45: Natalie?

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*Egon's pov* 

I was sleeping in my bed like I usually am. It has been two days since Ellis talked me out of helping Ligen. I haven't heard from him, but the dreams I've been having don't suit my mind one bit. Something was wrong, and I wasn't sure I was going to like it. I shouldn't have listened to Ellis. I should have kept helping Ligen then- 

Do what you think is right and not what you feel you have to do to keep me safe. Natalie was okay if I didn't help Ligen and she paid the price. That calmed me down. Yet the dream didn't change from what it was, the crash Natalie had with Ecto 2. Winston lived through it since Natalie pushed him out of the helicopter at the last second, but she didn't get out in time. 

When that part of the dream was over, I was standing in a cage like the one it Ligen's throne room. I looked around and saw that it was the same placed. Ligen was sitting in his throne holding the cage. He smiled inside of it. 

"Hello Dr. Spengler," he said in the voice that had been haunting my dreams for a long time. I tried to get away, or has far has I could, but I couldn't move. 

"What do you want?" I asked him, and he smiled. 

"What makes you think I don't just wish to speak?" 

"That's wanting something." 

"You are a smart man, aren't you?" he asked after laughing. "No one has ever pointed that out to me even though it is right." 

"So what do you want?" 

"I do just wish to talk. Mostly about the way you aren't doing what I say. Have you forgotten about your dear sister?" 

"N-no, I haven't," I said, my voice shacking just a bit. I couldn't let him know I was afraid. "I just don't see what you could do to her in here. You're stuck Ligen. There's nothing you can do to her." 

"Nothing I can do to her?" he asked, then laughed again. "Dr. Spengler, there is much I can do to her here. I think that maybe you should learn what I can do. If you don't do has I say, she will never be awake again. Yet I'm sure you can handle it. Now," he said, taking the cage closer to his face, "finish what I told you to do!" 

He threw the cage, but I woke up quickly before it hit the ground. She'll never wake up? What was Ligen talking about? Natalie wasn't in trouble. In fact she wasn't even asleep at the moment. She was working on something in the lab... 

The lab! I rushed out of bed has fast has I could, but I knew I was going to be too late. I heard the explosion before I saw the smoke coming out from the door. I kicked it down, and ran in. There was no fire, no burning wood, nothing. All I saw were ashes around Natalie. Her eyes were closed and she had a large bruise on her head. She was still breathing, thank God. 

"Natalie!" I yelled taking her in my arms. I shock her, but her eyes wouldn't open. I did everything I could think to do to wake her up, but nothing worked. "Natalie," I said baring my face into her hair. She was still breathing, but I knew this wasn't her fault. It was Ligen's fault. He must have done something to whatever she was working on or made her mess up. Whatever he did, she was now hurt. 

"Egon?" I heard Ray ask me from the doorway. I looked up with tears in my eyes and saw all of them looking sadly at Natalie. 

"What happened?" Peter asked walking over and looking at her. "Did she mess up with her chemicals?" 

"No," I sobbed into her hair again. "It was Ligen. He did this." 

"How do you know?" Winston asked. 

"He told me that if I didn't do has he say that she would never wake again. He did this, but it's my fault. I'm so sorry," I cried into her ear. 

"We have to get her to a hospital," Louis told me and I nodded. Peter helped me pick her up, and carry her to Ecto 1. Janine held the door open and Ray drove us to the hospital. I never left Natalie's side until they told me I had to leave so they could do X-ray's and things like that. I sat with the others to wait and see what was going to happen. I called Ellis and everyone unlike I did last time. This time she might not wake up, so they had the right to see her. Ellis rushed over and saw my worried face and knew what happened. He slid into a chair without a word and barred his head into his hands. 

I just looked at the floor. I knew that Mom and Dad would be here in a few hours, and Uncle Cyrus might be with them if he didn't have to work. If he did he would be over later, but either way he was coming. I closed my eyes so I didn't have to think about anything. I had to clear my mind or else I was going to be crushed inside. Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it. 

"Dr. Spengler?" I heard someone ask and I looked up, has did Ellis. All of the Spengler children where doctors, but people had a tough time trying to speak in those terms with Ellis and I. Natalie had it easy; she was the only Spengler kid whose name started with N. The doctor walked towards me, once again with a grim look on his face. 

"Is she okay?" Ellis asked. The doctor nodded. 

"She's in a coma though," the doctor put in. "Yet I don't know if she will wake up. She is fine though, other than that. Would you like to see her?" 

"Yes," I answered, not waiting for the others to answer. Natalie was my sister and I planned on seeing her, no matter what. He lead me to the room she was in, and I saw the same bruise I saw earlier on her forehead. Her blond hair was cleaner than when I found her, but she still looked the same. The things in her arm made it hard not to cry again, but I think I was out of tears. I walked over and took her hand in mine, but I didn't expect her to open her eyes, not like last time. I didn't know if Ligen would keep her alive while she was in her coma, but I knew these people would. 

"So looks so different," Ellis said sitting next to me. I nodded. 

"Is she okay?" Louis asked. I smiled a bit. I knew Louis longer than Natalie did, and I knew he would break her heart and leave her crying. He was too nice to do that, and he seemed like the perfect guy for Natalie to be with, and he made a good replacement shoulder when mine was away. She cared about him and he cared about her. Plus it helped me forget the little time Louis and Janine spent while we were fighting Vigo. 

"I hope so," I said and we all sat in silence. I knew what I had to do. I had to do what Ligen told me to do, or else Natalie was going to be like this for the rest of her life. I had to help her or else her death really would be on my hands. 

Oh. I'm going to cry. So what do you have to say about this? Sad, isn't it? I feel so mean right now, undo! Undo! 

Sparkles: Sorry, can't do that. 

Sadness. Anyway, I hope you liked it! I do feel bad now, more for Egon than for Nat. Cause screw Nat! No, I'm kidding, love Nat, but I feel really bad for Egon. My nerd is sad now. Aww.. Peace out my Stars! 

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