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It was Christmas Eve, and Winnie had never seemed more excited. We were planning on doing a Christmas liveshow together, all 3 of us. I just thought that maybe this Christmas season could be a bit more family themed, rather than party themed. Especially since we'd gone to Zoe's Halloween party. Tabby had been a cat, and Winnie had dressed up as Pooh Bear, giving Phil the perfect line. "You know, they kind of, just a little bit, remind me of us on our first Halloween together." And I to admit, it was nostalgic.

Adjusting Phil's nose for him one last time, I couldn't help but smile. This was a perfect idea, and I was glad that Phil had thought about it. We could just say that Winnie's parents were out of town, that we were babysitting for them, or we could just ignore the fact that we have a child on our laps and get on with the show. After getting a nod of approval from Phil, I clicked the 'go' button on YouNow, waiting for the chat to come to life. Now we hadn't really told anyone we were doing a live show, we were depending on the notifications that hopefully were turned on, and that we might at least get a couple hundred online. We were planning to upload this on YouTube, though we hadn't discussed whose channel yet, so we wouldn't get yelled out for the random, late night, live show while half of the world was sleeping. "I don't think anyone is awake right now." Clicking my tongue at Phil's words, I waved at him, it was only a matter of time. "Dan, she's getting tired, I think we should put her to bed." He wasn't wrong, Winnie was yawning like crazy, leaning against Phil's chest, her eyes barely open.

"Let's give it another 10 minutes, okay? I'm sure /someone/ will pop up." But I knew he was about to put his foot down, and out of pure habit I gave him the puppy dog eyes that I knew he couldn't say no to, no matter how much he knew he should. With a large sigh he rolled his eyes and nodded, and I couldn't but grin, barely managing to stop myself from leaping forward and pecking his cheek. God forbid that someone would actually join at that exact second and then everything would've been blown out of the water. Within a few minutes, a pretty good amount of people popped up into the chat, at least a couple hundred, and I grinned at Phil, who just shook his head and motioned for me to greet them. "MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE YOU GUYS!!"

Beaming at the camera, the chat started to flood with responses, mostly with complaints of why we were up so late, and why Winnie was here. "Merry Christmas Eve you guys, we're babysitting for a few days while her parents are out, they'll be back a little bit after New Years, but she comes over a lot. She's basically like our daughter." Poking Winnie's tummy, she let out a tiny squeal, swatting his hand away before grinning at the camera, and instantly the chat flooded with screaming, and incoherent words. "I think they like you, little one." Patting her head, her light eyes sparkled, though I began to notice they were still pretty sleepy. She pouted at him, swatting his hand away, her eyes were determined to stay awake, but she was failing.

"We might not stay too long you guys, she's practically falling asleep in our arms! So how about a few questions? And, Phil, I'm sure that you have a story or two to share, hmm?" I looked over towards him, my eyes expectant. He nodded, quickly diving into a story about how one year at home his entire family, extended included, had come over for Christmas and had just wrecked the house. Giggling softly, I accidentally melted into my role of just staring at him without a word, my heart eyes appearing without much of my own consent. But after a moment he looked back towards me, and we were just staring at each other for a few seconds.

I suddenly realised that he had asked me a question, specifically, what my craziest Christmas story was. "Oh, mine? Um, nothing exciting, trust me." But he prompted me under the table, tapping me with his foot, and I swatted him away with my own. "Okay, well, when I was 16, my mum invited a few of my school mates over for a Christmas party. Now, as you all know, I didn't really have friends when I was younger. They were just kids who acted nice enough when my mum was around, so she assumed that they were friends." Clearing my throat I tried to remember a few key points, it had been almost 10 years ago. "And let's just say that when my mum left us alone in my room, they completely trashed it. So, not that different from Phil's, hmm?" Shrugging like it was nothing, I looked back towards Phil, an expression of shock and worry on his face. "Oh, it was years ago, Philip. Get that look off your face, please."

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