40: About Time!

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*Natalie's pov* 

I just wanted to go home. I was done being a little girls play thing and was sick of being trapped. I had enough from Ligen, I was getting ticked off when my soul was in a jar, and now this was pushing my buttons. If I get caught on the next bust I was going to scream. 

Not only was I trapped, but I was now forced to do things I didn't want to do. She was playing with all her 'toys' today. She played Beauty and the Beast, and guess who was the Beauty of that game. It was me since I was the only girl that she had, just my luck. She did a few things like that, and now she was playing Sleeping Beauty. I was not having a good time, and no one else was either. 

"The handsome prince lend down to look at the sleeping princess," the little girl said making someone bend down to my body. I was laying on the ground of her toy set, and I wasn't going to look. Nothing in the world would make me look up at whoever it was. My guess is that it is Egon, but I wasn't sure. "Then her placed his lips on hers, and the spell was broken!" Two lips on mine. Not going to look up, not going to look up. "That was fun." 

"Sweetie, will you come here?" the father asked, and she threw me and whoever on the ground. I was on their chest, my arms on my chest. I looked up and saw her leave. I sat up and looked and saw I was right and the person was Egon. 

"Yuck!" I cried and wiped my mouth. If you can tell I wasn't too big on the idea of kissing my brother on the lips. The cheek was okay, but not the lips. 

"You know I thought you two were a cute pair," Peter said smiling. 

"It's not funny!" I told him. I was at the end of my string. 

"Natalie, calm down," Ray told me. 

"No! I'm tired of being trapped! I want to go home!" 

"Nat, are you okay?" Egon asked, placing his hand on my arm. I wiped my eyes, tears following down my face. 

"No, I'm not. I want to go home. I'm tired of being locked in cages, of being forced in jars, of being played. I want to be free!" 

"I've never seen you like this," Winston said, but I didn't care. I placed my head on Egon's and cried like a baby. I didn't care. I was done, I was tried and upset. I couldn't take much more, and I was breaking down. 

"What's wrong?" I heard someone ask, and I was picked up and looking up at the little girl. She looked upset about something. "Are you okay?" 

"No," I said trying to wipe my tears. "I'm not." 

"What's wrong?" 

"I want to go home." 

"Aren't you happy here?" 

"Not really." 

"You're not?" she asked giving me a tissue. I blew my nose and nodded. "I thought you were. I'm sorry. Is anyone happy here?" 

"Not really." She looked down and a few tears come down here face. "Hey, it's not you, it's just people don't like being trapped. They want to be free." 

"Daddy told me that they would be happy here," she said crying. I wiped her tears, or tried to. I didn't want to make her cry, even if she was my captor. She was just a little girl and didn't know better. 

"Don't cry. Maybe you just need to find some toys that don't mind being played with. Like at a store of something. Just not humans." 

"Really?" she sobbed. 

"Yeah. There are toys on Earth. You just have to find them." 

"I'm sorry Princess- I mean Natalie. I thought that everyone was happy. I'll put you back on Earth." 

She stood up and in a flash of light I was blinded. I opened my eyes and I was standing in the firehouse garage with my clothes I was caught in in my hands. I was still in that stupid pink dress. I looked up and the guys were standing beside me. Janine and Louis looked up, and Slimer came towards us. Then all of them started to laugh. 

"You guys look really stupid!" Janine laughed and I glared at her. 

"Jee thanks," Peter told her. "Where were you guys?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"We were caught and forced to play with a little girl!" Ray cried. I stood up and slipped out of the dress and placed on my shirt and pants. I took the gloves off and the sandals. I placed my glasses on after wiping the paint off. I looked up at them, Janine and Peter still talking, and then looked up at me. 

"What?" I asked them, and Egon come towards me. 

"I think you are claustrophobic," he told me, and I blinked a bit in surprise. 

"No I'm not," I told him, and started to walk away. "I've only been afraid of snakes and you should know that." 

He grabbed my arm and pushed me into on of the lockers that we had. He closed the door and I could see he locked it. I felt cramped and scared. I placed my fist on the door and started to hit it. 

"Egon let me out!" I cried still hitting it. 

"Not till you admit that you are scared of small places," he told me very calmly. 

"Egon this isn't funny! Let me out!" 


"It's getting tight in here! Egon please!" I felt like the walls were pushing at me, and the place felt smaller than it should have. I wasn't enjoying it, and my stubborn headed brother wouldn't let me out. 

"Natalie, just say it." 

"Egon," I cried, hot tears on my face. I couldn't make a sentence. I was more worried than scared, but still. The door opened and Ray was glaring at Egon, and he helped me out. I fell into his arms crying, and I glared at Egon also. 

"Natalie," he started, but I ran up the stairs before he could say a thing. I wasn't going to speak to him until I calmed down. But he was right. I could now add another fear to the list that was once only one thing. 

Well, I don't even know where I went with this one. Haha, I hope I didn't loss a Star with this one, but I'm sure I'm going to get a few 'Whaaaaat?'s from you guys. Never doing something like this again. Can you tell I'm running out of idea's? So I would like to say that if you are against Natalie and Egon's brother and haven't told me, you better do it now cause I wrote him in the next chapter and if you don't like the idea and I don't get a lot of them, then he is going to be in the book. Won't care. So let me know. Peace out my Stars! 

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