31: Egon!

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I was pacing the cage waiting for Ligen to bring Egon back. It has been almost five hours since they left. I figured he would be back by now, and that I could see if Egon was safe or not. I looked up when the door were opened, and in came Ligen holding something stiff in his hands. I couldn't see it, but it didn't look good. He opened the cage and sat Egon down and carried something over to his throne. I ran over to my unconscious brother and looked at him. 

He didn't have any cuts. He didn't have any bruises. He looked fine. Yet when he opened his eyes, I could see they were tired and just wanted to sleep. 

"Egon," I sighed taking his hand which was cold to the touch, "what did he do to you?" 

"He took me o-outsi-ide," Egon stammered his whole body shacking. He was scared. My brother, the person who told the Boogieman to kill him to save his sister, the person who watched a ghost pick him up just to get me to come home, the man who is the bravest Ghostbuster, was now scared. I didn't think that could happen. 

"Egon, nothing's gong to get you now. I won't let them." 

"I-I don't-t think-nk you can st-stop them N-n-natalie."  

"I can try Egon. Just calm down. Please Egon, I don't like seeing you this way. You need to smile, to be happy. Just calm down. Listen to my voice, and fall asleep, Egon. Will you go sleep for me?" 

"Of c-course," Egon said closing his eyes and fell asleep. I'm sure he was never going to forget whatever made him so scared and that it was going to effect him greatly. I knew that I was going to have to get him out of here if I wanted to keep him safe, but how I was going to do it was beyond me. 

"Ligen," I called and he walked over. "I have a question about the dome." 

"What would that be Natalie Spengler?" he asked glancing at Egon. It took all my will not to hit him. 

"What would happen if the glass breaks?" 

"Then I would no longer have control over you or Egon. You would be free, and I wouldn't be able to ever get you again. Why?" 

"No reason," I said eyeing the glass. If only I had something to break it with. I walked over to Egon again, and placed my hand on his cold face. He needed a blanket and something to keep him warm. I told Ligen that and he just laughed. He left the glass on his throne and walked out the door. I had to get Egon back home to take care of him, not a cage in a book. I walked around the cage for something to hit the bubble with, but I didn't find anything. I remembered something in the back of my mind, but I couldn't think of it. 

I sat down next to Egon, whose skin was getting colder every minute. I had to think. The thought came out my like a baseball hitting my head. I walked to the far end of the cage and held up a long, golden pole. It was from the cage, and it fell. I picked it up, and walked over to the side I could clearly get a shoot at the dome. I held the gold in my hand and knew I only had one shoot to hit the glass. I pulled back and let the pole fly threw the air. In one motion it was in the air, the next it was breaking glass, making the whole thing shatter. 

"Yes!" I cried throwing my hands in the air. I heard the door bust open, but I already felt something being pulled from me. I heard Egon groan, and knew he felt it too. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him to get warmth back into his cold skin. I think that maybe he was more sick than he was scared. Red smoked surrounded us, and I closed my eyes. The next moment we were sitting in the firehouse, Peter, Ray, and Winston looking at something, then at us. 

"Natalie!" Ray cried and ran over and wrapped his arms around me. He didn't even see Egon. None of them did. Louis and Janine stood up and ran over to me also and hugged me. 

"Where's Egon?" Janine asked, and I helped my brother to his feet. He mumbled something, but I didn't hear it. I half carried, half dragged him to his bed and placed him on it. I covered him up with blankets and probate his head He half opened his eyes, and looked up at me. 

"I'm so c-cold," he told me and I nodded. 

"I'll get you warm Egon," I replied and he nodded. Peter walked in carrying something in his hands. It was a bowl with steam coming out of it. He gave it to me, and then the guys stripped their beds of the sheets and I did two, all of us covering Egon. I placed a spoonful of the soup that Peter gave me into Egon's mouth, and he smiled faintly up at us. 

"It's s-so g-ood to-to be hom-me," he laughed and I laughed with him. We all did. I feed him the soup, and he looked like he used to, and his skin was no longer cold to the touch. It was cool, but it wasn't like ice. 

"So what happened?" Winston asked us. I was sitting on Egon's bed, and his head was up on a few pillows to see all of us. Janine was holding his hand, and I noticed he didn't seem to want to move his hand from hers. Louis was sitting at my feet, rubbing my leg since I was a little cold also. I had one of Egon's blankets wrapped around my shoulder. The others were sitting on mine and Peter's bed to see us. 

"It's a long story," I said looking at Egon. He smiled. I told them everything that I thought they should know. They didn't need to know everything, so I kept some of the questions we asked each other under lock and key. I did tell Janine what Egon said and she squealed like a school girl, making Egon smile. The rest of us laughed. 

"I'm glad you are both okay," Winston said and Peter walked over. 

"We all are," he agreed making me stand up. "We didn't even think about the book. Now both of you are going to rest and go to sleep," he told us making me lay down. 

"What?" I asked. "I'm fine!" 

"Says the girl whose skin feels like fall wind," Louis laughed and kissed me on the lips. I smiled. 

"Fine," I said wrapping the blanket around my body. "Good night everyone." 

"Good night," Egon told them, taking the pillows out from under his head, all but his own. 

"Good night," they all said leaving the room. It was just Egon and I. 

"Natalie?" Egon asked looking at me. 

"Yes?" I asked. He looked down at the floor. 

"I'm scared." 

"I know. I can't even imagine what you saw. Want me to come over their?" 

"Yes please." 

I stood up and crawled under Egon's four blankets, and Egon wrapped his arms around me. Out of worry or trying to get warmth was something I didn't know. I didn't mind; I was home and I had Egon with me. Ligen could no longer bother me, and I was grateful of that. I closed my eyes and fall asleep. 

Yay, Egon and Natalie are okay! Isn't that sweet? So I hoped you enjoy that long story line, and enjoy the more funny, awesome ones too come. Hey, let me know if you have an idea for me, cause I will write it, hopefully. So I hoped you liked it. Nothing on the side since I think that all of this was a good enough treat, and cause I don't really have an idea of what to put on here. Peace out my Stars! 

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