37: Souls

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"So where do we start looking?" Peter asked me, and I looked around. I looked and saw a black mark, almost like someone was trying to stop something from moving. It must have been the way Egon and Natalie went. 

"I say this is a good start," I answered pointing down. We followed the trail into a room that was a bedroom. I looked around, and we started to move around and seeing if we can push anything into place to open the trap door Natalie was telling us. Peter sighed and laid on the bed. It sank just a bit, and I saw the floor move and I was looking in a hole. It looked like the dark hole Natalie said her and Egon fell in. I looked at the others. 

"We have a few choices," Winston said. "We can go down and get Egon's and Natalie's body and then drag them up here and get their souls that way. We can go get their souls down with us and just place them in their bodies, and then have them climb out that way. Or we can just forget about them and go back to the firehouse." 

"I say we go get their souls," Peter said. "I'm not leaving them like this, and it will be easier to carry two jars down than two bodies up." 

"I'm with Peter," I put in, and we walked out to Ecto 1. I opened the glove compartment to see the two jars of pink and purple smoke still there. 

"Did you find them?" I heard Natalie ask. I picked up both jars, and looked at the others. 

"We did," Winston told her, and he took her jar in his hand. "We have to go down the trap door and we're going to get your bodies back that way." 

"So how are we going to carry two jars down a hole without dropping them?" Peter asked. 

"There's a thing called a bag," Egon told him. I pulled one out and shoved the jars in the bag. I placed it on my back and hoped that I didn't break them. 

We walked back to the trap down and threw a rope down there. Peter went first, then Winston, and I went last. I looked in the bag to make sure the jars were okay. They were and I climbed down. When we were close to end, Peter yelled out for us to jump down. We did, and I saw why. At the end of the rope was a pool of slime, and it had drops of it on the edge. I took out both jars so I could see if they were alright. 

"Ugh, we're here alright," Natalie sighed. "That's the place where your soul gets ripped from your body and you're turned into a monster." 

"That's what you both hit when you were thrown in this hole?" Peter asked. 

"Yes," Egon answered. I sighed and placed them back in the bag. 

"So did you two remember anything besides getting your souls taken?" Winston asked. 

"No," Natalie answered, her voice muffled by the bag. "It was all black from there." 

"I have to agree," Egon put in. 

"So how much more time do we have?" Peter asked us, and I looked at my watch. 

"We have thirty minutes," I answered and everyone looked at me. 

"Thirty minutes?" Natalie cried. 

"Yes," I answered. 

"We're going to be like this forever," she cried again, more upset than surprise this time. 

"Don't think like that," Egon snapped at her. I smiled at the two. Even if they weren't twins you would be able to tell they were brother and sister. 

"There!" Winston called pointing at something at the top of the cave we were in. It looked like a drop that was going to fall. I saw it wouldn't and that someone was in it. I looked closely and saw the blond hair, the red glasses, the blue uniform. 

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