12: Cry Uncle

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"Natalie, will you come here please?" Ray called to me. I was washing dishes, and I walked down to were he was. I saw a man talking with Egon at the desk. The grey hair was in a very neat fashion, his beard was the same color. His thick glass covered his brown eyes and he had on a dark grey suit with a red striped tie. I groaned to myself since I knew who this was. It was my Uncle Cyrus. 

Don't get me wrong, I love my uncle, it's just he likes to compare me to my brothers a lot, saying I could do much better in my studies and become much like him. Everyone in my family did, which is why I don't talk about them much. Well, Mom's side at least understood me a little better, like my Aunt Susan. I walked down and Uncle Cyrus saw me. 

"Hello Natalie," he told me. 

"Hello Uncle Cyrus," I said with a smile. Please don't want to talk, I thought to myself. I don't want to be compared to him right now or told I could do better. 

"What are you up to Natalie?" he asked me and I sighed.

"I was doing dishes," I answered, and he laughed. 

"Cleaning always did help you think, didn't it?" 

"It does, but I was doing them cause we didn't have any clean once and I was tired of looking at a sink full of dirty dishes." 

"I understand. So you have finally decided to get a worth while job instead of that pathetic maid job?" 

"It's not like I wanted to be a maid Uncle Cyrus." 

"None of us could forget about that presentation you gave Natalie. We all know we tried to. Not fitting for a Spengler to fail in something like that. I'm sure you figured out what went wrong of course." 

"I did." 

"Maybe you could tell me what happened than." 

I looked at Egon and sighed. I never told my family that Egon was the cause of my failure that night. I was used to them telling me to try harder or that I should know better than to mess up. Egon had never heard those words in his life. The only time he probably did was when he got an A minus on a test once. I got praise when I got that on a test that didn't have to do with chemistry, astronomy, or English. My family liked to keep up the idea the Spenglers were full of scholars and scientist, and I know that if I ever got married and was no longer a Spengler would be the happiest day of their lives. I was the streak that stained my family history and made my ancestors want to jump from their graves. 

I wanted to tell him it was Egon's fault and hear Egon get blamed for something for once. If I told the truth than Egon would go with it and agree with it. I sighed and realized I couldn't do that to him. He just wasn't me and wasn't used to the disappointment. 

"I didn't measure the chemicals right," I told him. "I only had half of what I needed for one and that is what started the fire." 

"I see," he said looking at me. "Well, I hope that if you ever get the chance to redo this experiment again that you measure the things properly. It is not befitting a Spengler to mess up in this way. Your brother would have handled it the right way." 

"I'm sure he would," I said looking at him. He smiled at me and I smiled back. The things I do for him. 

"You know most people would not want you in there family, but I know that you will make us proud one day with what you can do." 

"I will Uncle Cyrus. I promised you that I would." 

"I know you did. That is why you are coming with me back to Spengler Laboratories and working for me." 

"What?" I asked him looking up at him. Leave the team to work for Uncle Cyrus? I must be hearing things for this to be it. 

"You are going to work for me," he answered me. 

"But Uncle Cyrus," Egon started but he held up his hand to stop him in his sentence. 

"I know she might have importance to this team, but we all agree that she would be better off with me than here. She needs to be with scientist more than with Ghostbusters." 

"But Dr. Spengler, Nat can't leave!" Winston told him. 

"She is needed here," Peter but in. 

"You can't just drag her away like this without her say," Ray said looking at me. They were around me now with Egon standing beside me. 

"Uncle Cyrus, can't you reconsider?" Egon asked him. Cyrus shock his head. 

"I am sorry. Here is your plane ticket, and I want you to be packed by tomorrow. The plane leaves at six. Don't let me down Natalie," Uncle Cyrus says and he walked away. I watch with my shoulders slumped in defeat.  

"What are you going to do?" Peter asked me and I sigh looking at the plane ticket. 

"I can't let him down by not going," I answer and I walk up the stairs. The others followed me with looks of worry on their face. 

"What does that mean?" Winston asks me. I grab my suitcase and I place a few of my shirts in it, and other clothing. I sigh and pick up my uniform and I hand it to Ray. He holds it in his hands and looks up at me with sadness in his eyes. They all know what I'm going to do before I say it out loud. 

"I'm going to go with Uncle Cyrus and work with him. It means that I have to quit being a Ghostbuster." 

Anybody else hate Uncle Cyrus right now? I do! If you don't know, Egon does have an uncle named Cyrus in the episode Cry Uncle. I hate Egon's uncle, so I made a chapter on him just to piss off all you guys with me! I kid you not, I was ready to back hand him when I watched this episode, which is why it is one of my favorites. To clear something up, Natalie does not like her family too much, just because they don't really understand her like some on her mother side does. I never really meant any on her side, which is why I will make some up! Haha, let me know what you think, more about this turn of events to come. Oh, and if you are wondering why I pick on Nat a lot it's because I am doing what the Real Ghostbusters did with Egon. I swear that a lot of the show's creature asked how can we mess with Egon's life now? Give him a dragon. How about now? Make him a ghost! Now? Make him switch minds with Slimer! Haha, can you all tell Egon is my favorite? Cyrus to the side! I feel like I forgot something when I was describing him, so there you go.  Haha, peace out my Stars! 

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