Chapter 118- Stories

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The show went by quickly. One minute I'm spinning around in The Schuyler Sisters the next I'm standing behind the curtain waiting for my cue in Stay Alive.

Act two also zooms past. Soon it's time for D to go back onto the spinning stage and do his dying thing.

I grip the fabric of my dress, close my eyes, clench my teeth, and cover my ears. It's over before I know it. I know Jon is gone in prison and Lin changed the guns, but some things you just can't shake. I step out and finish my last song.

This time I have a crazy feeling while singing it.

My mind starts to wander. I pull it back, trying to focus on the words.

Who will tell my story?

Who's will I tell?

I soon realize the answer.

I'm telling my mother's story.

I'm telling the story of everyone back where I come from.

I'm telling the story of those who are constantly pushed around by people bigger than themselves.

I'm telling Addie's story.

I'm telling the cast's story.

I'm telling my story.

That's who tell my story!



I hug everyone on my way out of the stage doors.

I greet the cheering people.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"What are you doing?" Darren taps my shoulder.

I exhale.

"I'm taking in the moment, Love."

I look around at the faces. The people of all kinds stare back at me. They're all different. People come in all shapes and sizes.

Black, white, short, tall, gay, straight, Muslim, Jewish, French, American.

They all cheer for us.

I smile at them like I've known them my whole life.

I start on the far left and make my way around.

I hear nice comments from young girls. Even adults.

"You sound like an angel."

"I want to be like you."

"You're hair is so cool!"

"You are my idol."

I hold the words close. I keep them locked in my heart. Whenever I need a laugh or a smile, I let them out. The words dance around in the air, letting out happiness.

This is what dreams feel like.


Oak called me AGAIN.

"Ok I love Oak and all, but he needs to call Addie not me."

Darren laughs while cutting up tomatoes. I hang up on Oak, and come behind him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Whatcha makin?"

He rolls his eyes.

"For the fifth time, I'm making pizza."

I cock my head to the side.

"What's the occasion?"

He sighs.

"I told you. Addie is coming back and eating with us tonight."

I let go of this neck.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

He looks back at his tomatoes.

"I did Charlotte. Just like I told you I was making pizza."

I rolled my eyes and flopped on the couch.

"Hey D guess what?"

He mumbled something.

Taking that as a "what?".

"We only have a few more months as college students."

He smiles.

"Yeah I know, Mrs. Salutatorian!"

I put a hand to my face.

How in hell did I manage to get shot, get my dream job, get kidnapped, get married, and become second in my class?!

It doesn't make sense, but I'm not complaining.

"You know you have to make a speech right?"

I shrug.

"Nothing I haven't done before."

He laughs to himself.

"Maybe you can sing it."

I sit up from my awkward position.

"That's a great idea!"

He groans.

"I was joking Charlotte."

I shrug again.

"I wasn't."

He laughs and finishes killing tomatoes.

"What time is Addie coming?"

I lay back down.

He looks at the clock.

"In about three hours."

I shoot up from my position again and race to the closet.

"I'm going to get ready. Have fun with dinner!"

I hear him yell at me from the kitchen, but I ignore him and get ready.

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