Chapter 45

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Max's POV

The next morning, when I went to the breakfast table, I was surprised to see Alec. He just gave me a nod of acknowledgement to which I chose to respond to with a nod as well. Eventhough I don't hold anything against him personally, the fact that Jazz likes him makes me biased so I have to consciously put an effort to not be bitter towards him. 

I thought how I was going to do this all night yesterday. Today is the day I come out to my entire family. I was really nervous as Jake's reaction wasn't too great yesterday. I was still hopeful though. Jace seemed to have no issues and Jazz is ALWAYS happy for everyone!

Me: "Umm... I have something to say to you guys." I said looking at Kathy and Carter.

Carter: "Go ahead... unless you rather speak in privet."

Me: "No, I might as well say it here." I took a deep breath and continued. "I'm gay."

Carter: "Ok... cool!" This was not the response I was expecting! I was expecting either a full blown "You're fucking crazy" or "It must've been hard for you to come out.." and other emotional stuff. Not that I was complaining about his reaction. I thought it was great... just unexpected but great!

Kathy: "Are you sure?"

Carter: "Sweetheart, what kind of a question is that?"

Kathy: "No, I mean to say, I've known him all my life but he never said anything earlier. How long have you known?"

Carter: "Ok Kathy, please just let me do the talking! You're digging yourself a grave." He looked at me now and asked "What she means to ask is, why have you been hiding it for so long?"

Me: "Well... I didn't know how to come out. I was afraid of everyone's reaction. I suppose I wanted to be able to support myself in case things got ugly."

Carter: "Oh common Max. You should know we love you for who you are. Being gay doesn't define you. It's just a part of who you are. So what if you like guys? That's absolutely ok with me... us." Kathy just nodded in support.

Kathy: "I'm sorry you had to hide it for so long! I mean... it must've been..."

Carter: "Hey, did I not tell you to stop digging a grave for yourself?" Kathy whacked Carter but he just laughed it off. He continued, "He decided to come out and we support him. That's all that matters."  I was glad at their reaction but Jake was still quiet.

Me: "Jake... what are your thoughts?"

Jake: "What are my thoughts about what? I don't have any so far about your choices."

Jazz: "Jacob, it's not a choice! You don't choose to be gay. I'm 14 and I know that. What is your problem anyways?" she said getting irritated. 

Jake: "My problem Jasmine is that I really thought I knew my brother. Clearly NOT!" He said and stormed off. 

Jazz: "I'm sorry Max, I didn't mean to make it worst. I really didn't! I was just trying to help."

Me: "That's alright. I know he'll come to terms with it."

We got a ride from Chris and Tyler again. By the looks of it, everything seemed to be under control. We were headed in the school when Chris stopped me.

Chris: "Max, can I talk to you for a sec?" This made me freez. I knew Tyler wouldn't say anything but what if Chris found out from somewhere else? I was going to be a dead man today.

Me: "Sure. What's up?" I said trying to sound as normal as I could.

Chris: "I needed a favor. Tyler is seeing someone but he won't tell me. That guy was over at our place last night. I don't know who it is. I'm sure Jasmine would know. Even if she doesn't, could you please try talking to Tyler? Maybe he'll tell you."

Me: "Umm... sure. Why me though... there's Jace... or Jacob."

Chris: "Because I feel that he's much closer to you than any of us."

Me: "Ok... suppose I ask him and he tells me. What happens if you don't like the guy?"

Chris: "First I'll break his legs so that he won't be able to climb up or jump out my window again. Then I'll break his hands for putting them on my brother. I'll punch his face after so that he can never smile again and if I'm pissed enough I'll castrate him with my bare hands... WITHOUT anesthesia."

He heard me swallow my spit out loud so he turned to me.

Me: "So much violence isn't good for you!"

Chris: "Hey, this is my baby brother we're talking about. But please do find out for me."

He raised his hand and my heart skipped a beat only to realize he was putting it on my shoulder.

Chris: "Thanks man. I really appreciate this."

We walked in the school to attend our classes....

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