Chapter 20

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Carter's POV

"Good morning" I heard while I was still in bed. Kathy woke me up with a kiss on the cheeks.

"Yup, it is a good morning." I said pulling her towards me. She was now on top of me. 

"I couldn't agree more." She said pulling me up as she got up. She was sitting in my lap now with her feet resting on the bed. "Hmmm... someone's in a good mood. I feel like..." She whispered moving her fingers on my chest. " there's a lot to do..." she whispered as she leaned in and smirked "so the romance will just have to wait" she said in a flat voice and in the next second she had moved away from me, standing close to the bedroom door.

"You're such a tease!" I complained.

"I know, but you still love me. Meet me down in 10?" She blew a kiss and left. Oh how much I love this woman. 

I got dressed and went downstairs to find everyone in the kitchen. 

"Good morning everyone." I said. Jace and the twins nodded and Jasmine replied with "Good morning Carter."

We all had breakfast and left for Jace's highschool. This ofcourse excluded Jasmine as she went to her school. Jace and Jacob decided to ride the bike Jace had borrowed from his buddy Saturday night. We got the guys enrolled in school and left them there as the principal said they could start today. Kathy and I were on our way to the mall to get sim cards for their cell phones when I got a call from our land lord.

"Hey kid, listen, remember the buddy I told you about? The one who has the house? He said he might be interested in renting it to you. He is in town, why don't you meet him? I haven't said anything about money so you can talk to him directly. What do you say?"

"Sure. I would like to meet him."

"What time will you be available?"

"How about around 4PM?"

"Ok, I'll e-mail you the address. You can meet him at the house at 4." and he hung up.

"Who was that?" Kathy asked.

"The current land-lord. Looks like he REALLY wants us to leave. He said his buddy with a potential place for rent is in town. I figured we should atleast go see the place. If the rent is too high we can always say no." I said.

"Hmm... true. I'll go with you. Right now, you've skipped your morning class already so I'm going to drop you off and drive to the mall myself. I'll pick up the kids from school and drop them home. I'll pick you up and we can go there directly in the evening. So Mr.Smith, drive away to your campus." she said being dramatic.

"Your wish is my command Ms. Austen." and I drove to campus.

She kissed me good bye and drove off. 


Alright, I know this was a little short but please do vote if you like the story. 

If you would like the story to move faster/slower with more/less details... please leave a message or a comment.

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