52: Can't Help But Wonder...

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"Natalie," Egon knocked on my door. Once we got home I locked myself in my room. I didn't want to be in with the others right now, mostly since they must think I am a monster. I ignored Egon, and he eventually stopped knocking. 

I sighed and looked at the clock. Almost four. Great. I turned around and looked at the posters on the wall, most of bands I have out grown in the years. It hasn't really changed from my days of living in it. I didn't visit enough to change it. I looked at the picture of Egon and I when we were six. My arm was in a cast, and I had a smile on my face. I knew it was when Egon broke my arm. 

I sighed and started to think about my childhood. I looked back at it, and I found something that was strange. Most of the bad things, save a few, was Egon's fault. My broken arm, my failed math test, my ruined toys, everything. I sighed and closed my eyes thinking about it. 

If it wasn't for Egon then I would still have my chemist job. If it wasn't for Egon, I wouldn't be a Ghostbuster. If it wasn't for Egon, I wouldn't be afraid of a book. If it wasn't for Egon, I would be safe and sound instead of what I was now. 

"I wish Egon wasn't my brother," I sighed going to sleep. I heard a small laugh, but I didn't mind. I slowly fell to sleep, a weight being lifted off my chest. 


I woke up looking around the room. Yet I had to stop. It was different then what I went to sleep with. The paint I fell asleep with was a pale green, almost like it was just a shade darker than white. The paint now was a baby blue. Instead of posters of bands and teenage things, I had pictures with two people I didn't know. They looked like me, but yet they weren't my parents. I also saw both of my doctorates. Dr. Natalie Elizabeth Grey. Grey? My last name was Spengler. I stood up and opened the white door. It was supposed to be wooden, but not painted. I walked out to see a small kitchen and living room. This wasn't my parents house. I walked out of the door and saw the number two-five-seven. It was an apartment. 

I walked out of the building, memorizing where it was at. I walked down the streets and saw that I was at least in New York. But I was supposed to be in Ohio. I walked down the streets, looking at people. When I normally pass the people, they usually say hi or tell me that they love my work. I walked down the street and saw the firehouse, standing tall. Yet something felt wrong about it. I walked in, and Janine looked up at me. 

"How may I help you?" she asked like I was someone who needed the guys. 

"Janine, what are you talking about?" I asked. She just started at me. 

"Do I know you?" she asked like I was a stranger. 

"Of course you do. I'm Natalie." 

"I don't know a Natalie." 

"Alright, did Venkman put you up to this? Cause it isn't funny." 

"I'm sorry ma'am, but I honestly don't know you." 

"Whatever. Just let me talk to my brother," I said leaning on her desk. I glanced at the five lockers, but I saw something was off. My name was no longer on my locker. I was going to smack Peter when I see him again. Janine just looked at me like I was crazy. 

"Who's your brother?" she asked. I had to laugh. 

"Alright, maybe you hit your head. I'm Egon's twin sister to remind you." 

"Egon doesn't have a sister. He has a brother." 

"Janine who is it?" I heard Ray ask. I saw him and Peter walk down the stairs. 

"Some crazy person who is clamming to be Egon's sister," Janine answered. The two looked at me like they didn't know me. 

"She does look like him," Ray said to Peter. 

"You would think Egon would mention a sister," Peter told him. I sighed. 

"Guys," I sighed rubbing my temples, "could you just get Egon? My little bro will fix this right up. Or maybe even Louis, I don't know. Even Winston and Slimer could clear up your foggy minds." 

"Get me for what?" Winston asked walking down behind them. He looked at me. "We have a bust?" 

"No, I don't think so," Peter said staring at me. I was getting upset. 

"Ugh!" I half cried half yelled. "Would you just go get Egon for me!" 

"Yes?" Egon asked sliding down the pole. I sighed. 

"Finally someone who will know me," I sighed with relive. I walked over to him, and he raised an eyebrow. 

"I know you?" he asked. My face fell. Egon didn't know me? I was his sister for crying out loud. What was wrong with them? 

"You don't know me?" I asked, hot tears falling down my face. "I'm your sister! How could you not know me?" 

"Sister?" Egon asked, and I nodded. 

"I'm Dr. Natalie Spengler! How could you forget me?" 

"There's not Natalie Spengler." 

"Yes there is! I'm her! Egon, please!" 

"I think you should leave miss." 

"No, I live here! I'm a Ghostbuster!" 

"Maybe we should get her help," Peter said looking at me sadly. "She might be missing a few marbles." 

"I'm not crazy!" I yelled at him. 

"Sure you're not," Winston sighed. "That's what they all say." 

"I think you should leave," Ray echoed Egon. I sighed and stood up. 

"I'm your sister," I told him and walked away, tears in my eyes. I walked into what I guess was my apartment.

What was going on? Egon didn't know who I was. They guys didn't know who I was. I used to wonder what would happen if Egon and I weren't brother and sister. I sighed and stood up to see a ghost in my face. I would have blasted it, but I didn't have a pack. The guys did. I reached for the phone, but it hit me with some kind of dust. I fell down on the floor, looking up. I saw the life I had with Egon leave me, all of it disappearing. This day was erased, making me cry. I closed my eyes, the last thing I saw was some man's face. A man with red glasses and blond hair. 

I can't help but wonder how much I can do to these poor people. Well now you are going to have to wait to see what happens to the guys, all of them. Why don't you tell me what you think is going to do to them? Peace out my Stars! 

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