20: The Boogieman Cometh

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I love it when monsters come out of the unit. It just warms my heart to know that he did. Sarcasm can really get me in life, can't it? So what monster has come forth out of the unit? The Boogieman. Why am I so upset about it? He captured Egon. 

Let me explain exactly what happened. It was a normal night for us. So that means we just caught a ghost. It was a simply non repeating class four vapor. I need to stop hanging around Ray during bust, little note to myself. Anyway, we were coming back from the bust and I grabbed the trap before Egon could. 

"I got it little brother," I told him and he smiled at me. I walked down and placed the ghost in the unit. I started to walk up the stairs when I heard a hissing noise. I looked down since it was the hiss of the Unit. Did I forget to close it? I looked but there was nothing there. I shrugged and walked to where the guys were. They were eating pizza and watching television. I grabbed a slice and sat down next to Egon and Winston. I took a bit and tasted the warm cheese and fresh baked dough. The meat on it taste wonderful and I kept eating. 

"Hey Nat, what was that hissing noise?" Ray asked me and I shrugged. 

"It sounded like the Unit, but I checked and everything was fine. It didn't seem like it had opened. Must of been a pipe or something," I answered taking another bit. This time though, I heard another hiss. I looked around and saw nothing there, and I shrugged. Must be the heat getting to me. 

"Um, Natalie," Winston said looking at me. 

"Um what?" I asked him. He looked down at my waist. 

"You seem to have a little friend there," Peter said trying not to laugh. I looked down at my leg and saw a snake lying on my lap, watching me. I screamed and threw the thing off of me. Egon grabbed it and threw it into a pan he had lying around and trapped it in the pan. He then came over and took my hand in his own. 

"You okay?" he asked and I nodded. 

"I think so," I answered. 

"Where did it come from?" Ray asked looking at it and we heard a laugh. I looked up and gasped. 

Standing next to the door was the ugliest ghost I have ever seen. It had blue skin and fur on it. Its eyes were yellow in color but had a red pupil in them. Its nose was long on its face, and it had ruby red lips that showed his yellow, pointed teeth that were in a twisted smile. It had long black nails, maybe claws on its hand, and hooves for feet. It had on a blue dress shirt with very long tails on it and a blue bow-tie. Its hair was blue and ran all the way to its back and unshaven whiskers. And its head was almost bigger than its body itself. Over all, I think it beat the Ghostmaster by far. 

"Oh no," Egon gasped and squeezed my hand in fear. Fear? With Egon? 

"What is with the oh no?" I asked him and the ghost's eyes landed on us. 

"You," it said in a raspy voice that made me want to cut my ears off. What was worse it was looking at Egon. "You are the one who trapped me in your prison. Now you will pay the price!" 

Then it charged him. Since Egon was standing behind me, it had to throw me out of the way. I hit the table with force that it broke. The ghost grabbed Egon by the shirt and dragged him to the room we slept in. The others tried to stop it, but it simply threw them like socks. I stood up and ran to try and save my brother. The ghost glared at me. 

"You aren't stopping me this time Natalie," it said making me shocked. It knew my name? And it made it sound like I had before, but I never seen this one before. It then threw me like the others, but on a bed. I looked up and saw that Egon was being pulled into a portal, and he looked at me. 

"Natalie!" he cried before disappearing. I ran to the now closed closet and looked inside. All that was in there was clothes and shoes. 

"Egon!" I cried looking at the bare wall after pushing the clothes out of the way. I touched it, but it was like the rest of it, cold and solid. "Where is he?" I asked the others who were watching me. 

"Natalie, we can't get him back," Winston told me and I looked at them with shock. 

"The Boogieman has him now," Peter said looking at the wall also. 

"No, no, we have to save him!" I cried looking back at the closet. 

"There's nothing we can do tonight," Ray said taking my shoulder in his hand, and I glared at them. This was Egon we were talking about! 

"He's your friend and you aren't even going to try and save him?" I asked angrily. "He needs us, and I'm not going to sit around waiting for something to just magically show up to save him!" 

"Nat, let us help," Winston said and I looked at him. "But we're not sure we can save him. Not this time." 

"We have to try," I said and he nodded. I smiled and I sighed looking at the closet. I was going to save Egon, and stop this 'Boogieman.' No one takes my brother and gets away with it. 

I'm so mean. Are we sure I wasn't working at the people who made the Real Ghostbusters, cause I feel like I am that mean! 

Sparkles: We're sure. 

Ugh, fine. So anyway, has you can tell I made use of that chapter yesterday after all. So I kind of lied. I was sitting her thinking, what can I do? What can I do? Then I reread the chapter and I said, why not have the Boogieman come? So here he is! Also you should note that this is named after the first episode that showed the Boogieman, and he is on the side there. So, don't be scared, he feeds off of it. Also cheek your closets, just saying. Peace out my Stars! 

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