41: I'm Sorry

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"Natalie, please let me just talk to you," Egon said knocking on the door. I locked the door in the labs, and I was sitting in a chair, listening to Egon try to talk to me. The tears were hot and fresh on my face. How could he do that to me? I wouldn't be has upset if it was the others, but Egon? He was my twin brother and he shouldn't have even of thought of doing that. He should have know... 

"Natalie," he begged. I heard him sigh and place his hand on the door. I looked up at it, and walked towards it. I let my hand linger before opening it. I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him in. I didn't want to talk to anyone else, and I didn't want them to hear this. I glared at him. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Let me talk to you," he begged, and I looked out the window. My sadness was replaced by anger. I haven't been this angry at him since he got me fired from my chemist job. 

"What, don't want to lock me in a closet again?" 

"I'm sorry, Natalie. I wasn't thinking. I was just trying to prove to you that you are afraid of small places." 

"I'm not," I snapped at him. I thought about it, and I figured out what the fear was. "I'm afraid of being trapped. It doesn't have to be small, it can be huge. I just don't like being trapped, of being helpless." 

"That is the last thing you are," he told me taking my arms in his hand. He turned me around and looked me in the eyes. "You are too strong to be helpless. You were the one who got us out of Ligen's cage, out of that little girl's home. You might not have been able to have gotten out of the jar, but you sure has heck did a better job then I did. I was afraid to death that I was going to be stuck forever, and I started to doubt myself. I forgot everything about where our bodies were, but you didn't. The day you become helpless is the day I'll go out and show all my feelings about the people I care about, and we both know I'm not going to do that." 

"Yeah," I said smiling. "You really think I am strong?" 

"You are the strongest person I know. People are right when they say you got the brawn." 

"They're right when they say you got the brains," I told him smiling. He smiled back. 

"So do you forgive me?" 

"Of course I do little brother." 

"I really am sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I promise I won't do it again. I won't hurt you, never again." 

"I know you won't," I said smiling at him. He smiled at me, and I saw he was thinking something. "What are you thinking." 

"About how I used to do this," he told me, and then he stared to tickle me. I laughed and tried to get him off of me, but he wouldn't. I saw him smile, and I had more tears, but they were from laughing so much. 

"Stop it, stop it!" I cried, but he kept doing it. 

"I will stop when you say that you aren't helpless," he told me. 

"I'm... I'm not help... helpless!" I breathed, and he stopped. i hugged my stomach and caught my breath. I looked up and he smiled at me. "I hate that I can't do that to you." Another thing different about us, I'm ticklish and Egon is not. So when we were little and Egon was mad at me he tickled me. I didn't like it. 

"There we go," he said smiling. I hit him on the arm, hard. "Ow!" 

"Don't tickle me!" I told him laughing. 

"Alright, just don't hit me." 

"No promises." 


"Sorry Dad," I said turning away, laughing. He did sound like Dad a bit. I sat down and Egon told me he was going to go change out of his uniform he must of slipped on to come talk to me. I said okay and sat there thinking about my dad. I haven't talked to him in a while for good reasons. The last time I talked to him didn't go so well. I closed my eyes and thought of it. 

"You have to do better at things like this Natalie," he told me, upset. I went home to explain about the problem I was in. I thought it would be better if my family heard it from my lips that I failed and was fired. Mom looked upset and Dad was glaring at me. No one else what there, thank goodness. 

"I tried," I told him. "Something just went wrong." 

"You should have caught it!" he yelled at me, and Mom said nothing. He was harsh when it came to my scholar work. Everyone always told me to do better, Dad, Uncle Cyrus, Ellis, even Egon at some points. They never learned that I couldn't and I could only do so much. 

"I know, but I didn't." 

"You could have been hurt Natalie. That fire could have hit you, and worse it could have hurt anyone in that building, even your brother." 

"The perfect child," I muttered, but Dad didn't hear that. I saw Mom did though. 

"You need to learn that you can't go through life just hoping that you do things like this. You'll be lucky if anyone hires you ever again. I don't even think that your uncle would." 

"I don't want to work for him." 

"You'll have to work somewhere, and i'm not going to help you. Not this time." 


"No Natalie. You need to learn that I'm not going to help you when you fall. I'm not always going to be here, and neither is your mother." 

"You wouldn't do this to Egon or Ellis! You would help your sons, but has soon has I mess up I'm not good enough for your help! I've never been has smart has them!" 

"Natalie, that's enough." 

"You can't wait to get rid of me! Maybe I shouldn't even be a Spengler!" 

"Natalie Elizabeth Spengler!" he yelled, but I gone. I ran out the door, crying. When I needed my father the most, he wasn't there. I didn't know what to do, and he wasn't going to give me answers. I did't talk to him again. 

Egon was wrong, I thought. I was helpless, but not in the way I thought I was. I was helpless at making my father proud, and I never would. 

 Poor Nat. I think it is my goal to screw her life up. I really do. So has you can see I am giving them a brother! I'm so nice, aren't I? Well he will play a bigger role in one of the chapters later, just not now. I kind of had to have Natalie say he is around or else he will pop out of the blue. So I hoped you liked this chapter. Also if you noticed what I did, since both of her brothers seem to have E names, I made Nat have one too! Her middle name is Elizabeth mostly cause it is the first E name that popped in my head. Peace out my Stars! 

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