5: Louis' New Look

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I looked up when Louis walked in. I knew Egon was going to figure out what was wrong with him today. I was with Winston handing him tools when he asked for them. He was working on Ecto 1, so he didn't see what I saw. Janine sure did, and we both gasped. Louis looked nothing like he usually did. He clothes were now a black leather jacket and he looked like a biker short of guy. I looked back at Janine, and she looked at me shocked. 

"Egon!" I called out to him. "Ray! Peter! Get down here now!" 

"What is it Natalie?" Ray asked me, then stopped when he saw Louis. Peter followed, then Egon come last. Winston looked at from under the car, and whistled. 

"Yes, something is wrong with Louis," Egon said cleaning his glasses. Peter walked over to me. 

"May I borrow those?" he asked pointing at my glasses. I gave them to him, and made sure that they weren't effecting what I was seeing. Nope, he was still there. Peter gave them back and shock his head. "So my vision is okay. Egon, what to explain?" 

"I can't Peter," he answered. 

"And why not?" 

"Cause I don't really know what is going on to tell the truth. I'm just glad you all can see his clothing also." 

"I can see it," Winston said, "but I can't believe it." 

"Louis are you okay?" Janine asked him, and he walked over to her. He winked at me and I sighed. Great, another jerk in the making. Poor Louis. 

"Everything is fine Janine sweetie," he answered. "I feel like my eyes have been opened to a brand new me. I feel like I'm on top of the world." 

"Louis, I think something is wrong," Ray told him. "I would like you to come upstairs so I can see for sure." 

"No can do kido," he said waving Ray away. Peter walked over and looking mad. 

"Now wait just a minute," Peter said sounding has angry has he looked. "Only I can talk to Ray like that."

"Calm down Pete," he said making Pete sound like an insult. Peter looked confused. Winston tried next.

"Louis, please go upstairs so Ray and Egon can make sure you are okay," he said with a smile. Louis didn't seem to hear.

"Louis something is wrong," Egon told him, his patience running thin. "I need to make sure that it won't get worse or if this will last. We need to change you back."

"Listen here Blondie," Louis told him making everyone gasp. "I will do whatever I want, when ever I want, where ever I want. I don't have to listen to a book worm like you."

"Louis!" Janine cried, and I walked over. I grabbed his arm, and he looked up at me. I was tired of this Louis and wanted the old one back.

"Hey," I said sharply. "You are in trouble Louis, and you are hurting your friends. I don't know what has gotten into you, but you aren't acting like the Louis we like. You are making me not like you."

"I am?" he asked, sounding a bit like the Louis I knew.

"You are. What is wrong?"

"Nat, I- I..." he stammered looking at me like Tully would. Then it was gone, and I sighed. I dragged him by the arm upstairs into Egon's lab. He looked upset, and I made him sit in a chair and he looked up at me with a glare. I didn't care, and I made Egon and Ray do their test on him, no longer caring if it hurt him. Ray looked at him with Egon for a long time, then walked over to were the rest of us were standing. 

"Um, Natalie?" Ray asked me and I looked up. 

"Yes?" I asked back. 

"We might have a problem." 

"And that would be?" 

"Louis is being possessed," Egon answered. 

"He is what?" Peter asked. 

"But I didn't even see a ghost go into his body!" I told him. 

"I don't know how it is, but it is," Egon said looking at Louis. "It is taking over, and I think it has to do with the ghost. What type was it?" 

"I didn't think to get the class. It was too busy trying to hurt a crowd and I didn't see enough to be certain enough. The best guess I have is a class five or six." 

"The ghost in Louis is at least a class eight though," Ray sighed. 

"Then what did the ghost hit him with?" 

"It's hard to tell." 

"Can you fix him?" Winston asked them. Ray and Egon looked at each other. Then they looked back at us. 

"Of course we can," Egon told me. "But it will take time." 

"I don't you have time," Peter told him, and we all looked to see Louis was gone. I looked out the open window to see Louis walking away from the firehouse. 

"Louis!" I called out to him, but he didn't hear me. Or was ignoring me. I felt awful. I should have blasted the ghost sooner, then Louis wouldn't be like this. I sighed and Winston put his hand on my shoulder. 

"We'll find him," he told me and I smiled. 

"I hope we find him before he does something stupid that he will regret," I sighed. 

"I hope we find him before something else goes wrong," Ray said going down the stairs. I said it once, I'll say it again. Poor Louis. 

 Oh snap, something is going to happen here! So what do you think is going to happen to Louis? I don't even know, haha, writing has I go alone. I don't plan these out at all. I just go with the flow. Anyway, let me know what you think. Nothing on the side cause I literally have run out of ideas of what to put on the sides. Peace out my Stars! 

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