Chapter 16

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Carter's POV

I had to leave the dinner with the guys because the neighbouring alpha called. The whole way I was thinking who the wolves might be. It was going to get ugly if we had been located and our neighbouring pack was endangered because of us. I dropped the car home and I took off from my backyard.

As soon as I entered, I saw a female and 2 males sitting on a sofa. The female was... so beautiful. I could tell she was scared and for some odd reason, I wanted to protect her. She could be a threat for all I knew but something told me she was innocent. I wanted to hold her and tell her it will be alright. That I would do everything in my power to protect her. Right than, the alpha blocked my view of her. 

"We've been waiting for you. Do you know them?" I pointed to the three of them.

"No sir. I don't." I said. After that the interrogation began. I tried my best to defend them by presenting the positive possibilities. The final verdict was that they were going to come with me to our place. I took them to a nearby restaurant for food. I told them about my past as Kathy told me the rest of the details about hers. On our way back home Kathy thanked me and we started running. When Kathy phased, I was even more attracted to her. I have seen some really good-looking women in my life but never have I felt this kind of connection. On our way home, I figured out what this was. She was my mate, she had to be. There was simply no other explanation for how I felt.

I was leading as I knew the way and as soon as I entered the backyard, I saw a very worried Jace who screamed "Where the fuck have you been?"

For some reason, my wolf was not ok with this behavior of his but I figured that I was in the wrong here so I chose not to say anything. He apologized right away though, as he saw the other 3 wolves. They also met Jazz. Jazz arranged their stay in a way that Kathy would stay with her. I wanted Kathy to stay with me. Sleep next to me so I could be there for her if she needed anything, be the first one she sees when she woke up. I didn't ask her though because even in my thoughts, it sounded weird to me.

Next morning, I told Jace everything I knew about their past when he asked me how long they were staying. I wish they would never leave. I wanted Kathy to stay with me till the day I die. Ofcourse she would have to out-live me because I couldn't think about living without her now.

I picked up groceries and went back home to find Jazz cooking something in the kitchen.

"Good morning sunshine" I said entering the kitchen.

"Good morning Carter" She replied. I was now looking at the stairs waiting in anticipation.

"She's still sleeping." I heard Jazz.

"Wh... what? who?" I said trying to cover up.

"Kathy. Kathy is still sleeping." she said chuckling "You know this is very amusing to me. I've never seen you so vulnerable. You're like a love-sick-puppy... it's cute!" she added with the biggest grin on her face.   

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I said not making eye contact.

"Carter, you're not the only one who can see right through me. It works both ways you know. I just want you to know that I like Kathy. I think she is perfect for you." She said.

"You really think so? Do you think she realizes that she's my mate?" I blurted out in excitement without giving it a second thought... and regretted immediately.

"Awww... my brother's in love!" she said teasing me.

"That's not... well... ughh... what's the point. Yes, I love her." I said.

"So, when are you asking her?" she asked.

"Asking her what?" I answered with a question.

"Oh-my-God... you're hopeless Carter! You need to ask her to stay here with us. She's your mate, you can't let her leave." she said.

"I don't know... what if... what if she rejects me?" I said getting worried.

Jazz came to me, held my hands and said, "Carter, you're never going to find out if you don't ask. You are a great guy and I am sure she can see the greatness in you just like I can. Don't let her go Carter, you'll regret it. I know I'm not mom but I have something of her that I think she would want you to have." and she pulled out a box.

I opened it to find my mother's diamond ring in it. I just realized how grown up my 13 year old sister was. I gave her a bear hug partly because I was glad she was my sister and partly because I have never been so nervous in my life.

I started putting the groceries away and that's when Kathy came down. She had just taken a shower so she had beautiful wet hair. She was wearing black 3/4 tights and a light grey top. She had eyeliner on bringing out the best of her grey eyes. Oh how much I loved her.

Jazz nudged me to bring me to my senses and went back to making breakfast. Kathy started helping Jazz with the breakfast.

"Umm... I still haven't showered. I'll take a quick shower and be back." Jazz said leaving Kathy and me alone in the kitchen. This was very obvious but neither one of us said anything. After she left, I initiated the conversation.

"I hope you slept well." I said and than thought... wow, that's all you could think of? Jazz was right, I was hopeless!

"Yes, infact it was so comfortable that I slept in." she said with a smile. I could tell that Jazz was eaves-dropping on our conversation. 

"Would you... like to... maybe take a walk around the forest with me?" I asked.

"I would love to." She said and we left the house...  

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