Chapter 33

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Jasmine's POV

"HOLY... you scared me!" Alec whispered in anger.

"Good, now we're even." I whispered back.

Alec: "Look I'm sorry I jumped in front of you like that in the forest. I didn't mean any harm."

Me: "What's done is done. What exactly are you doing up at this hour?"

Alec: "You know, I can ask you the same question."

Me: "I came out because I heard your foot steps."

Alec: "Impossible! You couldn't hear them unless you were wide awake, wanting to hear them."

Me: "I couldn't sleep because I didn't do much today. What's your excuse?"

Alec: "I don't know. There's just... forget it. You won't understand. Sorry I disturbed you." He was headed back to his room. He was upset about something and I had a crazy urge to know what it was. I mean, ofcourse he's our guest for the time being so I should be a good hostess and take care of it, right? I was arguing in my head whether to let him go or not and I decided to go with my instinct. 

Me: "Alec... I have a place that helps me think. Maybe it'll help you too. Come with me." I said leading the way into my bedroom. He was a little hesitant at first but followed me anyways. I took him to my balcony where I was a few min. ago watching the water under the moonlight.

Alec: "This... is... beautiful."

Me: "I know right? This is my favorite place. I sit here to think or when I'm upset. Watching the water helps me. Maybe it'll help you too." I sat on the floor and he sat down next to me. He was staring at the waters and I didn't disturb him. Eventually he started speaking.

Alec: "They called me Ace. I didn't even realize when Alec Chase became Ace... it doesn't make much sense does it..." he trailed off. He was still facing the sea. I just sat there listening. I didn't want him to stop talking.

Alec: "I'm so confused! Has it ever happened to you that you don't know enough to make a judgement for your self and you don't want to believe what you've been told?" he looked at me with those beautiful green eyes. 

Me: "Yes. It has happened before." 

Alec: "Than what did you do?"

Me: "Well I had two options. First was to discover more for myself and second was to believe what I had been told. I ended up doing a bit of both."

Alec: "How so?" he looked at me with a confused look.

Me: "When Carter told me about my father, I didn't want to believe it. My dad was supposed to be my hero. On the other hand, I've always trusted Carter more than anything and anyone but I loved my father enough to doubt what I had been told by Carter. I made him prove to me that what he was saying was the absolute truth. I was... I guess I still am, a little too young, to find proof for myself but Carter had enough proof and I trusted him enough to believe him."

Alec: "What do I do if the trust is mostly there but the evidence is missing?"

Me: "I guess you wait. You wait till you have enough evidence to accompany the trust."

Alec: "...and what if I don't have the liberty to wait? what if I'm running out of time?"

Me: "Than you question the trust. How much do you trust the individual? Enough to believe them without the evidence?"

Alec: "What if I don't?"

Me: "You can always go with your gut feeling and make a decision."

Alec: "I would... but I'm afraid I'll make the wrong decision."

Me: "I've been told that it's never the decisions that are wrong, only the outcomes are. Have faith in yourself to make the decision and the courage to face whatever the consequences may be." 

He was quiet again. He turned to the waters. I didn't know what exactly it was that was bothering him but I was glad that I could be of some help. I stood up and leaned on the railing. He stood next to me. He put his hand on mine. An electric current passed through my entire body. My heart skipped a beat when I turned to him to find his warm and amazingly green eyes set on me. He looked dead in my eyes and said "Thank you... and I'm really sorry." That was probably one of the most heart-felt 'thank you' I've heard but I didn't understand what he was apologizing for, so I asked him, "Sorry? for what?"

Alec: "Umm... for keeping you up so late." I could tell he was covering up but I let it pass.

Me: "And how do you propose you make it upto me?"

Alec: "Wait what?"

Me: "hahaha... relax. No need to get your guard up. I just wanted to dance."

Alec: "You've got to be joking... I can't dance!"

Me: "Bullshit. Everyone can dance." I took his hand and put it on my back and I put my hand on his shoulder. I  just started to move side to side slowly. He followed. Than he started singing 'the time of my life' ever so softly. I put my head on his chest. I could hear his heart racing as fast as mine. He moved back. 

Me: "Umm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..."

Alec: "No... I'm sorry. I should go back to my room. Your alpha said not to give him the smallest excuse to kick me out. This... will get me killed and I'd like to live... so tonight never happened." he left the room. Now I was having a dilemma, the guy I met tonight was NOT the Alec I met earlier. In his language, I had the evidence that he was a total jerk but I refused to believe it and I didn't know if I trust him enough to go against the evidence. 

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