11: Fail

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*Natalie's pov* 

I was reading a book when the power went out. I looked up at Egon and Winston who were in the room with me and they looked around. They looked out the window and saw the storm had hit the power lines and everyone's lights had gone out. I walked down with the others to make sure the generator on the Contaminant Unit had not stopped working, which it was still going. We walked back up and sat at the desk with Janine and Louis. 

"So Nat," Peter said looking at me with a smile. "I have a question." 

"Run Natalie!" Winston laughed and I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Yes Venkman?" I asked him and he smiled at me. 

"Why is it that we found an amazing chemist working has a maid?" 

"Yeah, I have been wondering that also," Ray told me. "Also what did your friend mean by Egon ruined something?" 

"Do you all really want Natalie to tell you a story about something boring like that?" Egon asked looking at them. 

"Yes, we do," Janine said and I sighed. I knew Egon didn't want me to tell, but the guys should know about it. I thought about it, and I described it has I remembered. 


I was standing next to the table looking over the colors of liquid on the table. I looked out at the millions of people who were going to watch. Okay, so it was only a few hundred, but that still made my stomach do loops in my stomach. I sat down on the chair and looked down at the floor. 

"Are you nervous Nat?" someone asked me and I looked up to see Egon walking towards me. This was years ago, but he hadn't changed much from what he does now. 

"A little bit," I answered. "I don't know if I can do this." 

"Relax and just keep this up. Would you like me to look at this for you?" 

"Yes please." 

Egon looked over the table and I didn't see what he did. He spilled a little bit of one of the blue liquids, almost half of it. I didn't' notice, but Egon sure did. He cleaned it up and looked at me. 

"It all looks right," he told me walking away. I got up has the certain opens and I smile at everyone. I give a short description of what I was going to do, and I set to work. My hands pour everything in, measuring all that I need, but one of the things doesn't have the right amount. I didn't see it, so I poured it all in, and that was the mistake I made. When I was telling everyone that the new liquid will make colored smoke, a fired started. It stepped away while everyone left screaming. I tried to put it out until Egon grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the building. The fire was put out, and the head of the university come storming over to me. 

"Dr. Spengler, you are fired!" he yelled at me. "Good luck every finding someone who will hire you has a chemist or anything for that matter! Get out of here!" 

He stormed away and Egon walked with me out of the place, people laughing at me, some glaring. No one looked kindly at me. I got to my car and I looked up at Egon. 

"You said it was all right," I told him kicking a rock. "What went wrong?" 

"I made the mistake," he told me. "I spilled some of your chemicals, so you didn't have enough to make what you wanted." 

"You spilled my chemicals?" I asked him getting angry. "You didn't tell me this?" 

"I didn't." 

"Egon! I could have ran and got the right amount! I could have fixed the problem or something! But since you didn't tell me I made a fool of myself!" 

"Natalie, I'm sorry." 

"No Egon, sorry isn't going to fix this!" 

"Than what do you want me to do?" 

"Never speak to me again," I told him getting in my car driving away. I was angry, and I left him looking hurt. I didn't talk to Egon again for about two years after that. I read about him in newspaper, articles, anything. He was making a good life for himself while I was stuck waiting people who didn't give to cents about me. My angry was gone by the time the Ghostbusters came and stayed at the inn. 

End of flashback 

"Wow," Ray said looking at Egon. "You really did that?" 

"I did," Egon answered sadly. I smiled at him and he smiled back. 

"But I'm not mad at him too much anymore," I told them. 

"So Egon can mess up," Peter smiled. 

"Everyone messes up Peter," I told him. 

"I know, but I didn't think Egon could. He just doesn't seem the type." 

"I guess everyone makes mistakes," Winston said. I smiled at them and than looked up when the power come back on. We all stood up and went to do whatever. I sat back down and went back to reading my book. 

So this was more of a chapter to tell you guys what Egon did to make Natalie loss her job the first time. I hoped you liked it. So did you guys know I might be going to Porto Rico for a week or two? Well I am for a unit trip for NJROTC, so I will be gone for a while. I hope you guys like whatever I give you when I go. I don't know a date or anything, just know that for the unit trip  will be gone for about a week. I will let you know a date. Trailer for the second Ghostbusters movie on the side! Peace out my Stars! 

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