Chapter 49

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Hello readers... sorry I haven't updated recently. I got caught up in stuff. I promise this story is coming to an end soon. Thanks for reading!


Carter's POV

I guess this was one way to get them started on training without having to explain much. I had leads on a lot of drug lords and I was going to book them. I just wanted to make sure that my family would be strong enough to fend for themselves if things got personal. Usually everyone follows the general rule of 'family doesn't get involved' in our field. We don't hurt the criminal's family and they don't hurt ours. It's a man to man game but because of my past, it wouldn't take much for people to get personal. Either they would think that I'm doing this for my father and try to get back to him which would result in my father hunting for us OR they would figure that I know too much about their families and try to hurt my family. I know I would have to break the news to everyone at some point but I would like to wait till they graduate.

The next morning I met them in the backyard. I was surprised that no one was late. We ran in wolf forms and I was observing. As I pushed them harder and harder, the formations they made unconsciously, always had max in the beta position and Jazz was always in a protected position. After the run, I made them train in human form. Push ups, sit ups and fighting strategies. After that it was fighting in wolf form. I wouldn't say I was amazed at their capabilities but I wasn't disappointed either. I could work with this. On the breakfast table, all four of them were really quiet. I could see they were tired but I needed them to this. When they were going to get dressed for school, I called Jazz's name. All of them stopped at the same time. I could sense the tension.

Me: "Jazz, I... erm... I wated to talk to you." I got no response except for stares so I continued. "I needed to apologize. I shouldn't have hit you. I'm really sorry! Will you forgive me?"

Jazz just ran into my arms and started sobbing a little. I held her tight and kissed her head as she burried her face deeper in my chest. It reminded me of holding her as a baby. 

Jazz: "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have had so much to drink... I'm really very sorry. It will never happen again. I promise!"

Me: "That doesn't mean I'll stop the training. You're all still going through it." No one responded to it but the irritation was clear on everyone's face.

In the next few days Alec came back and requested to join them. I figured he might as well. The day he joined, I was looking at their formations. Alec constantly tried to run closer to Jazz and was blocked every time by the other three. What I was surprised at was that despite of liking him a lot, Jazz never tried to leave the formation. It was like she was the heart of the formations and despite of not being able to run with Alec, she was connected to him more than anyone else. She was very stable at the position she was running at... she would prove to be a great luna some day even though she is a little rough around the edges right now. I laughed at what I saw. I didn't have to do anything to keep Jazz and Alec away at this point. It was already being taken care of. Not that I dislike Alec or anything, it's just that both of them phased earlier than time and they were just too young to mate.

Soon enough, all five of them got better at it. If all of them faught me now, I'd probably lose. It was getting close to the graduation for Jace and the twins. Jacob had decided to go into software and programming, Jace wanted to persue engineering, and Max decided on business administration. They had already been accepted in good institutes for their respective fields. Surprisingly, they were nominated for scholarships! I mean, not that I doubt their abilities but I didn't expect them to get such big entrance scholarships and nominations to external ones too! I do have enough money saved up for them just in case. Now all they have to do is graduate without getting into troubles...


Max's POV

The training seemed uncalled for in the beginning but as we got better, I realized how terribly out of shape we actually were. I'm sure Carter has an ulterior motive behind the training. Otherwise he would've stopped soon after we started. I decided to wait for him to tell us instead of inquiring about it. Graduation got close and so did PROM. Not that I'm a big fan of it but if I got to go with Tyler on a date, I'm more than happy to go. I loved it how he didn't need an invite. He just casually asked one day, "So am I buying the tickets or you are? Or are we both buying our own?". It was a different story I had already bought the tickets...

Jacob decided to ask the head cheerleader as expected and Jace asked a cute girl out too. The last time we were going to attend a dance, a lot happened. Hopefully, not this time around. We were sitting in the cafe during lunch when Jake came to us and said, "Jazz is going to the prom with someone. And it's not Alec!"...

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