59: Stop it!

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  • Dedicated to dafluffyunicorn and CoraStonesGhostbusta

*Louis' pov* 

I couldn't believe she did that. My Nat was leaving me after everything. I didn't even know what the reason was besides this Chris guy came in and stole her from me. I even meant him once. No wonder she liked him better. He could take her all over the city, give her whatever she wanted, and he could even look into her eyes. He was taller then her. 

What did I have to give her? Nothing, that's what. I just wanted Nat to be happy, that's all, but I wanted her to be happy with me. Chris was getting what I wanted. 

The guys were still trying to find the chysena, but it seemed to only come out of hiding right after Chris had a date with Natalie. That was also a problem. My once-to-be-wife wasn't doing her job. All she did was sit somewhere dreaming about Chris or was with him. Something was wrong with her. There had to be. 

"Hey Louis," Peter told me, taking me from my thoughts. 

"Hey," I told him back. He sat down at his desk.

"You still upset about Natalie?" 

"I am." 

"Peter!" I heard Egon yell to him. I wondered what was wrong. "Would you get up here?" 

"What?" Peter yelled back walking up the stairs. I followed wondering what Egon was up to. As long as he wasn't going to blow us up, I was okay with it. 

"You might want to see this," Ray told us has we walked in. They were looking out the window with Winston, all three of them not liking what they were seeing. Peter and I looked also, and I gasped. Standing across the street was Natalie and Chris, Chris kissing Natalie. 

"No," I whispered. She was kissing him. She couldn't be doing this on her own, could she? I mean something had to be happening to her if she was just going to up and forget me, right? I hoped so. 

"Louis, I'm so sorry," Egon told me. "I don't know what is getting into her. She would never act like this unless something is wrong." 

"It's okay Egon," I replied. "It's Chris' fault. He's the one who took Natalie away from me." 

"Louis," Ray said has something happened. I looked out of the window and gasped again. Chris had something in his hand, and was about to do something. It was about to go into Natalie's neck. The thing was a dark purple liquid that had a needle. It matched his eye color perfectly. I didn't know what it was going to do to her, but I wasn't going to let Chris drug, poison, whatever Natalie. I ran down the stairs and out to where Nat and Chris were kissing. I took the bottle from Chris hand and he glared at me. 

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He was still holding Natalie, but she looked confused about what was going on. 

"I'm kissing the woman I love," he told me smiling at Nat. She just looked at him like he was crazy. 

"You don't love her!" I yelled at him. 

"I do," he replied. 

"Then what is this? What were you going to put in her?" 

He never answered. He let go of Natalie, and pushed me against the wall. He held me by the neck and hit me in the eye. He pouched my stomach multiple times, making me groan. When he was done doing that, he tightened his grip on my neck. I coughed, trying to get away, but his grip was too much for me to get away. I was seeing spots and I could barely breath. 

"Stop it!" I heard someone yell. I fell to the floor coughing, catching my breath. I felt a pair of hands on mine, and I looked up to see Nat helping me up. She glared at Chris. "What is wrong with you? You could have killed him!" 

"I know," Chris told her laughing. Then a light covered his body, making both of us cover our eyes. When I looked back up, I was facing a chysena, right where Chris was standing. The ghost laughed at us. 

"No," Natalie gasped covering her heart. Everything clicked right then. The reason why were haven't heard from the ghost was because it was working. It's next victim was Natalie Spengler's heart. 

"Yes my dear," it told her. "I knew that Louis Tully would come out and try and save you. Yet when you saw me trying to kill him, that pure heart broke my spell. You had to save the man you loved, and for that, I'm going to make you my next meal. I'm going to feast on the purest heart in New York!" 

"No!" Natalie yelled and picked me up. She carried me inside the firehouse and sat me down. "I can't die. Not without saying I'm sorry." 

"Nat," I said picked up her chin to see me. "You weren't yourself when. But you're not going to die. I won't let you." 

"Louis, I don't think there is anything you can do," she told me, and the chysena bust down the door. It reached and picked up Natalie. She screamed out and the others ran down. Natalie was tied in the tentacle and it covered her mouth. She struggled to get out, but she couldn't. Another one with a circle at the end come close to her face. Gas that was a dark purple come out, and she went still. It was knock-out gas. 

"Natalie!" Egon yelled out has the ghost took off. He ran, but the tail hit him hard and knocked him into the wall, causing him to faint also. The chysena looked at him and gave a small smile. It wrapped one around his feet and another around Ray. 

"Just so you can't find me," it hissed. It took off with Ray yelling, the Spengler twins out cold by it's hands. 

"Oh no," Peter said. "It's going to kill Natalie and it's got Ray and Egon!" 

"No it's not," I said and ran up to see what Egon and Ray have been doing. On a piece of paper was notes on it. I read them all and smiled. I knew where the chysena was taking them. I was going to save my wife, her brother, and our friend. 

Are you happy? I told you I had a plan! Dear God my Stars are crazy. Now you can all put the knifes away, get rid of the pink unicorn faces, and just take a chill pill! 

Sparkles: And you can stop hugging me out of fear. 

This is why I don't like you to speak. -_- Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter. Don't go starting an angry mob without reading all of the story! Well most of it anyway. Or I say so. You can do it if I say so. That's all. Peace out my (crazy) Stars! ;)

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