26: The Sky

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I was looking at the maps all around the desk. I then looked at the sky to see if they matched what I was seeing. It didn't, and I was getting nervous. If this means what I think it means, then we all might have a little problem on our hands. The exact problem might be paranormal, and it might be big. I took even more notes on the already crowded notebook I was using, and I placed it beside me. I took another look and went to write again, but the notebook was gone. 

"What?" I asked out loud. I looked around, and then heard Peter laugh. I looked over and he was holding my notebook. I stood up and grabbed the book from his hands and sat back down looking over everything I had written today. 

"What are you doing?" he asked. I didn't answer and started to work again. "Earth to Natalie," he said, but I was ignoring him to finish this. "Would you answer me?" 

"Slimer!" I called out and the thing come over to me. I took a reading on him, and I looked at it. I sighed and wrote down the reading. "Now go outside for a second," I told him, and he did. I took a reading then, and I wrote that down. 

"You know you don't chew your pen unless you are in deep constrain," Egon told me, but like Peter, I ignored him. "Natalie, what is wrong?" 

"Slimer is a class five, correct?" I asked, and looked up to see the others looking at me. 

"Yeah," Ray answered and I sighed. 

"What was the reading?" Winston asked me. 

"Class six inside, class eight outside," I answered and looked at the stars again. "This can't be happening." 

"What can't?" Peter asked. 

"The stars seem to be moving," I answered looking at the chart. "None of these stars are in the right place to even remotely make these maps. I don't know what is going on, but I have noticed that the classes of ghost seems to go up by three outside and one inside a building. I don't know what is going on at all." 

"Interesting," Egon said looking in the telescope. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. 

"So you think it is ghost or something?" Winston asked. I shrugged. 

"I don't even know what it could be," I answered. "It could be a number of things, but I am more leaning to it being a ghost." 

"Something else is bothering you," Egon said. I hate how he knows me so well at times. He knows when something is wrong. 

"I had the dream again," I answered looking at my feet. I heard everyone in the room gasp when I said that. 

"I thought those were dreams sent by Ligen!" Ray exclaimed. 

"I don't know if they were Ray," I said. "I just know that I have been having them again lately. It might be nothing at all; maybe just my nerves. But I don't honestly know." 

"Was it any different?" 

"No, but this team I wasn't in a dress. I was just in my uniform. Other than that, nothing else has changed." 

"Do you think he is back?" Peter asked me. "Cause if he is, I want to find a place that isn't anywhere he can get to. Mostly you Nat. You are the one who trapped him." 

"I know Peter." 

"He will hate you after what you did." 

"I know Peter." 

"He might even want to kill you." 

"I know Peter!" 


"Ugh, I just don't know what to think of it," I said looking at my notes. "All of it points to something big happening, but I just don't know what on Earth it can be." 

"Hey, I know you can figure it out home girl," Winston said, making me smile. 

"I just wish I had better maps to look at," I sighed going back to work. I worked and I worked, until it was close to midnight. Someone placed their hand on my shoulder, and I looked up at Egon's worried face. 

"You need to sleep," he told me and I groaned. 

"I know," I replied putting the map down and standing up. "I just don't want to." 

"I understand." 

"No you don't. You don't know what it is like to think of a demon that almost killed you might be back." 

"I know this isn't going to make you feel better, but he did kill you." 

"If it wasn't for you, I would still be dead." 

"I know. Why don't you try and rest a bit, and I'll help you tomorrow on this? I think it would be better to have some help on it." 

"Thanks little bro," I said smiling. I crawled into bed and had a good nights sleep. I was having the dream again, but this time when I opened my eyes, wrapped around my arms, my legs, my entire body where snakes. They were multiple colors, all making the same hissing nose. I looked over them and saw that none of them would kill me. That didn't help me want to pee my pants. 

"Egon!" I cried, making him sit up in bed quickly. He placed his glasses on, and his eyes grew in surprise. "Get them off of me!" 

"Dang," Winston whistled. I felt them move all around my body, and it made my skin crawl where they moved. I had tears running down my checks, and it was too much for me to handle. I felt my eyes started to fade away, my vision turning black. No, not now! My brain was panicking too much for my sense to work, too much for me to know what was going on. 

"Natalie!" Egon cried taking my arm in his own and felt one of the snakes be pulled off of me. Or was I just wanting to feel it so bad that I was tricking myself into thinking they were. "Hold on sis, I'll get them all off," he told me has more and more snakes were pulled from my body. I still couldn't see what was going on, and my hearing was fading away also. Egon said things, but I couldn't make them out. His tone was comforting and I focused on that. 

"There," he said, pulling the last one off. I caught my breath and then I looked up at him. He was looking at me, worry leaving a strange look on his face. "Are you okay?" he asked me, taking my hand. 

"No," I answered, and saw the others were asleep now. "Don't leave me," I said, wiping my own tears from my face. He nodded, and just like when we were kids, pushed me to the other side of the bed. He crawled up next to me, and didn't let my hand go. Whenever one of us were scared out of our minds, the other wouldn't leave and usually stayed the night in their room. I did it more then Egon did, but that was because he had the Boogieman in his closet. I closed my eyes, Egon keeping me safe. Not once did his hand leave mine, not even when we were both asleep. 

Aw, isn't that sweet? Egon does have a heart! Haha, so wasn't that a strange chapter? I wonder what is going to happen, don't you? Will Ligen possibly come back. If you read this book, you better freaking know who Ligen is, or you are going to go and read the New Battle right now! Haha, he is bad news, isn't he? So let me know what you think about this chapter, was a lot, wasn't it? Well, on the side is a really cool song that I think matches a few of the characters I wrote, maybe even parts about Natalie. Overall the song is more about a person I named Sally, but I don't think you will ever read about her. She was the person I was when me and my cousin were bored and made up a bunch of heroes, you know, little kid stuff. Haha, so go look at the song. Peace out my Stars! 

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