14: The Ghostmaster

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*Natalie's pov* 

It was not a good day for us. It seemed has soon has we woke up that bad things started to happen. For one thing, Peter was just eating his breakfast, and that is pretty normal, right? Well is it normal when your drink explodes and your food starts talking to you? No, well it happened to Peter. Winston was working on Ecto 1, and the oil, whenever he got near, hit him. He was covered in oil when he was done. Ray was almost killed by a television show. Egon started a fire and could barely get out alive, thanks to the help of Winston and I. 

What happened to me you might ask? You know how I said it seemed to start when we woke up? Well let's just say I woke up to a friend in my bed. A scaly, ugly, little serpent of a friend. I think they heard me screaming in China. 

We were all sitting around the table now watching our backs. Something was going on, but we didn't know what it was. Egon looked like he was in thought and might have an idea. I was playing with a grape, just rolling it around the table. The worse that could happen is I squish it and get juice all over me. On Egon, I mean. I squished it and it flew onto his glasses. 

"Sorry," I mumbled and he wiped the juice off his glasses. 

"I've had enough!" Peter cried hitting the table and we looked at him. "What is happening to us? Have we been cursed or something?" 

"I don't think that is all of it," Egon started looking at us. "I think the Ghostmaster might have escaped the Contaminant Unit." 

"He did what?" Winston asked looking at Egon. I sat there thinking about who the Ghostmaster was. I thought, but it didn't ring any bells. 

"When we took that ghost out to capture me the other day, I fear that another ghost was let out. It said we were one short, but I didn't think much of it until now. All signs point that one did, and I believe that it was the Ghostmaster." 

"Oh no," Ray sighed and the guys looked upset. 

"Who is the Ghostmaster?" I asked them and they looked at me. I think they sometimes forgot in their big heads that I wasn't around to know every single ghost. The only one I know is the big guy, and I don't plan on meeting him any time soon. 

"He's a class eleven ghost," Ray told me and I looked at him in shock. A class eleven? That is more powerful than what the guys told me about Gozer and Vigo. If he was this powerful, than I didn't really want to meet him. 

"What did you all do to him to make him this angry?" I asked has the power went out. I was guessing I somehow made him angry, but what I did was beyond me. 

"He wants to take us to the spirit world and make us his personal servants," Winston explained smashing a bug crawling up his leg. "He says that busting ghost is a crime and that this is our punishment." 

"Seems like a lot just for doing our jobs," I mumbled and felt something slide across my foot. I didn't look down but I did see Ray pick up the snake. I closed my eyes and act like I never saw it. He threw it out the window. 

"It is," Peter said standing up. "We need to find Ghostmaster and settle this once and for all!" 

"You go get put back in one of those bubble things," Winston told him. "I'll stay right here and let the others take a turn in them." 

"I still have no idea what you are talking about," I tell them following Peter to the door. I stand in the door way has he stands on the sidewalk, and I see the others stand beside me. 

"Hey Ghostmaster!" he called to the sky. "Come on out and face me like the ghost you are!" 

We waited for a bit. It seemed like nothing was going to happen. Just has Peter was about to leave from his spot, laughter filled the air. A light blinded me for a moment, but when it cleared up I saw a ghost standing there. He was an ugly thing, the Ghostmaster. His skin was a very light blue, and his double, maybe triple chins made his face worse. He had huge ears that was the size of his head, maybe bigger. He had cherry red lips that showed two of his fangs. His yellow eyes seemed to look at all of us with amusement about whatever he had planned. If you think that is bad, he was wearing a dark blue suit with a yellow shirt and a black tie. His legs were very little I didn't even think that they could hold the massive blob on top of them. Did I mention he was very fat? He is. 

"Ghostbusters," he said with a smile on his face, looking at each and every one of us. "So good to see you all again. I'm sure you will all look very good has servants. But who are you?" he asked pointing his black clawed finger at me. I smiled knowing that he didn't know who I was, just that I was a part of a team he didn't like. 

"I'm Natalie Spengler," I answered not moving from the doorway. "Who might you be?" 

"General Ghostmaster," he answered. "You must be the new member that has all the ghost buzzing in each other ears." 

"Buzzing? Why might that be?" 

"Manly they have had males busting them. They say the new female is a load for them to see before being locked away unfairly. Many love the way you look." 

"A lot do," I answered looking at the others. They all looked at me knowing I was staling him for as long has I could. The Ghostmaster seemed to listen to every word I say. 

"Do tell, is it the same in the living world?" he asked looking at the others in disgust. 

"It is. Most people only look at the beauty outside, not within." 

"Pity, a woman like you seems to be a fine charmer." 

"A gift and a curse." 

"I think I have made up my mind about the role you will play in my servants," he said with a smile. I looked back at the others and suddenly they had these glass like bubbles around them. I now understood what Winston meant. One found its way to me and trapped me like the others. I hit it with my fist has it floated over to the ghost, forcing me to look into his smiling eyes. 

"You shall be my new wife." 

Ugh, gross! Ugh, I have to go wash my mouth out with water now! Ugh! Okay, now that that was done, I think I might be sick! Go look at the Ghostmaster at the side, understand. Okay, yell at me, I don't care. I have to stop this before it even goes down. I don't think I have the stomach to write a wedding like that! Eww, I'm thinking about it right now! 

Sparkles: You can stop over reacting now. 

Shut up Sparkles! Let me know how these turn of events made you feel. I think I'm going to go lie down and watch Beetlejuice. Peace out my Stars! 

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