Chapter 29

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Jasmine's POV

Max took me to my room. He called Carter.

Max: "Carter, we have a situation. You need to come home RIGHT NOW. Jazz... she phased and we have a trespasser." Than he stopped talking and I assumed Carter was saying something to him. He handed the phone to me. 

"Carter wants to talk to you." he said.


"Hey Jazz, are you alright?"

"Yeah... just really tired."

"That's ok. Sweetheart do as Max tells you please? I'll be home as soon as I can."

"Ok... I'll see you soon." and he hung up.

 Max: "Jazz why don't you take some rest."

Me: "Max I want to meet that guy."

Max: "You can't meet the rogue." I could hear the disgust his voice.

Me: "Max please... just once."

Max: "Jasmine, don't test my patients. He is dangerous and you are not meeting him. Now please take some rest."

Me: "Max..."

Max: "NO"

Me: "Ok fine. I won't see him but can you promise me one thing?"

Max: "What?"

Me: "You won't... kill him." just the thought of never being able to see those green eyes made my heart ache.

Max: "Sweety, that's not upto me. That's Carter's decision to make. I can promise that we won't hurt him any further if he chooses to cooperate." After his re-assurance, I went to sleep. When I woke up, Kathy was next to me.

Kathy: "Look who's awake already! How are you feeling love?"

Me: "Much better. How long has it been?"

Kathy: "An hour... You transformed much earlier than expected. That's why we weren't prepared. Usually we don't phase till 16 but you're only 13."

Me: "Almost 14 actually."

Kathy: "Hahaha... yes ofcourse. I've been reading into it but nothing satisfying yet. I need you to be really careful because I don't know what to expect. Be very careful about your emotions. Control them. If they are strong enough, there can be an involuntary shift. Anyways, enough with the boring stuff. Do you want to eat something?"

Me: "No, I'm fine Kathy. Is Carter home? Can I see him?" 

Kathy: "How about I go get him for you?" She left. I was curious about that werewolf. I needed to know he was alright. I got out of my bed and walked out the bedroom door when Max saw me.

Max: "and just where do you think you're going?" he was holding a glass of water.

Me: "Ohh... I wanted some water."

Max: "yeah right (sarcasm). I kept a glass of water right next to your bed." He walked back into my room with me. He sat me down and spoke in a soft voice now, "Jazz, not all werewolves are nice. It's like people, there are the good kind and the bad kind. He's a rogue... and he's a rogue for a reason. Carter and Jacob are with him right now. When Carter comes up, you can ask him whatever you want."

Me: "Max... did you... tell them about the..."

Max: "about your little run... no. About you wanting to see that rogue... no. I don't want to put you in an awkward situation Jazz, I just want you safe. I've already lost a sister, I don't want to lose another." He gave me a hug. When Carter walked in, Max walked out of the room.

I hugged Carter tight partly because I was happy to see him after my transformation and partly because I was very nervous. 

Carter: "Are you alright Jazzy?"

Me: "Yes. Max took really good care of me."

Carter: "That's great. Kathy said you wanted to see me?"

Me: "Carter... I... I wanted to see that guy Jake and Jace brought in. May I please see him?"

Carter: "Jazz, he's a rogue. You can't see him till I'm through with him. He attacked you, remember?"

Me: "Carter, he didn't attack me. I just screamed because I wasn't expecting to see a werewolf on our grounds. Please, don't hurt him on my account. He didn't even touch me."

Carter: "Yeah, because Jace, Jake and Max didn't let him. I'll need to talk to them too. Why were you running in the forest by yourself anyways?"

Me: "Umm... that's because..." I didn't want to snitch on Jace's hacking so I was trying to find some excuse. Kathy walked in through my door. Great timing Kathy! 

Carter: "We'll talk about it later ok? I need to get back to the rogue." For some reason every time someone called him a rogue, it bothered me. There was just something wrong with associating him with the term rogue. I mean if you think about it, technically we were rogues too. Living in an unmarked territory, not part of a pack... we weren't running around anymore but there was a time in our lives when we were. So why was it that they hated this guy so much?

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