43: Egon's Gone Bye-Bye!

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"We have to do what?" Peter half asked half yelled at Egon. Egon was messing with the Unit trying to figure out how to let the Big Guy out. 

"We have to let the Big Guy out," Egon answered. 

"Egon, are you sure?" Ray asked. I was starting to think Egon didn't have a better idea and was just trying things till they stopped that ghost. I've never seen Egon take a desperate move, but I think this was the only thing his huge brain could come up with. 

"I'm sure," he answered, not really giving me a reason to say what I was thinking. 

"But the Big Guy?" Winston asked. Egon just nodded. Peter sighed. 

"Well Egon's gone bye-bye!" he cried and I placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked up, but then back down again. 

"Egon, are you sure that this is the only way?" I asked, my voice calm, not like the others. I knew that he was upset that the others doubt what he was doing, but I was just making sure he was doing what he thought best. 

"I'm sure Nat," he told me looking up, his eyes pleading with me to see he knew he that he was right and that he was doing what he thought was best. I smiled at him. 

"Then let's hear how we get the Stay puff-Marshmallow Man out." 

"How we usually do," he said placing something on Slimer. "You know what to do." 

Slimer nodded and went in the trap Egon laid down. He placed Slimer in the Unit and we waited. We watched Slimer go all around the place until he found the huge marshmallow man, and he showed him the way out. The Big Guy was realized, and we were standing under him. He smiled at us and saw me. 

"Whose this?" he asked Slimer and Slimer smiled. 

"A Ghostbuster!" Slimer cried happily making the Big Guy smile. 

"What do you need?" Slimer asked, and we all climbed into Ecto 1. Ecto 2 would be really helpful, but we had to repair it first. We drove to where the ghost was causing so much damage on the building we has crashed on. 

The plan was that Staypuff was going to fight the ghost and get it weak, then we were going to zap it and trap it. I knew that we were all going crazy since we all were going alone with the plan, but I liked crazy people. They made me smile. I was standing next to Ray, waiting for Egon to give the signal. Ray was going to be the one to throw the trap. He seemed very happy about it. 

"There's the Big Guy," Ray said pointing. I looked up and saw him. He was coming close to the ghost, and when the ghost saw him, it growled at him. Staypuff was hit with on of those large hands, and he growled at him. The Big Guy threw a punch which knocked the ghost down. They did this for a few minutes, but Staypuff Marshmallow man was much better at this fighting. I saw Egon give us the signal- he took off his glasses and beamed the light at us- and I looked at Ray. 

"You know this is usually the time you and Egon find flaw in a plane," I told him and let my stream fly. It hit the ghost, but didn't seem to do a thing. 

"That might be the flaw you were looking for," Ray told me. I gulped has the thing found me and I looked over at Peter, Winston, and Egon, then back at Ray. 

"I don't think it likes me," I told him. A hand almost killed me. 

"Not one bit," Ray replied and grabbed my waist and dragged me down the stairs. When we were close, the monster hit part of the building. Being on the stairs, Ray and I lost our balance and full from the building. We were a good thirty feet up. Ray was still holding on to my waist, but instead of pavement that I thought would be under me, I felt a soft, kind of sticky substance under my hand. A little got on my hand and I smiled it. It was marshmallows, Staypuff. I looked up and saw the ghost smile at us. 

"No one hurts my friends," the white ghost told the other one. The Big Guy placed us next to Peter and Winston, but I couldn't see Egon. I looked down to watch the fight, and looked at the others. 

"Where's Egon?" I asked still not seeing him. Peter pointed and I saw Egon getting ready to throw the trap. 

"When Egon see the thing fall he is going to try a trap," Winston told me, and I watched Egon do what he planned. When the ghost fell, Egon threw a trap under it, and pressed the stomp. The ghost was gone in a matter of seconds. 

We all ran over to Egon, and I placed my arms around his shoulder. He didn't say a word, but I could tell he was tired. He needed to go home and rest, taking a nice little break from stopping all the ghost. It seemed that after the little girl let us go, Egon has gone non stop. I was getting worried about my little brother. The others walked down to go get the trap but Egon and I stayed up for a few moments. 

"Are you okay?" I asked him. "You seemed worried about something." 

"I am," he answered, but I couldn't tell for which one. I started to walk away when I felt Egon grab my waist, holding me back. 

"Egon?" I asked him, but he wasn't looking at me. I didn't see where he was looking. His gripe tightened. "Egon, you're hurting me! Let go!" His gripe didn't loss its tightness. "Egon, snap out of it!" I cried and snapped my fingers in front of his face. He blinked a few times then looked at me. He saw his hand in wrapped around my waist and let go quickly. He looked up at me with pure sorrow on his face. 

"Natalie," he told me seeing the red marks that his hand left, "I'm sorry. I just blacked out for a few moments. I can't explain it. I'm so sorry." 

"Egon?" I asked when he turned his head. I placed my hand on his shoulder and turned him around. "What is wrong?" 

"I don't know," he said, sounding like he was trying not to scream. I placed my other hand on his face. 

"What are they?" I asked, and he looked confused. "Your dreams." 

"The same," he answered looking down, "but this time all I can hear is Ligen's laugh, him making promises to me." 

"What are the promises?" 

"That all my life will be better if you die. That if you die that I will be happier, that if you die I will feel much better and that I wouldn't have a target over my head. He told me that I would watch my sister die and there would be nothing I can do about it. Nothing I can do," he said, almost like Egon's soul was gone, almost like he was just a shell and not a person. The way he looked forward and not at me, the dark circles under his eyes. He was a mess, and it was my fault. I was the reason that Egon was in such a bad shape, just because I couldn't help him. I took his hand in mine and helped him down the stairs. The guys started to ask, but I shock my head, showing them that it was not a good time. 

Peter was right. Egon's gone bye-bye, and there is not a thing we can do but hope he comes back. 

I wonder what is wrong with Egon? Um, don't we all? I do know, but I can't tell you or else that would kind of destroy the purpose of doing this book! Haha, so let me know what you think! Oh, and Egon's gone bye-bye ;) Hehe. Peace out my Stars! 

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