18: Hope This Works

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"So do you have the plan in mind?" I asked Janine and Slimer. It was important is this worked or not. We had people's lives on the line, so it was a lot of presser for us. 

"Yes Nat," Janine answered in one of Peter's extra uniforms. She was the one who grabbed it. She has on a proton pack, and Slimer had a trap. This had to work, I thought to myself walking to Ecto 1. I got in and so did the others. We drove slowly to the park Grance was in. The streets were deserted, but I still didn't turn on the sirens just in cause. I looked around to see if I could spot one of the guys since we would need the extra power. 

We figured out that water caused the spell to be broken. The way we found out was with Slimer. He was under control also until Janine throw water at him. That got him to stop quickly, and then I threw some on the person who was trying to get in the firehouse. It worked. So we were going to find the guys, free them from the spell, find Grance, trap her, and then see where that left us. It sounds good to me. A class nine was not going to be easy, and plus I needed to know for sure that if we trapped her that the people will be freed. The only person who could figure that out is Egon, and he was under control. Great. 

Has we pulled into the park, Janine put in her contacts that had made her eyes blue. She was trying them out for her sister, but she told me that they hadn't helped her see without her glasses one bit. So that would help her blend in. I already had blue eyes, so I was just going to hope that helped me. 

We walked into the park with plenty of people in the crowed. They were all looking at something, but I couldn't see what. I looked around and I saw Peter. I looked around him, but the others weren't there. Then Janine pointed out Winston on the other side of Peter and we both walked over to where they were. I squirted Peter with the water gun I found and he rubbed his eyes. He looked up at me with his brown eyes instead of green. Janine and Winston come up beside us. 

"What's going on?" Peter whispered and I explained quickly. The others looked at me with surprise. 

"So we have to find Egon, Ray, and Louis?" Winston asked and I nodded. I gave the two their packs and they smiled. 

"So where are they?" Janine asked and I saw Ray and Louis on the other side of the crowed. I made my way over and freed them. I got them up to date and gave Ray his pack. I asked Louis if he wanted one, and he said he would, so Janine gave him the one she was carrying. That left one pack to go: Egon's. 

"Where is he?" Ray asked, no louder than a whisper. 

"There is a million dollar question," I said looking all around for him. I didn't see that blond hair of his anywhere. What if he wasn't here? Then were could he be? 

"There," Louis said pointing to the center of the crowed. Sure enough he was there, but so was Grance. It looked like she was whispering something in the people close to her ear's. What were we going to do to free him? 

"Now what?" Janine asked and I thought for a moment. 

"If we can get just a little closer, I think maybe Winston can make a shoot that will get on Egon and that should free him," I explained. They agreed and we made our way up and stopped when Winston could make the shoot. He let the water fly and it landed on Egon's shoulder. He shock his head and looked over at us. Grance had turned her back on him, so he left, replacing his spot with another person. 

"What's going on?" Egon asked and he gave him the only pack left. 

"If we trap Grance, will that hurt this people?" I asked and Egon thought about it. 

"I don't believe so, but I'm not sure," he answered and I sighed. I took out my wand and looked around. 

"Hope this works," I said and I let the stream fly. It hit Grance and she cried out in pain. Everyone around me looked like they just woke up, and ran when they saw Grance. 

"You fools!" she yelled at me, and the others let their fire go. Seven different streams hit Grance, and I looked up to see Slimer. 

"Now Slimer!" I yelled at him, and he placed the trap under the ghost. He opened the trap and she was gone. Peter placed his arm on shoulder. 

"Now how did you know all of this?" he asked me. I smiled. 

"Pure freaking luck," I answered and I walked way to Peter looking surprised and the others laughing. I stopped walking and started to laugh at Peter also. 

Yay, everyone is free! I'm so happy! So what do I have to say today? Nothing! Will there be anything on the side? Yep! A video about Bill Murray performice's is on the side. I'm going to say it, but it should be pretty clear: Bill Murray played Peter Venkman in the movies. So enjoy the video, I'm gone! Peace out my Stars! 

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