57: Earthquake

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*Winston's pov* 

I was sitting at Janine's desk, the place all to myself. Peter and Ray were away to talk to different cities to try and get kids more into the business. Egon and Natalie left to have a day to themselves. They needed to get together for a twins day I guess is what I would call it. Janine went home to see her family for a while and Louis went to go visit his nephew. I didn't have anyone I needed to see so I was just going to enjoy the day with the guys and girls out of New York City. 

If only the phone didn't ring. I sighed and answered it. "Hello?" I asked the person. They talked so fast I couldn't even hear what they said. Then the phone line for them went dead. "Must not of been important," I thought out loud. I didn't think much of it, but went back to watching the game on the T.V. on Janine's desk. It looked close, but the phone rang again. 

"Yes?" I asked the person. 

"Help!" the person yelled. "There's a ghost causing earthquakes in my home!" 

"Ma'am I think you might want to take a nap," I told her hanging up. People theses days. Going crazy thinking they seen a ghost. I sighed and had a few more calls like that one. I finally gave up trying to talk these people that nothing was wrong and slipped on my uniform and took Ecto out to see what was wrong. I parked in front of the address I had and I did feel the Earth shack. That doesn't mean they were right. Yet New York wasn't on a fault line. 

"Hello?" I asked knocking on the door. The person answered and pulled me in. I looked around, then grabbed the door so I didn't fall flat on my face. The whole place was shacking like the fault line was happening. I think I was going to have to take back saying that it wasn't real. 

"You have to stop it!" the man yelled at me and I picked up my wand and shoot it. I throw a trap under it and in a moment the ghost was gone. I sighed and picked it up and got the pay. I was going to have a lot of work to do if all those calls were true. A perfect time for the guys and Nat to take a day off. I sighed and got to work. 


I sat down in Ecto's seat. I used all the traps we had and I just finished. I was tired and I just wanted to take a nap. I think just for this day I was going to make the guys do my chores for a week. Yeah, that sounds fair to me. I sighed and stood up, making sure I got all of them. 

I did and went back to the car. I felt it shack and I looked up to see a ghost looking down at me. It looked like a larger version of the ghost I have been catching. All of them were a grey color with no eyes. They were a fat worm like creature and they had these tentacle like things. I was going to have fun fighting this one. 

"Alright, it's just you and me big guy!" I yelled up at it. I took out my wand and let the stream fly. I hit it and just kept hitting it. This was one tough ghost, not to mention that it kept shacking the Earth. It was probably one of the toughest fights in my life, but I finally won and sucked it in the trap. I carried all of them to the Unit and placed them in. I fell down on the couch downstairs and saw Nat, Egon, Ray, and Peter looking at me. I glared at them. 

"Winston, you're a mess!" Natalie told me. I glared even more. 

"You all can have fun doing the calls and stuff," I told them. "I'm taking a day long nap. You're not taking a day off without me again!" 

They watched me storm up the stairs to rest. No one messes with Winston Zeddemore and gets away with it. 

So a short chapter I know. I'm trying to let the others get a chance in the sun besides Egon and Nat, but I'm having problems with it. So I'll get a better storyline up, I promise. Just give me a bit to get out of FB, okay? Okay. Peace out my Stars! 

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