Chapter 30

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He stood there, stunned to see her.  In the pouring rain.  On his doorstep.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.  Not that he was unhappy to see her, but very surprised.  "Why are you out in the pouring rain?"  Her hair hung in a wet mess around her shoulders and her clothes were soaked through and through and he thought she had never looked more beautiful.  He could tell she was upset as well.  He reached out and took a hold of her hand.  "Butterfly," he said gently.  "Come inside."  He noticed she was shivering.

Kaia's teeth began to clatter together as she stepped inside.  "I'm...I'm sorry for barging in like this Liam," she said.  "I was leaving the shops and I got a flat tire on my way home and...." she said her teeth chattering.

"Where's your car?"

"Right outside your gate."

"Did you call Zayn?" He asked.  She shook her head and he couldn't help but feel his heart soar just a little.  "Isn't he going to worry where you are?" He asked.

"I doubt it," she said, her teeth still chattering.  "He's taking care of Marian. "

"Kaia," he began.

"Don't start with me Liam," she said slightly miffed.  "Can you just call road service assistance for me please.  I have absolutely no idea who to call for this kind of stuff.  I'll just wait here."

He kept looking at her.  He felt his heart begin to race.  "First of all, you're not just going to wait here.  You're soaking wet and if you don't get out of those wet clothes, you are going to get sick."

She arched an eyebrow at him.

"And two, it's probably going to take some time for road service to get here, so you may as well just stay for a little while."  He couldn't help but feel excited that she was there.  Albeit his thoughts at the moment were completely inappropriate given what they had already done in the past 24 hours.  "I'll make you some hot tea.  Bathroom is down the hall and on the left."  He turned to go to the kitchen.

"I should just go and wait in the car."

"No," he said moving back to stand in front of her.  "What good would that do?" He asked.

"Liam....." she said looking up at him.  She couldn't help but close her eyes when he brought his hand up and pushed her wet hair out of her face.  She was probably going to go straight to hell for what she was thinking and for the way she had judged Marian and Louis.

"Please stay," he said moving closer to her.  "At least for a little while."

When she opened her eyes, he was practically chest to chest with her.  "Only until my tire is changed."

He nodded and watched as she walked away from him.  When she reached the bathroom doorway, she turned to look at him once more.  Liam felt himself break out into a cold sweat and hurried to the kitchen to make her some tea.

Kaia shut the bathroom door behind her and stood with her back against it.  She berated herself over and over again for turning to Liam.  She hated that she was finding herself so weak. She hated that Liam had such a deep control over her like he did. She didn't know why. She loved Zayn deeply and she knew what she was doing was so wrong. So against every vow she said to him. But she also wished  Zayn would understand that she was having such a hard time coping with trying to help Marian.  She loved her more than anything, but this was whole new territory.  She had never known anyone who had lost a child before and it hurt her because she didn't know how to help.  With a heavy sigh, she stripped off her clothes and laid them over the edge of the very large bathtub  and climbed into the very large shower.  Turning the water to as hot as she could stand it.  As she stood there, she could hear the door open.

THE TIES THAT BIND-Book 3 In The Sexy As SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now