Chapter 103- Sorry

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My leg stung.

That's all I can feel.

Am I even alive?

At least he feeds me.

At least I don't know what happened.

At least everyone else is ok.


Darren's POV

I paced the police station waiting room.

A tall officer approached me.

"We traced the phone call."

I put my hand over my mouth.

"Did you find her?"

He looked at his shoes.

"There was no sign."

I fell to the floor.

This can't be happening.

This can't be real.

My poor Charlie.


I heard his boots.

I heard his voice.

I kept my eyes shut.

"They came." He said.

I could hear the smile in his voice.

"They didn't find anything. Face it Charlotte, you're gone. By tomorrow nobody will remember you existed."

I opened my eyes. He had a long strip of strict fabric and my knife.

"You're a liar."

My voice was scratchy and dry.

"And you're...."

He made a gesture with his hands.

"Poof! Gone."

I growled at him like a dog.

"What do you want with me?! Why are you doing this?! Just kill me! Give me something to look forward to!"

He took a small step back.

"Such a temper. Darren has probably already forgotten you. So have all your little 'friends'."

He paced around my chair.

A pair of cold lips touched my right temple.

There's no use fighting.

Nobody can hear me.

Nobody cares.

He sets his hand on my uninjured thigh. It slowly makes its way up.

I close my eyes and hold back tears.

"You're a psychopath."

He moved to my front. He got into his knees in front of me.

His eyes stared into mine as I open them.

"Be nice to your new friend."

He kissed my knee.

I wanted to kick his face, but I was too tired. I didn't think I could do anything anymore.

Exhaustion flooded my existence. I wanted to sleep. I wanted to be dead.

"When I first saw you come into the theater I knew you were special. I knew you were smart. I wanted to give you a kiss right then. You are very pretty Charlotte."

He held my knee.

Jon stood upright.

I turned away from him.

He held my chin.

The knife twirled in his left hand, while his right fingered through my hair.

He traced the knife along my jaw, leaving only little marks. He pressed harder. The knife cut above my eyebrow, making blood run into my mouth. It stained my teeth.

The taste was awful. I spit the metallic red liquid out and into his face.

He wiped it slowly.

Then he wiped it on my pant leg.

I clenched my fists.

I'm done fighting this man.

I'm done.

Let him do what he must.

I'm sorry Addie.

I'm sorry D.

I'm sorry Mom.

I'm sorry...

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