15: Getting Hitched?

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"Why would I ever marry you?" I asked the Ghostmaster who had a hungry look in his eyes. I was not going to enjoy this, not one bit. 

"Why wouldn't you want to marry one of the most powerful ghost in the world?" he asked me and I thought about it. Cause he looks like an ugly blue pumpkin. I didn't say that out loud, but it was a point none the less. 

"Well for one thing I am not dead and don't wish to be dead," I answered with a smile. 

"Live and death don't mean a thing to me Natalie." 

"What if I wish to marry someone else?" 

"Who could you possibly marry that would be has good has me?" I can think of a few. Every guy on this plant. Again, not going to say that one out loud. I tried thinking of the names of guys I knew. I would never get married to any of them, save my friends. That still wouldn't be good enough for a name to give him. I couldn't even us the guys; they were in too much trouble has it was at the moment. And one of them was my brother. 

"Anyone," I told him. "I won't marry you! You can't make me!" 

"I can and I will," he replied with a smile. "If you do not marry me or give me a name, harm will come to your friends and brother." 

"My friends and brother?" I asked looking over at them, and saw the things they were trapped in was filling with water. If they were filled, they would drown. I either had to give him a name or marry him. I didn't know what would happen if I gave him a name. 

"Chose Natalie Spengler," Ghostmaster told me. 

"What happens if I give you a name?" I asked him and he smiled again. 

"I simply let you live your life in peace," he answered. "Let you get married, and I will even let your friends go. Now who is this person you spoke of?" 

I looked around desperately. A name, a name. That's all I need. But who would I ever consider marrying? I looked around the place and saw Louis' desk. I closed my eyes thinking about him. He was sweet and kind. He understood me unlike other people. Him, alone with the guys, got to know the real me, the person that isn't there from first meeting. Sure I had to get on my knees just to be close to his size, but I didn't care. Like I always say, the person is on the inside, not the outside. I smiled and shock my head. I had a crush on Louis. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? 

"Natalie!" Ray called and I looked over and saw that the bubbles were almost filled. They only had a little air left, and I knew I couldn't marry the Ghostmaster. 

"I won't marry you," I told him and his smile disappeared. 

"Then who is the man?" he asked thinking I didn't have one. I saw Louis and Janine look out the window and I smiled. I have totally lost my mind! Great! Now or never. 

"Louis Tully," I answered and everyone gasped. I say Janine keep Louis from falling out of the window, and I smiled up at him, and he smiled back. I looked at the Ghostmaster who was furious. "A deal is a deal. You have to let the guys and I go." 

"Why should I?" he asked with a smile and water started to fill in mine. I looked at the others and the water was draining. "If I can't have you, no one will!" 

"Nat!" Janine cried and I tried to break the glass. This couldn't be happening. No, no, no! I wasn't ready to become a ghost, or at least die! The glass wouldn't break. I looked up has the water was to my neck and then I heard a sap. I looked up and saw Louis shouting the Ghostmaster. Janine threw and trap and caught him in it. I was now over my head when the stupid thing busted and I fell to the ground coughing. 

"Nat, are you okay?" Louis asked me helping me up. I smiled at him and kissed him. He kissed back and I looked him in the eyes. 

"You saved me," I told him and he scratched his head. 

"Jee, I guess I did, didn't I?" 

"You did. Hey Peter," I said and he looked at me. 

"Yes Natalie," he asked and I smiled at him. 

"The knight always does get a kiss," I tell him kissing Louis again, making everyone aw at us. Maybe I could play princess for a while, has long has Louis is my knight. 

DOUBLE UPDATE!! Why you may ask? Cause I have no school tomorrow! Not a good reason, but do not question it! Was that sweet or what? So guess what? Natalie and Louis are now dating in my mind! Yay! I'm using too many ! right now, but I don't' care! It's so sweet! And guess what, I think I have an idea for my Beetlejuice fanfic! Let me know what you think, and feel free to stomp it into the ground if you hate it. I want honest opinions now. So don't hold back. Get ready for the worst explanation you will ever hear! 

Lydia has alway's been by Beetlejuice's side since they first meant. Nothing has every stopped the strong friendship. That is until all of the ghost and ghouls against him decide that in order to get rid of Beetlejuice, you have to get rid of Lydia. So she receives a note on her graduation night saying that it would be dangerous calling BJ up at college. She knows it is true, so she cuts all ties with him and the Neitherworld off. Years later they finally reunite, but will their friendship ever be the same again? 

Now that I read this I don't think it is a good idea. Up to you guys! I might change it if no one likes it... Peace out my Stars! 

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