Chapter 50- Alone

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5:35 PM

(Back to Charlotte.)

I tap my foot violently as I wait for the doctors to let me in. I considered putting up a fight, but what difference would it make?

A door opens and I flinch, looking up. Anthony grips my shoulder.

"It's all going to be ok."

I started to breathe heavily. Stop it Charlotte! Breathe. Don't forget to breathe.

"I tried to get her to eat Anthony. She wouldn't listen. I should have pushed her harder."

I took another breath.

Don't forget to breathe.

"It's all my fault I could have helped her. I should have watched her eat. I should have watched her closer. It's my fault. I'm a horrible friend. Anthony this is literally the worst."

He smiled sadly. "You know I don't speak French Char."

I take a deep and calm breath.

"Breathe." He says, taking my hand.

I see Katie's door open. I rush to it only to be greeted by a tall man in a long white coat.

"Katie!" I call trying desperately to peek in.

"I'm sorry Ms. Spencer. Your friend is in serious condition and must be left alone."

I take a deep breath as Anthony remains seated, letting me handle myself.

" I have been waiting here for two hours on my friend who I never got an update on!" I cried.

"Get the hell out of my way." I push past him. He tries to refuse but eventually let's me be.

I cover my mouth with my hand to muffle the scream that I feel rising in my throat.

The once frizzy-haired, fun-loving, southern woman I knew was in pieces.

Her hair was in large tangles, her bright and fun clothes were replaced with a dull hospital gown, and her dark and alive face was pale and horrid. There were wires and tubes all over the place.

I stood there for a moment. Unable to move.

"Can she hear us?" I ask the doctor.

"She can." He nodded.

My feet slowly move to the small leather seat next to her bed. I feel hot and gross tears falling from my eyes.

Breathe. Don't forget to breathe.

"Can you leave?" I ask the doctor. He nods and moves out of the room.

I turn back to Katie.

"Katie?" My voice breaks so I have to stop speaking.

"Can you hear me?"

I know she can't respond even if she can.

I take my hand and slide it in hers. It's cold. I shiver a little at her lack of warmth.

"You've gotta stay strong here Katie. We need you. You're kinda what keeps us from killing each other."

I laugh a little but my voice breaks again and I feel the threat of tears.

"You've got to hold on."

My hand tightens around hers and I wonder if she even wants to hold on.

What if she doesn't want to live?

What if this has gone so far that she finally...

I shook my head and cleared my throat.

My tears stop for a moment as I look to the ceiling for answers.

I think of a song she would want to hear.

One that she loved so much.

Oh God I did it again.

I smile sadly and begin to sing.

"525,600 minutes. Five hundred twenty five thousand moment so dear. 525,600 minutes. How do you measure- measure a year?"

I lay my head on the table and open my mouth to finish when I'm interrupted by familiar voices joining me.

"In daylights in sunsets in midnights in cups of coffee?"

I fell myself release a gasp as I turn to face the doorway.

Mitch, Chris, Angel, Anthony, and David stood in the doorway with tearstained faces.

I closed my eyes and squeezed them tight.

I turned my face back to Katie and saw a single tear rush down her face from her right eye.

She can hear me.

I take in a deep breath and hold back sobs.

"In inches in miles in laughter in strife? In five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure a year in the light?"

I tighten my grip on Katie's hand as if she might float away.

Please don't float away.

"How about love?"

Then, I think I almost see a smile on her face.

The monitor next to her starts to flip out. Gloved hands grab at me. They start to tear me away from Katie. I scream, and kick, and bite, and curse.

I let out a loud shriek. I didn't stop until I heard the all-too-familiar sound of a flatline.

I look up because I'm apparently on the floor now.

A strong but not gloved hand grabs my shoulder. I try to fight it but the loud beeping floods my entire existence.

I cover my ears and squeeze my eyes shut.

Buckets of tears fall down my face. Eventually the whole room is just slow movements and white noise.

I hear the loud beeping continue in my ears and see a darkness cover my eyes.

Don't take her God please.

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