13: Where Oh Where Has My Little Nat Gone?

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*Ray's pov* 

"I can't believe she is gone," Peter said while pushing his food with his fork. Natalie left today, and we all missed her. Her uncle made her leave just like he made Egon a while ago. Slimer came in looking sad. 

"What's the matter Slimer?" I asked him and he hugged me. 

"I miss Natalie," he answered and I sighed. 

"We all do Slimer," Winston told him and Peter put his fork down. 

"That's it!" he cried and stood up. "We can't let Cyrus take another Ghostbuster from us! Nat's place is here, not a lab." 

"Cyrus won't listen to reason though," I told him and he smiled. 

"Egon, tell me you know a way to get your uncle to see reason," Peter said and Egon thought about it. Than he looked up. 

"The only time Uncle Cyrus let her not do something is when I needed her," he replied. 

"What was it?" Winston asked. 

"He asked her to move some wood for him. She started to do it, but I was trying to find some mice that were loss in the house. Uncle Cyrus told her to go help me and he would get the wood. I don't see what that has to do with anything."

"Egon, I think I have an idea," Venkman said and he whispered it in out ears. It was a long shoot, but it could work. We all agreed, and went to do our part. I just hoped that we could pull this off, or we were going to loss Natalie, and possibly Egon, forever. 


We walked into the lab to find Natalie talking to her uncle. She was wearing her favorite purple top and black pants. Over all of that was a white lab coat that I was pretty used to seeing her in. She worked in one when working with chemicals just to make sure she wasn't burned or anything like that. Peter walked over to her and took her hand in his own. 

"Natalie!" he cried and she looked at him. Natalie smiled a bit and looked at all of us. 

"What are you guys doing here?" she asked and I shrugged. 

"Egon told us to come get you," Winston answered and she looked over all of us. Egon was not with us, and her eyes got a hint of worry in them. 

"Where is he?" she asked walking over to us. 

"He's in trouble," I answered and she looked even more worried. 

"What kind of trouble?" she asked. Cyrus also looked upset about the news. 

"A ghost got him," Peter answered. "We were driving here and when we parked a ghost came out of no where and snatched him up. He told us to get you so we can get the ghost." 

"Uncle Cyrus, I'm sorry, but Egon needs me!" she told him taking the coat off and placing it in his hands. Without waiting for an answer she ran out with us. In the air was a ghost we realized from the Unit to grab Egon. I don't know if it remembered him, but it sure wasn't letting him go. Egon struggled to get out of its hold, but the ghost was too strong. 

"Alright Egon," I called out, "we got her!" 

"Good," Egon replied looking down. "Now get me down!" 

"How?" Winston asked, but all of us knew that how. We had to convince Natalie though. Cyrus was also watching. Nat got a smile on her face and she motioned for us to come closer to her. 

"So how did you all plan to get him down in the first place?" she asked making us look at her. She was smiling then made it go away, but it was still in her eyes. 

"You knew?" Winston asked. 

"Of course," she answered. "I helped bust the ghost, so I should know. So how did you all plan it?" 

"What about your uncle?" I asked and she smiled again. 

"If we make it look like I come up with the plan, he will let me go back to the firehouse," she answered. "After this he won't let me leave Egon's side!" 

"We planned to throw that stream you made on it," I explained, "and have you catch Egon and then we could easily trap it. Sound like a plan?" 

"Good enough for me," she answered and looked up. "Hold on Egon," she called up to him. "I have a plan!" 

"Then do it fast!" Egon called back. Nat smiled and turned to us, and pointed to the pack her and Egon made. It come in handy to make ghost drop something, but we didn't use it too often. Took too much energy and Egon and Natalie could only make so much of the stuff. 

"Ray, you blast the thing if that," she told me. "I'll catch Egon, and Winston, Peter, when Egon is away from the thing, blast it. I'll get the trap when we are ready. Got it?" 

We agreed and I grabbed the pack. I fixed it so I could hit the ghost and so much of Egon. The stream wasn't harmful like the proton streams, but it still could leave a little pain. I shoot it and the ghost dropped Egon in one move. Natalie, being the quick person she was, caught him easily, but fell just like him. Peter and Winston blast the ghost and I smiled. 

"Natalie, now!" I cried and she took the trap from Egon. She pushed it under the ghost and in a flash of light, the ghost was gone. We all cried. 

"Way to go Nat!" Peter cried and we stopped our cheering when Cyrus come over. Natalie looked up at him. 

"I guess you guys have to be going now," she said sadly, but I could tell she was ready to hear the words he was about to say. 

"No they won't," Cyrus told her. "Not without you." 

"Really?" she asked and he smiled. 

"Your brother needs you," he told her with a smile. "We both know he can barley keep himself out of danger. Go on. I'm sure being a Ghostbuster will make me proud enough. You already have." 

"Thank you Uncle Cyrus!" she said and he smiled and hugged her. She got in the car and waved at her uncle, has did Egon. Than Natalie turned to him. "Don't you ever do that again!" 

"Do what?" he asked and I laughed. 

"Cat's out of the bag Spengler," Peter told him. "She knows." 

"I see," Egon said and Nat smiled at him. 

"Best brother and friends I have," she said and we all laughed. I love my job, and my friends. 

Isn't that sweet? What, did you think I was going to leave Natalie in the hands of Uncle Cyrus? Like I would ever do that! Or would I? So, I was going threw my laptop looking through some of my old books I wrote in middle school, like 6th grade. I found one, and I think it could be really good if I rewrote it. Here, let me put the plot thingy on here. 

The world is under one man, Knox. He uses people with genes that he perfected long ago, but he has one person above the rest. She is considered perfect in every way, and her name is Josie. Without a single memory of the world she once knew, she lives in a world of lies told by Knox. Until one day she meets a man from the past who changes her world upside down. 

Not the best, but I think this could be a good book to do after all the other things I plan on doing. I plan on finishing the R series, then, just for dafluffyunicorn, a Beetlejuice fanfic (I'm lying, I really want to do one, haha, blame it on another!), maybe an Avengers fanfic, and a few others. So what do you think of this one, Monster Inside? Cover to the side! Peace out my Stars! 

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