61: The Blue Gel

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*Natalie's pov* 

I was looking at the ashes of the book. I was trying to tell when the book might come back if it is restored with Ligen. I could feel the looming dread in all of us. Something big was going to happen, but no one knew what it was. 

I sighed and took a few pieces of the book onto a try. I was testing the book to see if I could get a reaction to the normal chemicals you use to figure stuff out. So in other words I'm just hoping to find crap out and I'll go with it. And people say I can be more complicated than Egon, yeah right.

I placed the ashes in the chemical mix that I had already made that day for this. It was a pick color when I put the ashes in. I watched has the mixture turned a dark blue color, seeming to turn into a gel like substance. I didn't think anything of it, besides that this chemical gave me no answers on how to stop Ligen from taking the one person I couldn't lose. I turned around, but heard a sizzling noise. I turned again just in time to get that gel all over me. The chemical exploded, and now I was covered in dark blue gel.

"Yuck!" I cried out, trying to wipe the gel off, only to get more stuck on my hand. I tried to fling it off, but it was stuck to my hand. This stuff was like glue to my skin. "Egon, Ray!" I yelled to them has the gel started to get tighter.

"What did you do?" I heard Ray ask has he ran into the lab. Egon ran close behind.

"I don't know!" I answered. "I was working on something when I made this dark blue gel. I only turned for a second and it started to sizzle. I turned and got the gel all over me, and now it won't come off!"

"Interesting," Egon said has he looked at the gel. He placed a pencil in the gel and it got stuck on it. He put on gloves so it didn't get stuck on his skin, but the gloves simply got stuck. He sighed and ran water over it, making the gel turn back into a liquid and off the glove and pencil. "Nat, go take a shower," Egon told me. "Ray, go make sure Peter and Winston are downstairs since she will have to be naked to actually move."

"What?" I cried turning to face him, but in the most uncomfortable way ever.

"You're going to have to take your clothes off," he answered, clearly not seeing the problem.

"I'll go do that," Ray said half laughing. He walked out of the room and I heard him burst into laughter, has did Peter and Winston later. I glared at Egon.

"Is it your job to make my life a living hell?" I asked him, making him smile.

"I'm your brother, of course it is," he answered then grabbed a towel. "Now you better do this quick, from the sounds of it, Ray can't hold them back long."

I mumbled has I took off my uniform that was covered in gel. I slipped out of my boots and groaned when I had to slip out of my underwear which was also covered in gel. My whole body was. The gel somehow got through my clothing. I gave my glasses to Egon who rinsed them off. He stepped behind me and held the towel so no one would see my girls and front side. I also cover them up with my arms. I wasn't going to be seen, hopefully. Egon pushed me out of the room all the way to the bathroom. He shut the door and the curtains so that he could remove the towel. He also turned on the water and made sure I was under it before leaving to get me some clean clothing. I had to smile at him. It was hard to tell that a man who was so caring would one day be the reason the world was destroyed.

I cleaned off all the gel, making sure it was out of my hair also. I took off the hair holder and made sure it was clean before throwing it away. It was now green in color, not the light yellow to hid that it is there. I finally got all the gel off when Egon come back with a new outfit. I turned off the water and dried my body off. I slipped into the cloths and wrapped my hair up to dry for a bit while I grabbed a new thing for my hair.

"Thanks Egon," I told him, making him smile.

"Well I couldn't let you stay covered in blue gel, could I?" he asked, making us both laugh. "So what were you really doing?" he asked me has we walked back into the lab to clean all the gel off the wall.

"I was testing the book," I answered as I grabbed some rags and got them wet. "I wanted to see if it would come back when Ligen does..."

"Will it?" Egon asked after we were done. I sighed and looked at the gel in the beaker. I had to sigh.

"Yes," I answered, trying to make sure that Egon was not hurt by the fact.

"When?" he asked, the hunger to know in his eyes. I had to sigh again.

"In two weeks time," I answered. Egon's face fell. He sat down and barried his head in his hands. I don't' care what you say about him -well I do, but you know what I mean- but you can say that the fact that Ligen was going to use him was bothering him. It had been for almost a year now.

"Hey, we won't let Ligen win," I told him. He shock his head and walked out of the room to be alone. I understood what it felt like to know you were going to be used. It hurt and it was awlfull.

I looked around the room and thought back on all the things Ligen had done to us. He took me to open the army of demons, he took both Egon and I just so he could live, he almost killed me, he scared Egon, he trapped me in the book, made me kill my brother, and so much more. I was not going to let him had taking over Egon Spengler on the list. If Ligen was going to use my brother, he was going to have to deal with me. No one messes with my twin and gets away with it.

Egon made me promise not to leave him, but I was not going to let him leave me. I picked up one of the little knifes in the lab and stabbed the book. I smiled knowing that it couldn't hurt anyone at the moment. Nothing in the past three years could.

"You'll never win," I told it and left, knowing I was going to have to do so much to save the people I loved.

So guys, this was the second to last chapter of The Real Ghostbusters. The next chapter though will be after all the other books with them. Since this is my most read Ghostbuster fanfic, I want it to be the last one that gets updated, cause after all of the things I have planned, I'll be done with writing these.


Yeah, I know, sadness. I just want to say right now that I have loved writing this book, and all of them. I loved meeting other people who loves the guys also. I didn't write the first Ghostbuster fanfic, but I feel like I sparked up others to write them. It's a small group, but somehow I become the leader of all the crazy people. I hope that anyone else who writes them can somehow get more reads then I did. So look forward to the next book, it's going to be one hell of a ride! Peace out my Stars!

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