Chapter 43

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Max's POV

After Jasmine said she liked Alec, everyone is very concerned. I personally don't like the guy. Kathy and Carter made Jazz move to the third floor insisting that Chatara should have more time to spend with Alec. I knew that they just didn't want Jazz going closer to Alec. The only upside I have at the moment is Tyler. I'll get to see him today. I haven't seen him in what seems like ages. I was constantly worried about him while away. I was going to meet him at his place. He said Chris wasn't coming home tonight so I figured I can spend some time at his place tonight. I went for a run and told Carter not to wait up for me.

I was greeted by a tight hug. It felt good to know that I was missed as much as I missed him. We were just chatting when he started getting frisky. I've always made sure that I don't initiate things and that it doesn't go too far. I mean, I think he's too young to go all the way. I felt myself getting hard when he started kissing me. We were making out when he started to pull my shirt off.

Me: "Ty..." 

Tyler: "Shhh. I won't take it that far. I haven't seen you for so long. I just... want to make you feel my love."

I swear those were the lyrics to a song but I didn't want to kill the mood so I didn't say anything. He took his shirt off and I started moving down his neck on their sofa. He was rubbing his hands against me and he started working at my belt. Right before my pants were going to come off I heard a car pull up in the drive way. I signalled him to stop.

Me: "I think there's someone at the door."

Tyler: "You're just paranoid. I don't hear anything."

Me: "No... there IS someone." He got up to check. He came running back.

Tyler: "Fuck! It's my parents! What are they doing here? They didn't tell us they were coming home! Go hide in my room." He said handing me my shirt. I ran to his room when I heard him calling Chris.

Tyler: "Chris, you need to come back NOW. Mom and Dad are at the door. I'll cover for you for the time being. Come in through your room windows. I'll leave it open. Hurry!"

He was in Chris' room. He came back to me and said, "Sorry Max. I really didn't know..." before he could say any further, we heard his parents call out "Chris! Tyler! SURPRISE!" from downstairs. Tyler ran down and covered for Chris, "He's in his room. He said he has a lot to study for so he's taking a nap right now. I don't think we should wake him up. He'll wake up soon on his own anyways to study. You can meet him then!?"

Thankfully both of them agreed but insisted they see Chris sleeping. I ran to his room and covered myself entirely under his comforter. His parents came, made sure there was a breathing body under the sheets and left the room quietly. Once they had gone to their bedroom, Tyler came to me, "Oh thank God! I think it'll be best if you leave now."

Me: "Yup. I'll just use this window. It's too risky to leave through the front doors." I was leaving when I saw Chris approaching the house. I wasn't going to make it out without him seeing me and I didn't want to risk it so I climbed back up. I peeked through the door and found Tyler standing by his room alone. 

Tyler: "What's going on?"

Me: "Chris is here. I can't make it out before he gets here!" I whispered. Both of us heard him climb now.

Tyler: "SHIT! Go hide in my room. I'll see you soon." I did as he asked. For the next half hour I heard their family re-unite. I was tempted to just leave but I figured Tyler would be worried so I stayed. He came back to the room.

Tyler: "Sorry I kept you waiting for so long."

Me: "Not atall... now how do I get out of here?"

Tyler: "You can't right now. Chris is in his room. We have to wait till he goes to the bathroom so you can climb down his window. You can use my window but the pipe is a little risky so I prefer you don't."

Me: "Whatever is good with you is good with me!"

We heard Chris' shower turn on. Tyler looked out in the hall to look for his parents.

Tyler: "The coast is clear." I was climbed out of the window and both of us heard the shower turn off. I hurried down the window. I was far enough that I knew Chris won't be able to tell who it was even if he did see me. I could still hear him though. He was pretty loud.

Chris: "Tyler! What are you...?" He said moving close to the Window. "Who was that?"

I didn't stay to hear the rest of the conversation. I had to get back home...

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