1: Present

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I sat in one of the chairs waiting for the guys to get whatever surprise they had waiting for me. It had been a year since I joined the team, and let me tell, it was a lot to do. I mean, I'm not the one to put down a paying job, but I'm sure there are easier jobs out there. Oh well, I loved this job, so that is a plus. I also cared about my co workers, not to mention on of them is my twin brother. 

"Here you go Natalie," Ray told me sitting a box down on my lap. It was wrapped in light blue paper with a golden bow. Something told me that Peter wrapped it, but I didn't mind. I opened it and saw two smaller boxes. 

"I got a box," I said joking with them. I picked up the larger box and opened it. I found a dream catcher that looked very nice. In the other box was a candle. I didn't think the other knew what to get me, but I wasn't going to let them know that I didn't really like the gifts. 

"Do you like them?" Winston asked with a smile. 

"Of course I do," I answered holding them up. 

"Told you she would lie!" Peter said with a smile and held out his hand. "Pay up." The others groaned and placed money in his hand. I rolled my eyes and Egon gave me another box. 

"Here is your real gift," he told me with a smile. I opened it up and saw a necklace. It was a gold chain and the jewels on it were a light blue with a hit of purple in them. It looked beautiful and I smiled up at them. This was a better gift than the others. I smiled up at them. 

"This is sweet," I told them. Then Janine walked over. 

"Hate to ruin the gift giving, but we got a call," she told us holding up a call sheet. Ray took it and we got in the car. We drove to a place where the ghost was, and it looked pretty nice. I mean by New York, the nice you can get. We got out and grabbed our packs. We walked in and saw the people running from the ghost, but we never really saw the ghost. I mean, where was it? 

"So do you think they will tell us where the ghost is?" Ray asked, and then got ran over by a crowed. I pointed the way they came. 

"That way," I answered and Peter helped him up. We walked that way with Egon looking at the meter the whole time. Then we came to a ballroom and saw the ghost. It was a snake like thing, and I shivered. I still didn't like snakes, but this wasn't one, so I was good. 

"On three," Peter told us. We raised the wands and pointed them at the ghost. "Three!" We blasted the thing, and I laid the trap under it. I pushed the pump, and the ghost was gone. We walked out to the crowds yelling "Ghostbusters!" We waved and got in Ecto 1, collecting the pay. 

"Here's this week's dinner money," Peter said happily. 

"If Slimer doesn't eat it all," Egon mumbled. We agreed and arrived at the firehouse. Louis, Janine and Slimer were playing cards. They looked up and smiled at us. 

"Are we paying you two to play cards?" Peter asked, and they both sighed. Louis walked over to his small office and held up two pieces of paper. 

"Can one of you guys sign these?" he asked. I walked over. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"Mine and Janine's paycheck. We have bills to pay too." 

"Alright," I said laughing, signing the checks for the two. He smiled and gave one to Janine who gladly took it. I sat down and took the necklace in hand. 

"Natalie, that is beautiful," Janine told me. 

"The guys got it for me," I said and she asked if she could look at it. I gave it over and looked at it. I got up and went to change out of the red jumpsuit with purple trim into a green top and black pants. I walked down and Janine was still holding the necklace. She asked if she could put it one me, and I moved my blond hair out of the way. She placed it on, and I looked at her. 

"Very nice Nat," she said and I thanked her. I sat back down and sighed. I loved this job, and the guys. 

So how was that for a beginning chapter? I hoped you all liked it, every single one of you. I know, boring, but I had to get this started somehow. Next chapter will be better, I promise. So let me know what you think, and you can see Natalie's necklace on the side. Peace out my Stars! 

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