47: I Don't Know Anymore

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"So what do you plan on doing?" Peter asked me. We were sitting around Janine's desk, the others waiting for me to come up with a plan. I had one, but I wasn't sure it was a good one. 

"If we threw the book in the Unit, that should trap Ligen," I told them. "If Ligen is gone, then Natalie should be able to wake up." 

"Are you sure?" Ray asked me. I looked at my hands. 

"It's the best I have," I answered. They stared at me. 

"If you say it will work, then I trust you," Winston said, making me smile. I stood up, and I went up and grabbed the book. I looked at it. How could something that seemed so harmless cause so much trouble on us? Not even all of us, just Nat and I. I carried it off, and went down to were teh others were waiting. 

"You ready?" Ray asked and I nodded. After a few turns and clicks on the Unit, the book was sucked into the Unit. I watched it go in, and I sighed when it was gone. I ran up the stairs and into the car, driving to the hospital. My plan should have worked. Natalie would be up when I got in there. 

I walked up to her room, ready to hear Nat's voice, telling me I did a good job. I walked in, but I saw Mom crying into Dad shoulder, Uncle Cyrus holding Ellis, tears covering their eyes. Natalie laid in the bed, the heart monitor still going. I walked in looking at them, worried about what was wrong. 

"Egon," Mom sighed and walked over to me, still crying. 

"Mom?" I asked her. "What's wrong?" 

"The doctors ran more test," Dad answered, looking down. "They did all they could, but they couldn't do a thing to stop it." 

"Stop what?" I asked, scare about the answer. 


"Natalie's what?" I asked, looking around. 

"Natalie's not going to wake up Egon," Ellis answered. "She's never going to get up." 

"What?" I asked, staring at all of them. 

"She has gotten worse since you left," Uncle Cyrus told me. "She is only going to get worse." 

"No, but I got rid of the book!" I cried staring at her. "I did everything I could to get rid of him! She should be waking up! No!" I sobbed and fell into the chair next to Natalie's bed. What was I going to do now? Natalie had to wake up. She had to. She promised me that she wouldn't leave me, never. She could break every other promise, just not this one. What was I going to do now? I didn't know anymore. I couldn't figure it out. 

I placed my head into my hands, crying for my sister that was going to die. Ligen did it, I thought. He kept his promise. I was going to have to watch my sister die, watch her fade away in this bed. I didn't know what to do. 

I felt a hand on mine, but I didn't look up. The hand made circles around my hand, but I couldn't figure out who it was. It didn't feel like Dad's or Uncle Cyrus. It wasn't Mom's or Ellis'. So whose was it? 

"Don't cry Egon," I heard a weak, gentle voice tell me. I looked up to see Natalie's blue eyes opened slightly, a smile on her face. "I'm up. Don't cry." 

"Natalie?" I asked, looking at her. 

"Yep," she answered, and held her arms opened. I hugged her, not too hard, but enough to let her know I missed her like crazy. 

"How?" Uncle Cyrus asked. I looked up, seeing a smile on everyone's face. "They said you were going to die. Not that I'm upset about it." 

"I don't know," Natalie said. "I felt like I was lost and in the dark. Then I heard someone call my name, telling me where to go and how to get back. The last thing I remember is Ligen standing over me, then next, I'm looking at all of you crying." She looked around the room. "Where am I?" 

"The hospital," Ellis answered. "That demon or whatever put you in a coma. You were out for a good two, three days." 

"What?" she asked. 

"Natalie!" I heard someone cry, and looked up to see the guys and Janine standing in the door way. Louis had a huge grin on his face, and he walked in, taking Natalie other hand. She smiled back, blushing a bit. She pulled him in and kissed him, something she doesn't normally do. Then again, if I was in the bed and had someone, I might kiss them also. 

"So it is true," Ellis said, laughing. "Louis Tully, right?" 

"Um, yes," Louis answered when Natalie let him go. She glared at him, but had a joke in her eyes. 

"You hurt one hair on his head Ellis, I swear I'll-" she threatened, trying not to laugh. 

"I'm kidding!" he said holding his hands up. 

"So it worked?" Peter asked, and I shock my head at him. 

"No Peter, she just thought it would be fun to open her eyes for a bit," I told him. "She's going back in a few minutes. Of course it worked!" 

"Could of just said yes," he mumbled. 

"That wouldn't have been funny," Winston told him, laughing. Natalie smiled at us. 

"What?" Mom asked her. She just smiled a lot more. 

"Just didn't know I had this many people who cared about me," she answered, and I took her hand. I looked into her eyes, seeing that she was wondering about something. I smiled at her. 

"It's hard not to care about you," I told her. "It's hard not to." 

Isn't that sweet. What, you thought I was going to kill her? What kind of a sick person do you think I am? Ugh, I am hurt by the notion of you thinking I was going to kill her! 

Sparkles: You planned on it though. You just changed it since- 

Sparkles!!!!! Ugh, you need to stop being (From Freaking Fred or whatever since I can't think of his name. Off Courage the Cowardly Dog) noooooootty (Right? I fail). Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter! Peace out my Stars! 

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