55: Well...

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*Natalie's pov* 

"Egon?" I asked looking at him. He fainted! What was the matter with him? Actually I probably didn't want to know. "Egon!" 

"Huh?" he asked, half asleep. I sighed has he opened his eyes to see me. "Oh Nat, I had a strange dream. You and Louis were getting married." 

"We are," I told him. His eyes grew wide, but this time he didn't faint. He stood up quickly and took me with him. He hugged me tight, crushing me. 

"That's great Natalie!" he cried looking at me with a smile. "When did he ask you?" 

"Last night. You were there! Did you forget already?" 



"Natalie, can I talk to you alone?" 

"Sure, but why?" 

"Just for reasons." 

I followed him out of the room. He was leading me to his room, and the way he looked, he had something important to tell me. I was a little worried about him. He forgot that someone asked me to marry them, and he seemed like everything was new to him. This morning he came in acting like I just came back from the dead. Something was wrong with my brother. 

"Egon," I told him has he closed the door. I couldn't see his face. "What is wrong?" 

"I have to ask you something," he answered, still not turning around. 

"Then ask away." 

"Do you really want to marry Louis?" 

"What? Of course I do! Why would you ask that?" 

"Cause you said you didn't feel like a Spengler, and if you marry Louis, then you won't be. You'll be a Tully." 

"Egon, I'll still be a Spengler. I just won't have the last name anymore. I love Louis, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. At least I will marry him, unlike you with Janine." 

"What? Janine's and I's relationship has nothing to do with your's and Louis'." 

"At least I have someone who will admit they love me!" I was getting angry at him. Why would he say that I didn't love Louis enough to marry him? I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't. 

"Natalie, this isn't about me," he told me, getting angry also. "I just don't want you to get hurt!" he turned around and I saw his eyes. He was in pain and angry. Those two with Egon didn't mix. The last time I seen him like this he burned my star maps and said it was a mistake. 

"I'm not going to get hurt Egon! You should trust my judgments! Let me marry in peace. If not, then don't bother to show up." 


"No Egon. If you won't support my decisions, then don't come to them." 

"Natalie, I trust you. I just... don't know if I want to share you with anyone." 

"You're going to have to Egon." 

"Alright. I'm sorry, I guess that recent things have made me see that you are, I don't even know." 

"Yes you do." 

"I guess I always thought you were untouchable, even in your darker days. Maybe you're not." 

"Hey," I told him taking his arm in my hand, "I'm not going anywhere soon. I'm going to stay right here, right with you and my friends. Nothing is going to make me forget you." 

He smiled and I walked out of the room. I felt like I was on cloud nine. I had the best brothers on the plant, the best friends that I could ever want, I had a family that loved me, a job that I loved with all the hate, and I was getting married to the greatest man on the plant. Sure I had all those crazy things that happened, but that was my job! 

I knew that nothing would ever hold me back on my life. I knew that no matter what those ghost and demons had planned for me, I could handle it. I was Dr. Natalie Spengler after all! I was a scientist and a Ghostbuster. I was that person little girls wanted to be one day. I guess I was a hero to everyone. 

I don't know why though. What made me special, that I carry a bomb on my back? Great, well is that it? I bust ghost and kids get happy. Heck, adults do to! I wasn't anything special. I just got the job and knew how to do it. If that makes me a hero, alright. If it doesn't, I'm okay with that also. 

All I knew was that it was going to take a lot to bring my mood down. Nothing was going to knock me off my cloud. 

So, Natalie and Louis are getting married. Well if I didn't have another book coming up! That's right, this was the last chapter till the Final Battle started! Tomorrow you will get to read all the awesomeness I have planned for that book. Here's a note for you guys though: THIS BOOK IS NOT OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you get that or am I going to have to repeat myself? Haha, I hope not. 

Sparkles: What do I need to know? 

Ugh, alright, for you people who skipped that. THIS BOOK IS NOT OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better? 

Sparkles: I got the picture. 

Ginger: I didn't. 

Who are you?!?!?! 

Sparkles: My wife. 

When did you get married?!?!?!?! 

Sparkles: Last week. Why? 

You should have, oh I don't know, told me! No wonder my milk has been disappearing all of a sudden. (Bad jokes over) So really, I just have to wait and see what the future will hold. The book I have planned will be mentioned in this one, just won't be in this one. Wait, what? (Maybe not...) 

Peace out my Stars! 

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