48: Don't Think Like That

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I sat next to Natalie in her bed. She was out, but she was still weak from whatever Ligen did to her. I was now going to take care of her since she took care of me. She was drinking a glass of water, and looked up at me. 

"What makes you think that I want you to watch me?" she asked, laughing. I laughed also. 

"I think maybe since you did the same to me," I answered, and took the glass to refill it. I walked out and got her some more water and a little bit more soup. It's how we've been doing it, just to get her back on her feet. It seemed that the pain wouldn't leave my sister, but I knew she was going to get better. 

I walked in, and I saw her looking at something on the wall. I sat back down, but then I saw that her eyes were wide in fear, and she was shacking very bad. I took her arms in my own, but she felt cold, like something was wrong. She grabbed my arms like she was hanging on for dear life. I pushed her hair out of her eyes and tried to get her back to normal. I pushed her down to rest, and her breath start to get light and a few of them. I didn't know what to do, I only had medical history in first-aid. 

"Natalie, what's wrong?" I asked her, and she looked up at me. 

"It's so cold," she answered. I felt the air around me, but it was pretty warm, not cold. I wrapped her up in a blanket, and made her eat the soup to try and get warmth back into her. She just looked at me. "Egon, why is it so cold?" 

"I don't know Natalie," I answered. 

"It's so cold." 

"I know Nat, I know. Please eat some more. You need the heat and the strength." 

"What's the point? Ligen still has a hold over me and is trying to do something to me. I don't want to eat. I just want to sleep." 

"Natalie, don't think like that. Ligen is gone." 

"How do you know? We thought he was gone once and he wasn't! What makes this time different?" 

"He has two barriers to get through. Trust me, he's gone." 

"Egon, I don't think he is." 


"I had my dream." 

"What?" I asked her. Ever since I was the Spengler he messed with, Natalie seemed to no longer have her dream. I was glad about that. I took her cold hand and made her stand up. I half lead, half dragged her down to the Unit to show her that nothing was wrong. I made her look into it  to see the book floating around the Unit. She sighed and hugged me, holding me tight. 

"I'm still scared Egon," she told me. I sighed, hugging her back. 

"I know," I said back. "I am too. Yet one of us has to be the brave one." 

"The missing B," she laughed, making me look at her. 


"You got the brains, I got the brawn, but who got the bravery? I think that is the most important one." 

"I think who both share that one." 

"No we don't. You have it. I only have some of it." 



"Thank you." I told her, hugging her more. I knew she was confused.

"About what?" she asked. 

"Being the best sister ever." 

"Thanks for being the best twin brother ever." 

We were interrupted by the alarm of the Unit. I ran over and looked at it, making sure nothing was wrong with the things. I didn't see a thing that was wrong, or anything that was going to cause a problem. I looked over at Natalie who was also searching for a problem, but didn't see one. Then a light went off, blinding me for a moment. I looked up and saw an angry Ligen standing before us. 

"You," he said pointing, his words like acid. "You thought you could trap me in this prison of yours? No! For that, Egon Spengler, you will pay! You and Natalie Spengler!" 

"What are you going to do?" I asked, taking Natalie's hand. She was shacking even more, but from the cold or out of fear, I wasn't sure. 

"Something I should have done a long time ago," he answered, and threw a ball of white light at Natalie. She groaned in pain, and fell to her knees, holding her stomach. I was watching her when the light hit me also. 

Spots covered my eyes. What was he doing? My breath was knocked out of me, and it was hard to get it back. It hurt to get it back. I felt presser on my hand, telling me that Natalie was still holding it, but her hand wasn't moving. What did he do to her? What did he do to me? I fell on the floor, still trying to get my breath. I heard a cry of pain and sadness, and feet running down the stairs. 

"Egon!" I heard Janine yell. 

"Natalie!" Louis yelled. 

"What happened to them?" Ray asked, but I couldn't see there faces. 

"We have to get them out of here," Peter put in. "Winston, you pick Natalie up, Ray, help me with Egon." 

I felt two hands on me, lifting me up. The hand of Natalie never left, showing me that the guys didn't want to separate us. It fell a few moments, making me scared. That was all I had to tell me she was save. The hands that were lifting me set my down somewhere, and something was placed beside me. Someone moved a hand into mine, and I felt Nat once again. Her skin was still cold, but so was mine. He couldn't be killing us, could he? I mean if he wanted to, he would have already. 

You will pay! The voice told me. I couldn't keep on staying awake. I let everything else fade away, all but the feel of a hand that was becoming warmer than mine. 

I wonder what I have planned for the twins now. Aren't I so nice to them. So guys, guess what? We are close to fifty chapters! I have something big planned for those few chapters, and I know that it will be amazing. In the next few chapters we will find out a lot. Peace out my Stars! 

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