Chapter 46

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Max's POV

After my conversation with Chris, I talked to Tyler about it and he died laughing.

Me: "It's not funny! I need to come out to everyone and tell him before he finds out from someone else."

Tyler: "Ohh... relax. I got you covered. There's a party at my place tomorrow. Be there."

The rest of the day was pretty normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. Alec was well enough to go to school but Carter suggested he spent a day or two with Chatara and make a decision. Chatara was an interesting character. We barely noticed she was ever there! We asked Carter and Kathy to go to the Party and they agreed. Jazz was going with us too. Alec and Chatara wanted to discuss something with Carter and Kathy so it all worked out beautifully. Honestly I didn't care if Chatara stayed or not. I knew Alec was going no-where... unfortunately.

The next day all of us went to Tyler's place directly from school to help them prepare for the party. There was going to be a lot of alcohol but Chris and Tyler both know that we prefer not to drink so they respect that. We all got changed and around 7:30 people started coming in. It was around 10 PM when Tyler came to me, "Are you ready?"

Me: "Yeah. Except what do you have in mind?"

Tyler: "Just trust me." He took my hand and both of us climbed up a table. Jazz turned the music off so everyone looked around to see what's happening. That's when Tyler set off a blow horn and yelled, "People, people, people... there's an announcement to be made." When he was sure he had mostly everyone's attention, he turned to me, held my face with his hands and started kissing me. I didn't know THIS was his way of getting me to come out to everyone. I was brain-dead as to what was happening. At first people were in shock but when Jazz started cheering, everyone else kind of joined in. I kissed him back and gave him a tight hug. Once we got off the table a lot of people were congratulating us. I really didn't think it was going to be this easy. I really thank my lucky stars that I found someone like Tyler. He made my life so much easier.

After being greeted by Jazz and Jace, we were making our way to the backyard when we ran into Chris and Jacob. 

Chris: "Really Ty? And Max, I trusted you bro!"

Tyler: "Listen, he hadn't come out and I wasn't sure if it was ok for me to..."

Chris: "Just shut up Ty. I'm not OK with this. The decision is yours to make." he said and left. Jace and Jazz saw that too. Jacob didn't say anything either. I didn't want to be the reason to come in-between two brothers.

Tyler: "Hey, Max. Don't take it to heart. He's just in shock. Don't let it ruin your night. I'll talk to him."

Me: "Ty, I don't want you to have to talk to him all by yourself. I'll be there with you." 

We looked around and everyone was having a good time. We decided to go up. He was on the terrace having a smoke, talking to Jacob. I signalled Tyler to wait. We decided to listen in. I was pretty sure Jake had already noticed Tyler's presence and by extension mine too but he didn't call us out.

Jake: "So, you're not happy with your brother dating my brother."

Chris: "Would you be if Jazz decided to date me?"

Jake: "You know, I always wondered how you were ok dealing with Tyler being gay."

Chris: "What's there to deal with? That's his preference. That's not all there is to him. Why? do you not accept Max being gay?"

Jake: "I didn't at first but than I thought of Tyler and you. What you thought of Ty. Like you said, there's much more to them than just the fact that they're gay. I've known Max all my life so I almost felt betrayed when he came out. Just like you're feeling now."

Chris: "Yeah, but it's different. I trusted Max... and Ty. Only if Tyler could trust me enough to tell me..."

Jake: "What? What would you have done? You would've either hit him in anger and tell him that he can forget about Max or pick an impulsive fight with Max. In either case, someone would end up hurt. I think what they did today was necessary. This way, Tyler was sure you wouldn't create a scene." 

Chris: "Did you know Jake? About them?"

Jake: "Nop. I found out today with everyone else. Just like you. Listen, what exactly is your problem? That they're dating or that they didn't tell you before they told everyone else?"

Chris: "A bit of both I guess."

Jake: "You know Chris, your brother is dating Max. You KNOW how Max is. He will never hurt Tyler in any way. I am a player and so are you, but Max is not like us."

Chris: "I know what you mean but what if something between them goes wrong?"

Jake: "You can't object to their relationship because you're afraid it might not work out! In that case you should've never dated yourself. Do you really want me to show you your own track record?"

Chris: "But we don't date the way they are dating!"

Jake: "That's my point. They're serious about it and your approval matters to them. Don't you rather have Tyler date someone who is serious about him than someone who just wants to get in his pants? Look, it's not like they won't see each other if you don't approve but if you do approve, it will make both their lives much easier."

Chris: "I don't know man. The idea is still..."

Jake: "Still what? Out of ordinary? Did you expect your brother to be single for the rest of his life? You and I both know that Max is a great guy for Tyler. So put your overprotective male ego aside and accept them as a couple already!"

Chris: "Ok Ok... I'll talk to them." Jake signalled me to go to them now. I took Tyler's hand and we walked in front of them.

Chris: "Ty... Max... I guess I'll have to get used to seeing the two of you together. But Max, you give me one good reason and someone WILL get hurt."

Tyler: "Thanks bro." Chris bro-hugged me and we all went downstairs. I couldn't believe what Jacob had done for me. I thought he would be against this whole thing. I really did appreciate his acceptance though. The rest of the party was pretty good. When I figured it was time to go home is when I encountered another major issue... a drunk Jazz!

I was so pre-occupied with Tyler that I wasn't watching Jazz as much. Jace, Jacob and Chris were probably busy making out or having sex with someone. Jazz was with a bunch of senior girls that gave her alcohol. They were just adoring how cute she looked when she mumbled. They were asking her about Jake and Jace. I went there and grabbed her by her arm.

Me: "Jasmine! What the hell are you doing?"

Jazz: "Ohh heyyyy Max. I was just talking to these girls."

Me: "You're drunk!?"

Jazz: "I'm nooot drunk! They said I was buzzed. There's a biiig difference." the girls were giggling.

Tyler: "Max, let's take her upstairs."

Some girl: "Hey, you don't tell her what to do. She can stay here if she wants." she said holding onto Jazz's arm.

Tyler: "Take your hands off of her before I help you." that scared the girl I guess as she did leave Jasmine's hand. We took her upstairs and now the task of finding the other 3 had to be undertaken. Just when I think my night can't get more exciting! If Carter found out, he was going to kill all 4 of us tonight... 

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