53: Natalie Grey

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I woke up a few days later after lying on my floor. I still didn't know what had happened. I stretched my arms, thinking about the class I had to teach. I looked at the letters on the table and saw one from the dean of the college. I opened it, looking at his handwriting. I was his favorite teacher in the science deportment, maybe over all. I read it and sighed. Those sad Ghostbusters were coming to give a lecher to try and get kids into hunting ghost. A sad path to follow. I mean could you see me hunting a ghost like that? 

I slipped on a white shirt and black pants. I looked in the mirror. I sighed. I always have felt like something was missing from my life. I didn't know what it was. I looked and thought about. I closed my eyes and pictured the man I have seen in my dreams at night since I was a girl. He grew up with me, always looking a lot like me. Blond hair, red glasses, blue eyes, pale skin. I usually told him my problems in my dreams, and he always helped. Yet he wasn't real. 

I grabbed my bag that held my lesson plans and walked out of my home. I looked up at the tall building and sighed. I didn't feel like this was right, but I loved the place. I walked into the class room, seeing the males throwing paper air plans, the girls doing make-up. They stopped when I walked in. 

"Good morning Dr. Grey," one of my students told me. I smiled at him. 

"Morning to you Bobby," I replied and started to write something on the chalkboard. I heard pens and pencils hit paper, copying my words. I smiled. "Today we will talk about the periodic table. You are going to have to memorize at least half of them." 

"Why?" Kerry asked me. I sighed. 

"All chemist have to know the basic chemicals to get what you want. You need to know how chemicals will reach to each other, what is safe and what is not. Knowing this table, you will." 

"Do you know it?" Joe asked me. I smiled at him and started to list all the chemicals on the table, making them all look at me. I knew that table forwards, backwards, even upside down. I heard someone whistle and I looked over. I saw four men looking at me. It was the Ghostbusters. I knew their names, but how was beyond me. 

"Impressive," Ray told me and I shrugged. 

"Here to talk about the joys of being a Ghostbuster?" I asked, my voice flat has I sat down looking at them. 

"Of course," Peter answered walking in. I sighed. "I'm-" 

"Dr. Peter Venkman," I said for him. "Winston Zeddemore, Dr. Ray Stanz, and Dr. Egon Spengler. If you also must know I'm Dr. Natalie Grey." 

"How did you know our names?" Winston asked. I shrugged. 

"So what do you have for these brilliant minds?" I asked them, getting a snicker from Egon. I let them talk about it, snickering myself. Egon glared at me. 

"Is something funny Dr. Grey?" he asked me. I stood up. 

"Yes actually," I said walking towards him. "The fact that four grown men could thing that ghost are real." 

"But they are!" Ray cried, but my eyes were glued to Egon's. His were glued to mine. 

"Ghost do exist," he told me. "I've spent a lot of my life hunting and researching them. I wouldn't have made this equipment if they didn't." 

"They make good bug sappers, I'll give you that," I replied. 

"How do you explain ectoplasma?" 

"Simple chemicals combined and silly imagination." 

"Maybe you should open your eyes to believe in them." 

"Maybe you should check in your closet for the Boogieman!" 

"At least I haven't opened a book to unleash an army of demons!" 

I just stared at him, and he looked at me. Where did I pull out the Boogieman and what was this about a book? He looked at me, then his eyes grew wide in thought, his eyes just glancing at me. 

"Natalie," he sighed, and he touched my cheek. I just looked him in the eye. The memories come rushing back, all of them. Egon was my brother, my twin brother. My real name wasn't Grey, but Spengler. I closed my eyes, all too much. I swayed, and Egon caught me. 

"Egon," I sighed, feeling dizzy. He picked me up and carried me somewhere. It was black, and I as way over my head. What happened? Why was Egon and I thinking that we were different people. I knew I was a Ghostbuster. Why did I say they didn't exist? Something was wrong. I felt Egon place me on a seat and I opened my eyes. I was in Ecto 1, and Egon was in the divers seat. He drove out of the parking lot, looking at me. 

"Something's wrong," Egon told me. I laughed at him. 

"You don't say?" I asked him. He smiled. 

"What is the last thing you remember before this happened?" he asked. "Oh, and sorry I could you crazy." 

"You've done it before. Um, I remember lying in my bed. I was thinking about what life would be like if we weren't brother and sister. I feel asleep to hear this laughter. You don't think that maybe a ghost did this, do you?" 

"I'm not sure Nat. But first I want to be certain that we are brother and sister. I also want to see if there is any trace of ectoplasma to see if-" 

"I love it when you talk like that." 


"So what are you going to do?" I asked. He didn't answer. 

He parked the car in the firehouse and lead me up the stairs. Janine only glanced at me. It seemed that the day I went all crazy on the guys was gone from all our minds. Egon sat me down and took out a needle and took some of his blood. He asked for my arm and took some of my blood. He placed them under a microscope, doing many other things. He sighed when he looked up. I saw that he had my class type, O negative, and his own, the same. 

"We're related," he answered. "We are twins." 

Yep, that happened. You know, I have to you guys something. Well, I'm going to put this on hold after I finish with a few of these. Here's the reason: I'm doing another fanfic with the Ghostbusters! It will be in line with this one, but I have to do a few more of these so it matches up. Once that one is done, this one will pick up again. The only reason it's going into another book is cause I can fit it in another book. If not it would be in this one. So you see this one on hold, you can just look for the other book, or wait. Doesn't matter to me. Well it kind of does... Peace out my Stars! 

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