Chapter 17

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Kathy's POV

When Carter first came in through the doors at that alpha's place, I felt relieved. I didn't know him but I still felt safe. There was something about him... I caught myself checking him out and stopped myself only to notice that he was staring at me too. I had heard from my mother about finding your mate and all but I never thought it would happen to me under such circumstances. I never believed in "finding your other half" and all but I did believe in love. I always thought myself content with everything I was and all that I had. My mom always told me that you'll find "him" when you least expect it... I guess she was right?!

Carter took us out for food where he told us about his past. I told him the details I had left out at alpha's place about my past. We were headed to his place now and the realization that I was going to meet his family made me nervous for some reason. My brothers seemed to like Carter but whether Carter's siblings would like me or not concerned me!

Both Jasmine and Jace were absolute sweethearts. Jazz made arrangement for the night. I actually wanted to stay in Carter's room but I realized how inappropriate it would be for me to ask that. I could tell Carter wanted to stay with me too. It was easy to read his face. Both of us just went with Jazz's planning anyways.

Jazz and I actually had a very sweet talk before we went to bed. She really loved Carter and Jace. I told her about our past and how we had a sister just her age who we unfortunately lost to drugs. She flinched when she heard about it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I said.

"No not atall. I just thought about... some people... "she trailed off.

"Carter told me about your mom and dad. I think he blames himself for what happened to my pack because of his past. I don't blame him and I don't think he should either... honestly, I don't think I have ever met someone quite like your brother." I said as a smile automatically took over my face.

"Yup, Carter's a great guy. He would be a great mate for... someone. Don't you agree?" She said smiling. I found myself blushing. This 13 year old girl found out how I felt about her brother. I wonder if it was THAT obvious... but I was glad that she was ok with it.

"Well, good night!" She said.

"Good night." I replied and than she turned the lights off. 

Next morning I woke up alone in the room. I looked at the clock and it was 8:30 already. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I went down to find Carter and Jazz in the kitchen. I started helping Jazz out with the bacon and omelet sandwiches she was making for everyone. She excused herself from the kitchen by saying she needed to shower. I knew she would be eaves dropping before she even left. Thankfully Carter asked me to take a walk with him and I agreed. 

"I was wondering how long you guys were going to stay here?" He asked. I wasn't expecting this question. I didn't know how to react to it. I was shocked. 

"Wait, that came out wrong... I didn't mean it that way... oooh... I'm really bad at this... I mean I wanted to ask you to stay with us and... instead... I should shut up shouldn't I... I really just want you to stay... but ofcourse it's your choice too..." he was mumbling in nervousness. It was really adorable. I wanted to put him out of his misery so I kissed him. He was surprised at first but than kissed me back. It felt like I was living a scene from a movie. I had my arms around his neck and he had his around my waist. Our bodies were pressed against each others as we shared a passionate kiss surrounded by nature. He started moving his lips down my neck. I was running my hand through his hair. We were starting to get really intimate but I stopped him.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." he said in a worried tone when I stopped him.

"No no... it's not that. I love you too but I'm not ready for you to mark me yet." I said.

"I wasn't going to." he whispered in my ear and smirked. I started blushing. We started to walk again.

"I am worried about our siblings. Do you think they'll be ok with us? I mean, both of us have certain responsibilities and... I don't want to hold my brothers here against their will. I know you don't mind moving with me but that won't be fair to your siblings." I said in a worried tone.

"Hmm... I understand what you mean. How about I'll have a talk with the guys." He offered.

"And what about Jasmine? Do you want me to talk to her?" I asked.

"Honey, Jasmine is very happy for us. I know she is, but if you would like to talk to her for your satisfaction, go ahead." he said. I knew Jasmine was ok with us but I still wanted to have a clear conversation with her. I leaned in and he kissed me.

We talked about how our siblings are and how to convince them as we walked back to find Max and Jasmine eating breakfast. They were talking about something but when they saw us, they went quiet. I realized that I was still holding Carter's hand. I left his hand and went to sit next to Jazz. Carter didn't seem to like it but he didn't say anything. 

"So... how was the walk Kathy?" Max asked. 

"Good. Can you pass me the salt?" I said trying to change the topic.

"Did you do... I mean, see, anything interesting?" he asked again with an annoying grin on his face after handing me the salt. I wanted to kill him right now. Carter saw my dilemma. 

"Actually, we mainly talked about how to deal with annoying younger siblings. Would you like to know the conclusions?" Carter said giving him a 'shut up or I'll make you shut up' look.

"Relax brother... it was just a curious question" Max said almost chuckling. 

"Carter, could you please get some juice from the fridge?" Jasmine said to my relief. He went to the fridge and got some orange juice. 

"Where's Jacob?" he asked.

"Oh, he's taking a shower." Jasmine answered. 

Jake came out and joined us for breakfast. Max insisted that he will clear the dishes so Jasmine let him. After that Carter took the boys out and I was alone with Jasmine.

"So, what don't I know about you?" I said initiating conversation.

"Does this mean you're staying?" she said getting excited.

I smiled and said, "Not finalized yet. It depends on whether the 4 of you are comfortable with it." 

"Well, I want you to stay. You are the first and the only girl my brother has ever thought about. I want both of you to be happy. I am sure the guys will agree with me. We are your family, why do you think we'll object to something that makes you happy?" she said.

"Well, I am glad you are happy with it. I hope the guys think the way you do." I said. She gave me a hug. We sat there sharing stories of our lives and didn't even realize how much time had passed until we heard the car pull in the drive way. I started getting nervous... I wonder how it went... what they decided...

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