34: Mrs. Spengler

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*Natalie's pov* 

I was shaken awake by someone. I opened my eyes to see Egon looking down at me, my body lying on the couch. He was holding something in his hands, and he held it out. I looked at it and saw a note in his hands. I took it but couldn't read what it said. I wasn't wearing my glasses. 

"What does it say?" I asked him, and he took it again. 

"Dear Egon and Natalie," he started reading, "I've heard about all the trouble you both have been getting into down their and I'm coming down to make sure both of you are okay. I should be their by the second. Love Mom." 

"She's coming down here today!" I asked, looking at the calender. It was the second of June today. 

"She is," he answered today. 

"Great. She's going to have a cow when she sees you like this and then she might have a pig when she feels both of our skin." 

"She might have a barnyard by the time she gets done hearing what has happened. Mostly when she hears you almost died." 

"I did die Egon. I just was brought back." 

"Don't remind me," he said hugging himself. I really wanted my old brother back, the one that didn't get all upset when I motioned me dying. I guess less anyway. 

"So any idea when she will get here?" 

"Natalie!" I heard Janine call up to me. "Egon! You have a visitor!" 

"I'm guessing now," Egon told me standing up before swaying back and forth. 

"I got you," I told him taking one of his arms and helping him down the stairs. "She is going to have a barnyard." 

"A dozen," Egon said has Mom looked up at us and gasped. Egon's skin was still pale, the effect of whatever Ligen did still taking hold of both of us. She ran up the stairs and hug both of us, Egon groaning a bit in pain. I couldn't really breath. 

"What happened to him?" Mom asked me, and I sighed. 

"It's a long story," I answered her and she pushed both of us up the stairs. The guys were gone on a bust, thank goodness. 

"Then you better get telling," Mom said making both of us sit down. "I want to hear everything that you haven't told me on the phone, both of you." 

"But Mom-" I tired to argue, but she shock her head. Neither of us were getting out of this. I was the one who spoke more, with Egon throwing in ever few details. We didn't really want to put too much worry in her heart with all of our bust, and when we told her about Ligen, her face grew deep in worry. Egon was the one who told her that I died and came back, and I was the one who told her about what Egon saw. When we were done she was sitting beside me, hugging me, then did the same to Egon. 

"You two couldn't pick a less dangerous job, could you?" Mom asked us. "I knew Natalie couldn't, but you Egon?" 

"Sorry Mom," Egon said looking at the ground. He also told her about the dream he had last night, and I could see he was fighting tears. She wrapped her arm around him. I smiled at him, but he still didn't look up. 

"Don't cry Egon," she told him, and a single tear fell on the floor. "Natalie is fine, see?" she asked picking his head up to look at me. I smiled at him, and he forced a smile back. I sighed. 

"Calm down Egon," I told him. "I promised, remember?" 

"I do," Egon said, and Mom looked between us. She didn't say anything, and she didn't' bring it up again. 

"Well you both like you've been out in the cold," Mom said standing up. "I'll go make you something to warm up." 

"Thanks Mom," I said smiling. With her here I can focus on trying to get my strength up, instead of taking care of Egon. Not that I didn't want to, but I did have to get my own strength up has well. I sat next to Egon again, and he just stared down at the floor. I don't think he will ever get over the fact that I could be killed, and that he might not be able to stop it or that he will be the cause. I took his hand in my own and watched Mom walk back in with two bowls. Both were chicken noddle soup, but Egon's had mushrooms in them and mine did not. I didn't have a think against them, well besides I was allergic to them. it was strange that me and Egon are allergic to different things, mine being mushrooms and his Ibuprofen. We were those weird twins, in the words of my father. 

I took a spoonful of spoon in my mouth and tasted it. It was wonderful and reminded me of the days has a child when I was sick or hurt and Mom would make me soups and that awful Spengler cure with her blinder. I didn't miss that, but I did miss her. I knew Egon did too, and sometimes phone calls ever six months just isn't enough. 

"This is wonderful Mom," Egon told her, and she smiled. I agreed with Egon, and she sat down. 

"So both of you had surgery done?" she asked. "What was it again, a kidney transplant?" 

"Yes," I answered. "Egon gave me a kidney." 

"Isn't that sweet?" 

"I just couldn't let Natalie die," Egon said, once again looking at the floor. 

"So how have you been Mom?" I said asking Mom. She smiled and went in full detail about how she had been, and I looked at Egon. He looked up and I gave him a look that asked if he was okay. He gave me a look that told me that he would be if we didn't mention me and death again. We always did this, have a conversion without really talking. I guess our ability to do this was since we were twins. I don't really know, but I could only do this with Egon. 

"You two are doing that weird face thing again," Mom laughed, and I blushed. Has good has we were at it, we always got caught by Mom. 

"Sorry Mom," Egon said, and she laughed again. 

"It's fine Egon. Now why don't I go get some blankets for you both since you both are freezing?" 

"Yes please," Egon said smiling. 

"Can you get me one?" I asked, and she nodded. She come back with an armful of quilts and things, and wrapped Egon in most of them, and got me settled in two, saying that it would be better for my cool skin. It did feel better. I enjoyed the time I had with my brother and my mother, which was a while since the guys were away for most of the day. It was a very nice day. 

I don't even know where I was going with this one to tell the truth. I'm sure you all liked it though, so that is good. I'm sure we will get a lot more action in the next chapter, I'm sure. Hehehe, I wonder what it's going to be, don't you? I have something planned and I'm not going to tell! MWHAHAHAHA!!! I'm bored, haha.  Peace out my Stars! 

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