19: Moaning Stones, Dragons, and Books

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"Hey Winston," Peter said to him. I was still looking at my maps when I looked up at him. I say him pointing at a newspaper article and Winston was glaring at him. I stood up wondering what it was. I read the article and saw that it dealt with stones and Winston. I looked at him. 

"Winston, what is this?" I asked and he looked up. 

"Just something to do with an old case," he answered taking the paper. 

"What about it?" I asked again. 

"Do you really want to know?" 


"Then I'll tell you. There were these stones that held a demon called the Undying One. He was trapped in these stones called the moaning stones. Someone brought the stones together and in turn let the Undying One out. The only way we could stop him was if I believed in Shimabuku, someone I am claimed to be the recantation. Dahlia helped a lot in it, has did Peter's love song." 

"I still say that is gold," Peter mumbled and I laughed. 

"I'm sure it is," I told him and I looked back at Winston. "So where are the stones now?" 

"Two are at the museum and the other one is here with us," he answered. "Has long has the three are not touched, we should be fine." 

"I missed a lot of fun, didn't I?" I asked with a smile. Ray and Egon come in and heard what I said. 

"At least you weren't around for when Egon awakened a dragon," Ray told me with a smile, making Egon glare at him. 

"You woke a dragon up?" I asked eager to hear this story. 

"Yes," Egon answered. "Remember those stories of Zedekiah and his dragon?" 


"Well that was the dragon. He ran all over New York bringing me cars has gifts much like when he was with Zedekiah. We had to stop it before it took over anything else and people started to notice. We adjusted the packs to play certain vibrations of musical chords to put the dragon back to sleep. It worked." 

"Well I figured that since the dragon isn't here." 



"The name of the dragon is Loci. That's what Zekekiah called it anyway." 

"I see. So I did miss all the fun." 

"Says the girl who unleashed an army of demons and then nearly killed herself in attempt to stop them," Winston said laughing. I rolled my eyes.

"What did ever happen to that book?" Ray asked me. 

"I told you that it lost its powers and is now on Egon's shelve of books. It has notes of White's cures and then one to me thanking me. Her spirit is now free since it was tied to the book. Someone had to free her from the spell, and somehow I did that. I'm totally sure how I did it, but I did it no the less," I answered. 

"What is this, share the story?" Peter asked making me laugh. 

"Why not?" I asked with a smile. 

"I think I will keep my stories to myself," he told me. 

"Where's the fun in that?" 

"Good point." 

I learned a lot that day. I think it was my catch up on old cases day or something since they told me a lot of things I didn't know. Like Peter was almost taken by opera ghost, or that Egon almost died. Ray helped a ghost get back home, or someplace they didn't know. Winston had to save his dad from the land of lost things. I found it fascinating on they had to go throw a lot of things just to be free. I don't think that I will have to face this stuff, but I could be wrong. Though the Boogieman case caught my ear. 

"The Boogieman?" I asked. 

"Yes," Ray answered. "Why?" 

"Didn't he used to come into your room has a kid Egon?" I asked and Egon nodded. 

"Wait, it didn't come to you?" Peter asked and I shock my head in answer. 

"Natalie's room didn't seem to have the portal that mine did," he told them. "The boogieman never bothered her, and she didn't seem to believe in it. Whenever I got scared and Mom and Dad wouldn't listen, she was the one who stayed to watch out for him while I slept. He just seemed to not bother her." 

"So the Boogieman is real?" I asked and Ray nodded. 

"He's in the Unit now," Winston said. I shrugged. 

"I guess I still don't believe in him for some reason," I said laughing. "I can believe anything else, but the Boogieman? Not a chance." 

"Suit yourself," Peter said and then he stood up. "Well kidies, it's late and I'm beat. I'm going to bed." 

"Wonderful idea," I said and followed him. I changed and climbed into bed, thinking about all the adventures the guys have had. 

This was a throw away chapter. Nothing big really. I'm upset now. I was reading something on my favorite hero and he is dead! I kid you not, I was about to cry when I learned this, but then remembered heroes don't really stay dead. So then I learned they are bring him back, but that kind of kills his heroic death. I'm now torn of if I should be happy or sad. I have no life, haha. The  hero on the side, you can guess his name if you want, I don't care. I'm not going to say it, haha. Peace out my Stars! 

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