49: It Wasn't Real

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*Natalie's pov* 

I awoke to a strange sound. I sat up, but the thing below my was strange. I looked at it, but all I saw was green. I was lying on grass. I looked around, but all I saw were stones sticking out of the ground. I passed them, and saw names written on them. Were was I? 

I sighed and looked at my hands. I could see through them. I looked around and found a mirror in one of the stones. My face was a sick pale color, a strange glow to my skin. I looked in my eyes, seeing a very strange glow to them. I tried to touch the glass, but my hand went straight through it. My eyes got wide in fear. I knew what this means. I was a ghost. 

"No," I said, my voice sounding forced and sick. I did the only thing I could think to do. I ran away from the mirror. I was running for what seemed like hours before I looked down and saw I didn't have my feet on the ground. I screamed, not wanting it to be true. To be a ghost I had to be dead. It was a little ironic that me, a Ghostbuster, was now a ghost. Yet it was sad in my mind.

I floated around for a while thinking. How did I die? The last thing I remember is holding Egon's hand, but I couldn't remember why. I stopped moving when I heard crying. I was behind a tree, and I picked around it. Still getting used to being a ghost. I saw a funeral. 

I looked around and saw two coffins with two people who looked the same. One had a pompadour for his blond hair style. He had red glasses on, and he had a pink shirt on and I saw his long legs had on brown pants. The other coffin held a female. She had a ponytail and purple glasses. Her shirt was a purple color, lighter then the glasses, and the part I could see of her pants were black. It was Egon and I. Egon was dead? Am I the one who become a ghost? Was I that terrible that I had to stay on Earth has a ghost? What happen to us? 

I saw Mom crying into Dad's shoulder, tears in his eyes. Two of their three children were now dead. I looked around and saw Elise talking to one of my aunts, but I was looking at Janine. She was in a chair crying her eyes out, only looking at Egon's dead body. I sighed. She never did get her happy ending. It was so sad; it broke my heart to see her tears. My eyes glanced at Louis, but I couldn't look at him. He was crying also, not taking his eyes off my body. I never could give him his happy ending. I never would be giving him one. I couldn't help but feel guilty about. I looked and saw the guys looking at us, tears on their eyes. Peter placed a flower on Egon's breathless chest, and Ray put one on mine. I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. I wanted to call their names, but they were ghost hunters, and that would mean getting caught. I didn't know if I was able to convince them I was Natalie. Plus it might just hurt even more that I was here has a ghost when I shouldn't even be dead. I don't think so. 

"Would anyone like to say some words about the late Spengler twins?" the preacher asked. I smiled. We might not show it, but my family was Jewish. Of course they got a preacher. Egon could believe in ghost, but God? Nope. It wasn't easy for me either. 

"I would," Peter spoke up. I groaned a bit, not wanting to hear what he was going to say. I was about to leave when he started to speak. "Natalie and Egon were great people. I don't know anyone has smart has Egon or has caring has Natalie. I didn't know what happened when I heard the alarm and ran down, the last thing I thought I was going to see was Natalie and Egon almost dead. I helped Ray carry him up, but..." he rubbed his eyes like it hurt. But what? What happened? "They didn't make it to the hospital in time. I don't even know if that was going to help. They were great people, they were amazing people. I know that not only will they be living the people of New York who loved them, they will be leaving a loving family. People they love won't forget the two." He couldn't keep going. He rubbed his eyes and walked down. 

More people stepped up, making me cry at their words. So many people were going to miss me. Yet I wasn't gone. I just wanted to disappear right then, forget that I was dead. I leaned against the tree, only to go right through it. I heard gasp has I hit the ground next to one of my aunts. Everyone looked at me, then the guys glared at me. 

"Not now," Winston mumbled standing up, and I saw they had their packs with them. I stood up and backed into the tree, this time not going through even though that is what I wanted. 

"Can't the ghost see we are in the middle of something?" Ray asked angrily. 

"Guys," I said holding up my hands. "I'm Nat!" 

"Nat's dead," Peter mumbled. I felt the pain of the streams, three in all. It was supposed to be five. I tried to move, but it hurt too much to do it. 

"Guys!" I yelled trying to talk reason into them. I saw the trap at my feet. I couldn't get out of it. 

"This is what happens when ghost try to do this," Winston told me. "The first ghost since Egon and Natalie died." 

"No!" I yelled sitting up. I thought I was going to be in a trap, but I was in my bed. I patted it, then looked at my hands. They were normal, making me smile. I started laughing like a crazy person. It was a dream! It wasn't real! It wasn't' real! I looked around and say the guys fast asleep, but Egon's bed was empty. I stopped laughing. I got out of bed and shock Peter awake. He looked up with sleepy eyes. 

"What?" he asked. 

"Where's Egon?" I asked. He raised an eye brow and pointed out the door. I saw Egon eating at the table and I ran out. I wrapped my arms around him. I felt him tense up a bit, and then he coughed a bit. 

"You're chocking me," he coughed. I loosened my grip, but I didn't let go. I was too happy. After thinking he was dead, of course I was going to hug him. I could have kissed him if he wasn't my brother. "Natalie, what's wrong with you?" 

"You're not dead!" I cried, and he looked at me weird. 

"Why would I be?" 

"I had an awful dream that we were both dead and I was a ghost. I thought it was real, and you died with me. It was awful!" 

"What was the cause of it?" Egon asked, sounding worried. I wondered why.  

"I don't know." 

"Good," Egon said looking down at his food. Why was he eating when the others were asleep? 

"Egon," I said, my voice stern. "What are you not telling me?" 

"Ligen did something to you," he answered. "He was angry that I trapped him in the Unit, so he hit both of us with white light. You have been out for about two weeks now. You woke up slightly yesterday, so they said you could go home. I was getting worried. If you want to know, I have been out for about a week." 

"What? I was, but I just, no," I said sitting down next to him. He rubbed my arm. 

"It will be okay," he told me and I sighed. 

"I'm not sure anymore Egon," I told him. "I just want to be done with this job." 

"How about we go back home for a while?" he asked me. "Just go see family, back with people you know, get some of this stress out. I think it would be good for both of us with all that has happened." 

"Alright," I said and he smiled. "But first you have to do something," I told him making him stand up. I lead him down the stairs and saw that Janine was at her desk writing something. I smiled, and Egon saw that smile. I lead him over to Janine. "Oh Janine." 

"Yes Dr. Spengler?" she asked looking up, her eyes glancing at Egon for a bit. 

"This," I said and I pushed Egon a little bit, just enough that his lips touched her. I watched has he kissed her, and I saw he didn't pull away, and I left them kissing about a minute later. I smiled knowing that Janine was going to get her happy ending. 

Isn't that sweet? What, did you actually think I was going to kill Egon and Natalie? I would do no such thing. This chapter hit me when I was trying to come up with chapter ideas! Logic, right? Anyway, guess what the next chapter is! It's the 50th chapter! A lot of drama in the next one, trust me. I think the guys have to get rid of Ligen, but that will come. Also, who else had a fangirl moment when I made Egon and Janine kiss? I can't be the only one! Haha, I really did. Peace out my Stars! 

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