9: The Snow Queen?

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"That's Natalie?" Peter asked looking at her. She was sitting on the bed watching the door for some odd reason. I couldn't get over the blue skin that replaced the tan skin Nat always had. The white hair was just lighter than her normal blond hair, but it still looked strange. Her blues eyes seemed to get lighter, if that is possible at all. She still had the purple glasses on, and her clothing was in pieces now. Her nails where sharp and black, her teeth to a point and yellow. 

"More importantly, what happened?" Ray asked moving a bit. Natalie growled at him and we all moved back. It sounded like a wild creature had taken her voice and replaced it with it's own. It didn't sound like Nat at all. 

"Easy now Natalie," Egon told her showing her his hands. "We aren't going to hurt you, I promise." 

"I hope you know what you are doing," I told him looking at the cold eyes. "I don't think Natalie would even know it was us in this form." 

"Look out!" Ray yelled has the demon looking Natalie jumped where we would have been into a wall. She slide down the wall and the thing closed its eyes again. Slowly, the white hair turned back to blond, the skin from blue to tan, and she looked like herself again. I sighed and heard an icy laugh. 

"I hope you all like my new pet," a woman said walking in from the door. She was wearing a long white dress with hits of blue on it. She had snow white hair and very pale skin. Her eyes were an ice blue, and she looked beautiful. In fact, the way she looked was almost like Natalie, but less like a demon. 

"My sister is not your pet," Egon told her standing in front of her. I forgot how much they love each other at times. 

"Not your sister, but the new form she now has in her," the woman told him. 

"What do you want with Natalie?" Ray asked her and her pale lips smiled. 

"I wish only to help the poor dear. She was not meant to be hit by my creature." 

"You did this?" Peter asked, and he stopped looking at her like she was the perfect woman. Hurting Natalie was bad enough to get him to stop doing that, impressive. 

"I'm afraid so," she sighed and walked past all of us and knelled by Nat. She placed a blue liquid in her mouth and made Natalie drink it. She then stood up and put the fire out. "If you wish for her not to become the ice monster she is, do not let her become too warm. For now that is all I can do. If she changes four more times, the change will be permanent, I'm afraid. Now I must go. Good bye." 

"Wait!" I called and she looked over her shoulder. "Who are you?" 

"Khione," she answered and walked out the door into the snow. We all looked out to see if she was still there, but Khione was gone. 

"Well, let's get Natalie onto a bed and figure something out," Egon said. We carried her over to the bed she carried and laid her on it. She looked cold, and sure enough when I touched her skin, it was like ice. 

"It is cold in here," Peter said grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around himself. I grabbed my coat and so did Ray and Egon. 

"We have to keep it cold or Nat will turn again," I told him sighing. Nat's eyes started to open, and she looked up at us. 

"What happened?" she asked feeling her head where a little bump was forming from her hitting the wall with her head. 

"You turned into an ice monster and tried to kill us. Then when you hit the wall a woman named Khione came and made it so when you get warm you change and that if you change four more times you become that monster permanently," Ray told her. She fixed her glasses that had not come off out and then hugged her knees. 

"I am?" she asked looking up at us with those blue eyes. I nodded and she looked down at her hands. Egon sat next to her and whispered quietly to her, Nat nodding every once and a while. 

It must have been hard. Natalie could not get a break in her life. First she lost her job not knowing she would get a job soon after. Than she had to deal with the book White owned with its army of demons. She lost Lick to the book and than she traded bodies with Egon. Poor Natalie was now had a demon in her waiting to take over her body. 

Poor Nat. A note  should say is that if you don't know what some of those things I made Winston say about Natalie, you should go read the New Battle. It was the book that got me writing this one, so yeah. Um, what is going to be on the sides? I don't know. I would also like to say that I am loving the Beetlejuice cartoon show! It's amazing and so wonderful. I love cartoons, I'm sorry. Haha, peace out my Stars! 

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