen, the article, the story idea, everything. So I can't figure out what to write since the article is now gone and I can't find it. I'm really sorry guys, I just think about what to write. I have something special coming up, so I do promise tomorrow will be a nice, long one. What? Think I am going to leave you empty handed? Nope. This is going to suck, but I am going to now make an interview with the guys and Nat. It will suck, I promise, but hey, I get to have a bad one now and then, don't I? Don't answer that. Also the answer to why I am writing this before is to pretty much warn you and say I'm sorry. More at the bottom. Here we go! 

We walked into the studio ready for this big interview Peter made for us. Yes, Peter is making us do something against our will. Shocking, right? Nope. 

"So what is this again?" Winston asked looking around. We were in uniform since that is what Peter said they wanted. I didn't really care. It's not like I took it off unless I knew I wasn't going to have to work too much, or I had to wash it. Which ever comes first. 

"To get the word of the Ghostbusters out," he answered and we walked onto the set. The host, Bill, introduced us to the crowed and someone pushed us on to the set. We sat down and he smiled at us. 

"Glad you all could make it," he told us, the smile very fake, but good. 

"Glad we could be here," Peter said. If you are wondering, we left Ray and Egon at home. He only wanted three Ghostbusters, and Peter said that Winston, him, and I were the best ones for it. 

"So, why don't you tell the fine people out there who you three are." 

"We're three fifths of the Ghostbusters," Winston answered. "Dr. Peter Venkman, Dr. Natalie Spengler, and I'm Winston Zeddemore." 

"Who are the missing two?" 

"Dr. Ray Stanz and Dr. Egon Spengler," I answered, making him laugh. 

"A group full of doctors, wouldn't you say?" Bill said, making everyone laugh. "I would say you need a doctorate, but Mr. Zeddedmore here proves you don't!" 

"What does that mean?" Winston asked looking offended. 

"Just saying why are most of the people in this group doctors? Do you need an education to trap a ghost in a box? It doesn't seem that hard." 

"It is," Peter said looking at him. "Some of these ghost are highly dangerous and some are too powerful to trap in your 'box.' We have to think carefully about what we do to stop these ghost and spirits. Sometimes we don't even have to trap them, but they can just be freed." 

"Sure," he said laughing. "Is that why you let on this woman on the team?" 

"Excuse me?" I asked looking at him like he had a third head. 

"I'm saying that a lot of people know about what happened at your little show. It didn't go so well, did it? I'm surprised these people trust you with a spoon, let alone a highly charged ray of light." 

"It's more then a light," I told him standing up. "We're more than a joke. If someone needs a ghost gone, no matter how annoying and cruel they are, we come to the rescue. We have saved the world so many times it would make Caption Steel- being fake has he is- would be jealous. Not only that, but we know what we are doing, no matter what mistakes we made in the past. So you can go and get a few more people for this show. Goodbye." 

"What?" he asked has I walked away, Winston and Peter close behind. "We had a deal!" 

"Yeah," Peter said over his shoulder, "we showed up. That was the deal." 

We walked away, and I was glad. I hate people who make fun of others just because what they have done or what they are doing now. It might not be the best job, but it makes up for the fact that we get to have fun and be around the people we care about. We wouldn't do it if it wasn't for each other, and the fact that people need our help. At least I wouldn't be. Well, and the pay is good. 

Not the best, I think we already said this. So let me know what you think, a big special, like Valentine Day, is up next! Enjoy that! The promo for the Real Ghostbusters is on the side. Trust me, this as nothing to do with that. It isn't even part of the show. Big changes were made. But it is still a good video. Peace out my Stars! 

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