Chapter 11

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Jazz's POV

It's Saturday morning! Jace and Carter have gone to work. I should probably get the grocery shopping done... maybe pick a little something up for me to wear tonight. We get most of the groceries from the place Jace works at so I was just going to buy things that are not sold at Jace's work place. I took the list and left home.

Jace said the party wasn't anything too fancy so I bought black shorts and a black, one button vest to go with a white top and flats that I already have. I was proud of my shopping skills, I got the cloths under $20 since they were on sale AND I got student discount. I was home within two hours. Who would say I was raised by boys! 

Since I wasn't cooking dinner tonight, I decided to get my homework done after I vacuumed while the cloths were in the washer. I heard the machine beep while I was in the middle of the last question. I finished the question and put the cloths in the dryer. I still had time till my brothers come back so I sat down with my mother's diary. The one Jace and Carter gave me on my 13th b'day. It had the story of how my mom met the love of her life, my dad. It was quite dramatic to say the least. In the story, there was the 3 of us after they got married, happiness, good and bad events but what bothered me was that she never finished her story... there was no happily ever after. I've thought about finishing it for her but I don't think I'm ready yet.

I heard the front doors unlock. It was my brothers. 

"Hey guys! Cupcakes? I got them today from the bakery on my way back." I said.

"You are the best! What would we do without you." Carter said giving me a bear hug.

After they changed, we just sat there chatting about random things till I decided to get ready. It was 5:00 and Jace said we needed to be there for 6:00. I went to my room to get changed. I decided to leave my hair open that were straightened from the top and ended with big curls. I put eye-liner and lip gloss in the name of make-up and accessorised with a necklace that belonged to my mom, a small pair of studs and a black hat. I walked down to find Carter and Jace staring at me.

"WHAT are you wearing?" Carter asked. I wasn't sure if I was under-dressed or he disapproved of the shorts.

"I thought you said it wasn't too fancy! Am I under-dressed?" I asked looking at Jace. 

"Let's just say... you look too nice for me to take you there. Go put some pants on." Jace replied.

"But why? I think I look just fine! If it's about the shorts... grow up guys."

"You are not leaving this house with those shorts on." Carter said.

"Come on... what's wrong with these? They are a decent length, I just bought them today. Do you guys have a problem with me leaving the house actually looking good for once?"

"It's not that... we just don't want you to get the wrong kind of attention." Carter said.

"I know you love me and want to protect me and all but seriously, it's a party that I'm going to with JACE. I think I look just fine. We should leave now if we want to make it there in time." I said while they were having a telepathic conversation. My brothers have this thing where they seem to talk to each other without saying a word. It bugs me no ends but that doesn't stop them.

I was glad they didn't make me change. I couldn't think of anything else to wear. Carter drove us to the party that was held in a place that was a sea-facing mansion. It was gorgeous! I saw lots of cars and a lot more people. 

Carter: "You guys better be back by 12. Have fun and keep away from alcohol." and than he drove off.

Jace and I entered the place and quite a few heads turned. We made our way through a lot of greetings to the BBQ machine. Jace had always been charming but I didn't think he was so damn popular.

"Look who's here!" A tall guy with dirty blond hair turned to us. "so glad you could make it bro." he added. He noticed me but didn't say anything till Jace introduced me.

"This is my sister Jasmine. And this is my friend Chris." right than another guy who looked similar enough to Chris for anyone to guess that they shared the same DNA joined us. 

"Oh.. this is my brother Tyler. He'll be joining our highschool next year aswell." Chris said. 

"Hey, it's nice to meet you guys" he said shaking our hands. "Would you mind if I ask the lady for a dance?" Tyler asked mimicking the social etiquette. I was surprised to see no reaction from Jace. When I looked at him, he didn't have any of the expressions I was expecting. 

"Sure, if she doesn't mind." Jace said to my disbelief. Tyler was looking at me now holding his hand out. I nodded and went with him. While we were walking to the dance floor I realized why Jace didn't mind me dancing with this guy. Tyler's gay. I didn't mind atall, he was a great dancer. We were having fun when a pair of twin brothers approached us. 

"Helloooo hotie... how is it that we haven't seen you till today?" one said. 

"You should be with

a real man, why are you wasting your time with this gay faggot." the second one said. I looked at Tyler, he was hurt but didn't say anything. 

"Because I rather dance with a gay guy who is gentleman than with a straight guy like you, you spineless little fraction of a man." I said turning back to Tyler. I felt a hand grab my arm and the next thing I knew, I was behind Tyler as he pushed that hand off my arm. "Keep your filthy hands off of her you animal." he yelled.

"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" everyone around us started saying in chorus. 

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