Chapter 1

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Jasmine Smith is a 13 year old teen born in a werewolf family. She lives with her 2 older brothers Jace Smith (age 16) and Carter Smith (age 20). Jazz is a strong individual with a vibrant spirit but will her family's past allow her to pursue what she wants? Unlike a normal teenager, her life takes many turns including a face-to-face with her father, the world of illegal drugs, forbidden love and much more all while her transitions to a werewolf is taking place.



Jazz's POV

"Oh c'mon babe, quit playing hard to get" Carlos said putting his hands on either side of my locker, trapping me.

Carlos is one of the most popular guys in school as he is very good looking and rich. I guess his looks are a compensation for what he lacks in the brains. He is a player and believes he can have any girl he wishes to. Apparently, I am his new target starting today. I am not interested and have made it clear to him but he doesn't seem to understand.

"I will ask you one last time to move away from me" I said, trying to sound dangerous.

"You know you like me..." He said leaning in towards me and as soon as he tried to kiss me, my innate defense mechanism was at work. I pushed both his arms up, then pushed him backwards, making him lose his balance a little, and then kicked him in the crotch with all the power I had.

"I ASKED YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM ME" I yelled while he was on the floor in fetal position, crying in pain. His buddies who were not too far away were shocked at what they had just witnessed. A few girls in the hallway started clapping for me. I can only assume that they wanted to do the same to this bastard but maybe they never got the opportunity. 

I walked to my class, which was math. News travels fast in this place and what I had done was "breaking news" (pun intended). I was congratulated by quite a few people. In the middle of the class, there was an announcement: "Ms. Jasmine Smith please report to the principal's office".  All the eyes turned to me as I made my ways out of the class. 

I reached the office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard the voice of my principal, Ms.Black.

As soon as I shut the door behind me, Ms.Black said, "Seems like you had an interesting afternoon."

"No ma'm. Please give me a chance to explain myself." and I told her what had happened.

Her reply to it was "You could've complained about it. There was no need for violence. Don't you agree?"

I couldn't believe this woman! She was saying that while an idiot was trying to stick his tongue down my throat instead of defending myself, I should've waited for it to be done so that I could file a complaint against him after? I controlled my anger and very calmly presented my argument,

"Given the circumstances, I did what I thought was right but if you chose to punish me for self defense, I don't think the female population of the school will feel confident defending themselves against what can be considered 'physical abuse' knowing that it might land them in trouble."

"Your argument is valid but why didn't you report the incident AFTER what had taken place?" She shot back.

"Well, I thought the situation had already been dealt with..." 

"And what is the guarantee that he won't try to do anything of the sort again with you?" She cut me before I could finish.

After a deep breath she started again, "Look, all I am saying is, you are in grade 8 and you have a bright future ahead of you. Don't let something like this affect your transcript. I am not suspending you because I know you are a bright student and this is the first time you have done anything of this sort. My only concern is, be alert and report anything like this so that we can prevent it from happening. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Wow, I guess I misunderstood her. All I could say was "yes ma'am"

I attended my other classes and when school ended, I walked outside to find both my brothers by the car waiting for me. I just realized that they have the place wired and they must've heard about the stunt I pulled today. I am in sooo much trouble!

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